Vivian's POV:
As soon as Justin saw that I shot the dagger, he turned the lights back on and left before anyone realized that it was him. I looked back to where I threw the dagger but I was horrified when I saw that nobody got hit with the dagger and that the dagger was stuck on the other wall across from me.
I was so into the dagger that I didn't realize that the guards were investigation each and everyone at the ball for any more weapons. I was shocked that I forgot completely about the other daggers hiding underneath my dress and I was panicking cause I missed my target and he was standing right next to his mom and dad who were angry that someone tried to harm their son.
Before anyone could react Justin (being the idot he is) yelled out to hurry up and throw the remaining daggers at him and even called my name loud and clear for everyone to hear... The guards hurriedly rushed to me and before I realized what I was doing, I jumped from where I was standing and landed right outside the palace and started running back to the rebel hide out with Justin right behind me...
Sorry about this notice... Just know that I might take time to upload a few other POVs and I apologize for that. Please bear with me and you'll soon read chapters with different people POVs.