The Pixie studied her cage carefully after Puck left. It was a gold, Victorian-styled bird cage, enforced by Oberon's magic so she couldn't use her powers to escape. But that didn't mean she couldn't call up some of her comrades....
First she tried the Gremlin that caused this mess in the first place.
"Hey, Gremmy, you owe me. Get over here and let's blow this pop stand!"
The Gremlin appeared, and the cage was also Gremlin-proofed.
" Sorry, Pixie, Oberon made it so magic can't be used to open it. I guess I still owe you..."
"Wait, magic can't be used, what about weapons? Aren't you friends with some Redcaps?"
"Ehhhh, are you SURE you want to owe the Redcaps a favor? You know that won't end well."
"How is being locked in a bird cage a good ending?"
" ...."
"Call 'em. I ain't waiting around."
"Fine." The Gremlin made an ugly face, which for a gremlin was hard. "Laurence, my buddy my pal, I have a need for your axe, just some mild crashing, no bloodbaths."
"No blood, why call me?"
"It will piss off Oberon"
"I'm in."
Laurence appeared before them and sneered. "Water, ick"
"See that cage, bust it open, but don't hurt the Pixie. She is my meal ticket these past few years."
Laurence peered at the cute little thing in the cage. "How is this pissing off Oberon, freeing a kelpie's playtoy?"
"I wish I was his playtoy," muttered the Pixie, not quite as under her breath as she wanted.
"This is the new Pixie Consort. She has escaped twice. This will be the third time. You can play both sides. Help her escape, later she can help you get involved in major bloodbaths again."
"You think Oberon will let us go to war again after what happened the last time?"
"If anyone can convince him, she could."
"Um, hey, it really isn't like that...." the Pixie interjected.
"What the hell, it's worth it to piss off His Royal Majesty." And the Redcap swung his axe and broke the cage, and the enchantments vanished. As soon as the Pixie realized she was free, she grabbed the gremlin and the redcap and disappeared.