Amidst the battle, two figures are fighting together against the group consisting of bandits and mist of two figures one is a child aged 5-6 while the other is aged mid-twenties.
" Again!!! Why do I have to go through this? I was minding my own Goddamn business, why to drag me here!!!!!" Isaac, said in anger while slaying one of the bandits.
"Well...I was quite getting bored and wanted to bring a friend to the party where I can be a pretty princess" Rose sarcastically said and added" What I am supposed to do?? Call a childcare department for help if not yours then" she screamed while shooting fire magic to one of them the bandits.
" Oh, SHUT IT!! Don't blame me!!! blame them they are one responsible for your peace being broken, I am just an innocent child who was pulled up in this mess".Rose said while evading all the furry attacks coming from the bandits.
" Innocent CHILD!!! what do you take me for if you are innocent then The Hulk, Isaac said sarcastically and added " If you're crazy brother know about this mess, guess whose neck he is coming for?".
"Not mine!!!" Rose yelled with a grin while twisting the arm of bandits who was going to attack her with a sword.
"Exactly!!!" Isaac yelled back at her and then said "Can we finish this already!!! You know your mom gonna know what's wrong then she will come for your head next!!"
"Not before yours", Rose said with a grin.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?."
"Nope..not really!!. the blood keeps staining my clothes. So...No."
"You little..."
"Hey, Isaac before you complete that sentence...Catch it before it falls" Rose said as she throws something which is wrapped in a cloth towards Issac which ironically he catches.
After catching it, Isaac asked "What is this thing?... It's all bloody messed up"
"That's a present for ya"
"What kind of person gives gifts like this" Isaac said as he proceeded to open. After he opens up he sees a severed head of the bandits which is the chief of the bandits they are currently fighting with.
"Don't tell that it's you who done it"
"What!!! don't you like your little present?"
" I wonder what will your brother think if he sees this trait of yours"
" Oi!!! Don't Jinx it!!!," Rose yelled as cut down a final bandit in her range.
Mostly all half of the bandits were wiped out by both Isaac and Rose alone. The surviving bandits ran from both of them. After their kills, they went to the bandit's coven to steal their loots and in there they saw lots of young women, children, and slaves of all forms.
"Look at their artwork they have done to these poor souls," Rose said with a little pity in her eyes.
" Would you mind not telling me these are the artwork", Issac said as his eyes brows twitched in irritation.
" Okay!!!! Let's Gather all the loots and go from here then I will call my father to clean this mess up."
"What are you going to tell your father?.. are ya going to say this" Issac asked which he then proceed to mimic rose and said "Dear, father.. I was strolling through our territory and I stumbled upon a group of bandits and I eradicate them looted their loots and I want you to take care of the aftermath" and gave rose signature cutely eyes and a smile in progress.