Chereads / The Legend of Carmine / Chapter 2 - Princess or General?

Chapter 2 - Princess or General?

Lapen was ruled by king Ather and queen Cleo who had one heiress, 18 years old princess Carmine. So, all these years being a female heir to the throne had always bothered her. As she had known behind her back people gossiped if they had a prince as heir and not a princess. She also knew that the King's court always requested her father to marry again to bear a son. Though, the king had refused the idea as he loved his queen dearly.

Once when Carmine was just a child. She was playing hide and seek in the palace garden when she heard her own uncle, who was the best swordsmen of the nation saying if only he had a nephew instead of a niece he would have gladly taught him his skill.

These words ultimately pushed her to decide that she would be nothing less than a prince to the nation in all aspects. But, it was not an easy task as king and queen did not expect her to be a prince but a princess in all aspects. So, she told her father that she will excel in all the subjects such as dancing, cooking, etiquettes, poetry, music, and so on as required for a princess if he allows her to learn horse-riding, sword fighting, arrow shooting, military everything taught for a prince. King agreed to it as he thought the little girl's interest will soon grow out of those horse riding, combat, military subjects. On the contrary, Carmine became more and more inclined and better in it throughout the years.

Finally, the competition was set to choose the general. They got numerous applicants. Carmine knew her capabilities but she also knew the king would never allow her to go to war. So, she carefully set this up to show her abilities to the entire court and the king. Carmine disguised as a boy called Armine and covered her face with a mask. The mask covered her entire face. She passed all the intellectual and military tests with flying colors which were set by the scholars and heroes of the country. She also defeated Lex in the semifinal in one on one duel.

At last, she stood in front of the entire court. As the winner of the competition. All the ministers in the King's court agreed that this young boy (who is Carmine in disguise) was capable to take the general's position. But, they faced an ordeal, how can they trust him without seeing his face.

So, they voiced their opinion and said "Armine we do not doubt that you are an intellectual and skillful fighter and you have earned the post of general in your sole merits but how can we bestow the title of general without seeing your face. Even though we disregarded your background of being orphan and from a poor family."

Armine stated so you are saying you cannot trust me simply because you have not seen my face. Armine gave a smirk under the mask and said" Respected Court, do you think I got here with my face. Do you think I fought with my face in combat and solved those difficult strategical problems with my face? "

All the court could not reply to it.

Then king Ather said' " Armine please remove your mask. When you remove it I will bestow you the general title. "

(Note: the King's court consist of ministers only and the princess had taken leave of absence by stating she was sick throughout this period)

Armine replies," Your Majesty, I hope you remember your words and cannot back down on it."

King Ather, " I promise to give you the title of general if you remove your mask and let us see your face."

Then she removed her mask. After seeing her face everyone was shocked.

King Ather said, "Princess Carmine, what nonsense is this? How can you be thinking of playing games in this serious crisis of our nation."

Carmine said, " My Majesty, I am not playing. I am every bit serious about this situation. I know you would not have allowed me to lead the troop even if I asked you for it. So, I had to plan this to show you my capabilities. And now your majesty has promised to give me the general's title based on my merits."

Just then a messenger barged in. King was in a bad mood he asked, " How dare he come in the court without asking for an appointment."

The messenger replied, " Your Majesty, sorry for my tardiness but this is a very urgent message from the front defense field. It states that Ouran is starting to mobilize the army and preparing for an attack."

King was shocked and replied, "This is an urgent matter. You are excused. I will discuss this with my court."

This new send shock waves in the court. It was clear that they need to appoint a general as soon as possible.

Carmine said, " Your Majesty, please allow me to lead the army."

King Ather, " No, you are my daughter how can I send you to war even though I know you are the best."

Carmine replies," Is it just because I was born as a girl that I am not allowed to go to war and protect my nation. If I had been a prince, you and all these ministers would have been so proud and considerate me brave for asking to lead the army. Father, please let me go. If I had been a son you would have sent me off with pride for the war, won't you? I have already proven that I am as capable as the late General Rogue to handle this."

Finally, King Ather agreed because he knew only she could help them be victorious against the Ouran after the downfall of General Rogue. He remembered what General Rogue had once said. He had once said if he could choose his successor just on merits he would have chosen princess Carmine, disregarding her identity as a female and a princess. King Arther bestowed the title of general to Carmine.

Carmine requested that she wished to continue her identity as Armine as a man. So, she could keep her army motivated for war. Especially at this hour when Ouran was about to attack.

The king gave a decree that she would be continuing her identity as Armine as a man and take the late general Rogue post. The king also ordered that all the attendees in the court need to keep the princess's identity a secret.