Davids pov
I woke up with a jolt to hear liza talking i looked around to see carly, Erin, and Heath
Liza: ah good morning
David: oh hey Carly how was that club
Carly: great, just miner hick up tho
David: oh yeah what
Craly: you guy dont aswer the fucking phone so we had to walk because, ubers dont come to the area we where in
David: we didn't get any calls
I pulled out my phone and looked at my notifications to see snapchat, instagram, and that's about it no missed calls
David: just snapchat and instagram see
I turned my phone to show them
Erin: well that odd
Heath: we called almost 50 times each
Liza: so anyways what are we going to do today
David: how about we do a story time
Liza: on what dumb ass
David: about what happened with gabbie
Everyone: no
Heath: are you stupid
Carly: gabbie got attacked by zane and if this gets out into the public hell come back
Liza: and more importantly the paparazzi
Erin: they always want a story or something to turn it into something bigger than it really is
David: yeah thats why
Liza: david shut the fuck up gabbie wouldt want the paparzzi coming up to the hospital and harasing her and the hospital wouldt want that ether
David: so what
Erin: david you know damn well that tmz will be on this, buzz feed and so many others will try and get the story first so you know there going to try and get anyone they can to give information
Heath: no one can know about this until gabbie says it fine
David: your right welp i'm going home
I got up and walked out the house and hopped into my car and drove home. When I got home, I set up my camera and did the story time that they told me not to do because I felt like it, and also the views it would get me
Gabbie pov
At the hospital, things were fine there hasn't been a sign of zane all day which is good and I hope it will stay that way because the thought of someone getting hurt because the person whos after me has to hurt someone else to get me
Nur: um hello miss hannah do you need anything
Gabbie: no i'm fine i will be okay
Nur: okay but i have a question
Gabbie: sure shoot
Nur: why don't you ever need anything you know we will help if needed it's my job
Gabbie: I don't want to worry you all you have people who are here for bigger reasons that i am
Nur :oh but i'm not assigned to multiple people I'm assigned to you and you only so when need something ill be here to help
Gabbie: okay but i don't want you to be overwhelmed
Nur: okay i'll leave you alone miss hanna
The nurse left and I just sat and got on my phone for a while. I was on ig when i got a text from David
Hey gabbie watch my new video
Just do it
Okay fine david
I stopped texting david and got on youtube and went to david's youtube channel and saw a video called "story time with david" witch was odd because he never did story times. I clicked on the video and began to watch it
David's video
Hey guys and today im doing a video that i wouldt normaly do which is as you can tell by the title is a story time, so this story is about the relationship of gabbie and zane.
When he said that my world had been plunged into darkness, why would he do this he knows that this is something that i wouldt want out there until I was ready to share it with the world. I continued to watch the video and heard every single detail of what his pov of the situation was.
I finished the video and texted him back
David what the hell
Sorry gabbie but i needed the views and so did you
David take the video down now you fucking cunt
Gabbie even if I took it down now millions of people have already seen it by now im sorry
You fucking prick
I was already getting dm after md from people and all I could do was cry at this point because what could i do if i say something online it will get even bigger than what it already is.
Gabbie: god damn it david
I said as I felt my phone vibrate.
I picked up my phone and saw it was a chat request from zane, unlock my phone and it takes me to ig where i press asept and see what he sent me
It was a picture of a cardboard cut out of me with red exes over my eyes and had multiple knife stuck into my stomach looking at it made me have a dreadful feeling. The more I looked the more my stab wound was hurting soon after 6 seconds of looking at the picture I was in tears and in pain i couldt seem to look away from it but the nurse came in
Nur: miss hanna you okay
Gabbie: what i didnt ca-
I felt my hand on the help button i didn't even notice i pressed it
Gabbie: the guy he texted me and sent me this
I held up my phone to show the nurse the picture
Nur: how long has this been going on for
Gabbie; this the only text I got from him today
Nur: ill call the police but before i do do you know why he might send this to you
Gabbie: yes, my friend they thought did this to me posted a video telling what happened to
Nur: okay
The nurse left the room and I felt like someone was watching me or something so i called liza
Liza's pov
Gabbies calling me
Gabbie: liza did you see his video
Liza: yeah we told him not to
Gabbie: that made zane mad and now i think he's out to kill me
Liza: well what makes you think that
Gabbie: he sent me this
Gabbie sent me a picture
I saw that picture and it sent tingles down my spine
Liza: gabbie ask to call the police
Gabbie: i did
Liza: wait a second place in the picture looks familiar
Gabbie: yeah its. . . my house
1049 words