Glimpse and the others jaws dropped, soon two others put a silver crown with blue and purple gems on glimpes head. Everyone still bowing was cheering "shines daughter has come!", "shes look just like her mother!", "Another ruler!. Soon the girl who has asked glimpse had finally explained "My name is NightShade as your royal advisor, (if you allow me), I can explain anything to you whether it be our history or just a brief explanation. Soon nightshade pointed at a picture "that's queen shine and king shadow walker, they say long ago thier daughter would come back and lead us out of hiding". Glimpse stood back and was really worried "not going home, but not seeing parcel, lockheart or any of her friends again?!" soon nightshade started to ramble "Of course we need to find someone suitable for you to rule with and get you a royal court, of course you'll have to make sure your tail is in proper shape.." Nuka was infuriated "SHES NOT STAYING!" everyone glanced at him, soon a guard shouted "throw this one back in the storm", before nuka was thrown out glimpse put a force field around him, "dont hurt him, please hes my friend". They dropped him down, soon kou flew down "she cant stay here she, she has her own repsonbtlities" glimpse gave kou a warm smile. Nightshade seemed sad, she finally got to help, "you can come with us and be my royal adviser" glimpse said with a warm smile. Nightshade felt alot better "thank you your majesty", everyone walked out, but they had to go through the way they came in through the gaint tornado. There was lots of wind, even nightshade had trouble to stay on,"if we cant fly thought it, we can follow it to the top!", we all pondered nightshades plan. Glimpse took a running start, and flew out the funnel, soon we heard an "its safe!" on the other side; ara,shelby,turtle,pineapple, and kylin were at a disadvantage without wings, nuka then told glimpse to be ready to catch. Glimpse saw on the other side that both of thier dragons were still there, "Ready?" nuka said "Yep!" glimpse responded; Soon ara and shelby came flying down from the top and glimpse caught both and put them safely on thier dragons. Soon everyone was okay expect kou, he still had to go; once he went his tail had flew off since the wind. He fell very fast, soon glimpse flew down after him, she was able to grab his arm and fly back up, "why?, why did you save?" kou asked, "your my friend too" glimpse said with a smile. Soon once everyone was safe, and kous tail was fixed they went to nightmare clan.
As they entered, the sky was full with flames and very dark clouds, there was severe damage to mostly everything. glimpse then ran down to see if anyone was there "hello?, anybody here?"glimpse felt sadden by looking at the home she once knew. Nuka then saw a vine "look! its parcels vine!", they saw rubble and rocks, all of sudden when glimpse put her hand on the rock. "There someone under there!, There alive!", soon nuka was moving rocks, finally they found who it was. Nuka soon felt a rush of happiness, "Its parcel!", they brought here out, and laid here softly on the ground; give her space! soon glimpse healed what needed to be healed, then parcel coughed. ", head..wha?" she soon saw glimpse standing there " it you?, after all those months?". glimpse gave her a soft hug, "it's me, and this time to stay". Soon parcel started to cry a bit "they'd destroyed everything, they took thousand of people, we thought, we thought, they killed you..", soon a familiar voice awakened them, "so the darkheart finally decides to come back?".