Soon while they were flying, glimpse didnt feel good; soon she felt like she was being drawn to something, her eyes instead of her regular pupils they went into full diamond eyes. She flew downward, nuka was worried about glimspe, since she wanst flying right. "Glimpse is everything okay?" he shouted, but she wasn't listening she focusing on something, then kou did the same; all of a sudden kou and glimpse flew faster and were leaving them behind "don't loose them!" nuka said to the others. Shelby and ara were trying to control their dragon, but the dragon knew thier was danger, then all of a sudden they were brought to a giant tornado, and it started raining hard. Glimpse then did something strange, she and kou spun in circles then went straight into the tornado, "WHAT?!" everyone shouted, Nuka then shouted "We have to follow them!", then ara dragon cut in front of nuka,"we'll die if we go in there!" ara shouted. "Fine, then stay out here and wait" nuka then flew down the tornado as well, "well let's go back", ara and shelby were about to turn around, but the winds took them in the tornado as well. Soon nuka and the others were on a glowing rock, "what happend?", soon nuka looked around and saw thier were a bunch of darkhearts flying around, and there was even other types. Glimpse flew down softly "feeling better?", nuka shook his head "what even happened?", you flew down the tornado and we ended up in darkheart clan". The fate and were running around and enjoying the place, kou was sitting down writting in a book. Glimpse saw the contraption around kous tail and it look bent, "is it working okay?", kou noticed glimpse "yea, it's a bit dented". Kou felt bad that he was lying to glimpse about him being good, soon someone ran past him, it was glimspe who was running toward a glowing light, glimpse stopped and looked up around her. Soon glimpse stopped to marvel at a giant tree which was glowing "we call it the tree of life", glimpse was startled but then soon realized a girl behind the tree; she had dark blue and some red hints for her tail and wings. Glimpse then saw the tree glow more " the person went up to glimpse, "follow me" she said glimpse flew up to the top of a rocky ledge which had hand prints, "what are those for?" glimpse asked, the girl answered "those are the old queen and kings print". Glimpse sat down and put her hand in one of the prints and it fit, the girl was stunned, "your the??", the girl and the other darkhearts saw this and were bowing. Shelby and ara and the others were up on the top as well looking around at everyone "what are they doing"? ara asked. Soon the girl went up to glimspe, "as queen of our clan, I would like to serve my loyalty and become your royal advisor, if she would allow?", nuka cut in "alright nice little prank, but seriously we should be going. Then a person came up to all of them "your friend cant leave, shes the queen!.