Chereads / The Dragonking of Nirn / Chapter 266 - The Justicar Awakens

Chapter 266 - The Justicar Awakens

They returned to the Normandy and Vincent told Garrus to brief Titania about what they went through while he hit the showers right away with his armor on to get everything out of it before removing it while showering.

Once he was done he dried himself and his armor before putting his suit on and walking out of the showers holding his armor which he put on before they disappeared like before.

He looked at the old crystal he once received from Hydaelyn before he arrived on Nirn. He stared deeply at it as it had changed color over the centuries when Vigilance appeared beside him.

"It is radiating in a different light than every other thing I have seen so far except for you," says Vigilance looking at the crystal.

"This is one of the three things that followed me to this Galaxy from my own Universe. The other two things were Behemoth and the bag I always carry around my belt. Later on, I received some weapons that I could never produce in this Galaxy which my father brought over for me," says Vincent as he put the crystal in the inside pocket of his suit.

Vigilance still didn't understand everything around Vincent even after spending a century together already. They walked towards the canteen when he waves at Gardner who opened a beer for him and placed it on the counter when Vincent smiles and he takes a sip from it.

"Nothing is better than some alcohol after such a fucking mission," says Vincent as he didn't like the beer from earth but it was better than nothing at the moment.

"I prepared everything for tomorrow," says Gardner as Vincent smiles at him.

"Then let the best man or woman win tomorrow," says Vincent as he leaves the canteen again to see how Liara was faring with the new patient.

Vincent enters the Medbay and sees that the Justicar was laying on the bed still unconscious when Vincent walks nearer to the Justicar before standing in front of the bed.

Dr. Chakwas joins him and asks, "Can't you help her as you did with Liara before?"

"I could but not with so many eyes on me," says Vincent as he looked serious at the Justicar before he sighs.

"But I should do it anyway since my identity got revealed on Tuchanka," says Vincent as his clothes changed into the White Mage-set while a staff appeared in his hands

Light begins to form at the tip of his staff before he says, "Curaga!"

The Asari was covered by light as her body began to heal completely before she slowly was opening her eyes seeing a bit of light that was blocking her view on what was going on.

The light was slowly disappearing and she could see Vincent, Dr. Chakwas, and Liara looking at her before the clothes and staff disappeared surprising the Asari before she realizes that she is intubated making Dr. Chakwas run over rapidly.

She pulled everything out of her mouth while telling the Asari to remain calm since it could be difficult if the Asari tenses up and she needed to use more force to remove the tubes.

Dr. Chakwas was done removing the tubes while Vincent left not wanting to explain to the Justicar how he manages to heal her out of nowhere.

Liara followed him leaving Dr. Chakwas alone with the Justicar she followed Vincent into the elevator when Vincent pushed the button to go to the Cargo Bay since he still needed to help Fenris with his armor.

"So I heard that people found out that you are the First Emperor," says Liara as Vincent sighs and holds his head.

"Yes, it seems that Wrex has quite the painting of me hanging in their Gathering Hall. He must want to tell the Krogans not to mess with one that looks like that since the guards tensed up when they saw me," says Vincent as Liara giggled from hearing that.

"He is worried that his people offend someone powerful. I remember of hearing a story of the Krogans Council Member that he was tense around a certain Au-Ra that works in the Council out of fear of offending her," says Liara as she heard the story from people she works with.

"Then the Krogan should be exchanged for another. He can't make his work of representing people if he can't surpass that fear," says Vincent as they reached the Cargo Bay and they could smell the Mabari.

"I should have taken him to the showers as well," says Vincent holding his nose as Fenris was watching their little friend doing some push-ups at the moment under the view of Provus and Ishly.

They were far too motivated about it when Vincent asks, "Why are you that motivated?"

"We have a bet going on his many push-ups this little fellow can do," says Ishly as Provus was saying the number forty-three.

"How many does he have to do?" asks Vincent ignoring the smell of Fenris as he found it interesting that Ser Jorey was able to do forty-three push-ups already.

"If he reaches fifty he will get three tasty nuts from us and if he completes a hundred he will receive the double," says Ishly as he was reminded of his reward system for his children.

"So you replaced chocolate with nuts," says Vincent as his two children didn't realize until this moment that they went through the same reward system that Ser Jorey is going through at the moment.

"I can't believe that. I thought the chocolate-," says Ishly as Vincent interrupts her.

"To motivate you. I did the same with my other children except those that were older for example Morrigan. She got extra time to read books as a reward," says Vincent as Ishly remembers Morrigan.

"Is she immortal?" asks Ishly since Morrigan is literally old compared to other Men Races.

"You could say pseudo-immortality. Her sister is the same she lives in Dravania between the Dragons," says Vincent in a sad tone knowing that one day she would die as well.

"Anyway, let me get Fenris into the showers so I get everything out of him," says Vincent as his nose was blocked because of his smell before.

Fenris barks happily since he really wanted to bathe since he didn't smell how he was supposed to when Vincent pushed the button of the elevator to call it.

"Also, Ishly, don't hurt the Justicar now that she is awake. We don't need casualties before the suicide mission as we are all pulling on the same rope against the Collectors," says Vincent as Ishly nods when the door of the elevator opens and the Justicar came out of it in full blaze.

"You are unde-," says the Justicar when Vincent's parental instincts took over as he grabbed the Justicar by her throat while placing one leg behind her before throwing her to the ground.

"Now, I hate it when someone is threatening my children. How about we talk about it in the elevator," says Vincent as he was about to manifest his aura by accident when he stood up while holding the Justicar.

He enters the elevator with her, Liara and Fenris when the door closes and he lets go of the Justicar when he says coldly, "You do this again and I will show your order what happens when you threaten an Imperial Citizen."

"She is an Asari!" says the Justicar as Vincent glared at her.

"She is my daughter which makes her an Imperial Citizen and your laws have no jurisdiction over her. So forget about it before I forget my reasoning," says Vincent seriously at the Justicar.

"You should listen to him or it will only become a Galactic problem for the Asari. We can't go to war with the Empire except you want our civilization to have the same fate as the Batarians," says Liara trying to calm the situation down as she puts her hands on both their chests to separate them.

"But the code demands Justice," says the Justicar as Vincent glared at her.

"So does my daughter who was abandoned by her parents on the streets. Where was your Justice back then," says Vincent as the attempt of Liara of separating them failed.

Vincent was angry that someone was talking about Justice in front of him. Liara could see that the situation was as tense as a glass and only a small rupture could make it break which means that either Vincent killed the Justicar or all of them by accident.

"Vincent, calm down," says Liara as she pushed him towards the other side of the elevator only to find out that she couldn't move him when Fenris jumped in and helped Liara by biting his owner's left ankle which helped since both together could disrupt his posture.

Once Vincent and the Justicar were separated the door opened and Titania was behind it. She seemed furious about something as she looked at both Vincent and the Justicar.

"Now both of you need to calm down or I will throw you both out through the luke in mid-flied towards Nirn," says Titania in a scary tone which didn't intimidate either Vincent nor the Justicar.

"Vincent, how about you do what you wanted to do while I talk to our newest crewmate since she is awake now," says Titania as Vincent took some deep breaths to calm down.

"Fine, but if she approaches my daughter again with her nonsense of Justice I will kill her," says Vincent as he leaves the elevator with Liara and Fenris.

"You fucked up, didn't you," says Titania to the Justicar.

"What do you mean?" asks the Justicar as she looked confused at Titania.

"You had to make the most powerful person in the whole Galaxy your enemy. I don't know how long you have lived but making a person that can kill a God your enemy isn't a smart move in my book," says Titania as she looked at the Justicar.

"You should avoid him for some time and don't talk about Justice and his daughter around him from now on or we all might die here because of you, do you understand," says Titania at the Justicar who was still confused about everything.

"You really don't know who you offended," says Titania looking at the clueless face of the Justicar as Titania was holding her face.

"*sighs* How about you follow me and we talk for a moment in a place more private," says Titania as most of the crew members were on Vincent's side because of his attitude towards them while they didn't know anything about the Justicar.

They move away towards a more quiet place in which they could talk about the mission and know each other better.