Chereads / The Dragonking of Nirn / Chapter 257 - The Collector Trap

Chapter 257 - The Collector Trap

Titania was talking to the Illusive Man talking about an abandoned Collector Ship that was floating in space. Titania saw it as an obvious trap so she took Tristan, Kaidan, and Grunt with her to deal with the said relic.

In the beginning, everything was silent no problem at all as they advance only to find some Collector Weapons and some corpses which were laying on some dissection tables when she begins to analyze the corpse now that she had the time.

EDI confirmed that the Collectors were Protheans that got corrupted by something which made Titania take the conclusion that the Reaper did this to the Protheans.

Soon the alarm rang through the whole ship revealing that everything was orchestrated to get Titania on the ship.

Vincent at the same time was on the Normandy with Zaeed, Jack, and Jacob ready to jump into action since their job was to make sure that if something went wrong they would step up and clear a landing spot.

"It seems that Titania and the others got into trouble, again," says Vincent not surprised since everything about this mission reeked of trap from the very beginning.

"Now the wrecking crew has to open a path for them," says Zaeed as Fenris barks in agreement while Ser Jorey raised his little sword which Vincent made out of a Vibranium for him as well as a shield that suits the little fellow which was strapped to Ser Jorey's little arm.

"Even the little guy is fully equipped making me feel jealous," says Jacob as the Illusive Man didn't approve of the favor Jacob asked out of Cerberus to guarantee their survival.

"That tiny rat almost killed me on Purgatory," says Jack as she glared at Ser Jorey who didn't show his fear when Jack flicked her finger at the hamster.

See Jorey tumbles backward and rolls down Fenris's neck before he recovered on Fenris's back when Jack says, "At least he has some guts."

"He should," says Vincent as the door opens before Vincent, Fenris, and Ser Jorey were surrounded by a blue membrane while the rest was in an armor even Jack was wearing her armor instead of being in her usual overall.

"Alright, let's go everyone," says Vincent as he was he pulled his Caliburns out while charging them with Lightning Magic.

"Not your spear today?" asks Zaeed as Vincent would use melee weapons when he sees him fight.

"We have to hold position and not rush in. If it was rush in I would be holding my spear or another melee weapon to bash through the enemy," says Vincent as Jacob places an explosive device on the wall of the Collector Ship.

"We are ready over here. Let's hope it gets through the wall of the ship," says Jacob as Vincent pulls Jacob towards him before he activates the bomb.

It explodes and a dent appears on the wall making the squad look at it when Vigilance says, "If you use the Gjallarhorn you should be able to make a small hole in the ship with the damage that the bomb left behind."

"Alright," says Vincent but he didn't pull the Gjallarhorn out instead he put the guns back into their holster before his body began to radiate Sol Energy which produced a hammer in his hand.

He throws it at the dent the bomb produced making it bigger but there was still no opening for them to enter the ship or for Titania and her squad to leave it.

He continues to hit the same spot over and over again as the dent slowly but surely began to get deeper until a hole appeared and Vincent now changed his approach.

He got closer to it and pulled a knife out which he coated with Sol Energy before pushing it into the hole.

He twisted it around making the hole a bit bigger before he placed two of his fingers from each hand into it before he showed the immense strength his body contained by ripping a hole into the ship big enough so a person at a time can enter or leave through it.

"This is as big as I can make it with brute strength," says Vincent as he looks at Jack.

She began to radiate blue energy and stretches her hands out making the hole bigger using her biotic powers until the hole was big enough for two people to fit through it at a time.

"I think this bitch-ass-hole is big enough for us to squeeze through it two at the time," says Jack as Vincent laugh.

"Please never change," says Vincent as the Sol Energy around him left him and he pulled out his handguns which were still charged with Lightning Magic.

He enters first with Fenris and Ser Jorey followed by Zaeed and Jacob and the last to enter was Jack. They looked for cover and found some when Collectors arrive at their position.

"It seems they found us," says Jacob sarcastically about their situation since it was obvious that they would send people to check why a hole appeared on the ship.

"No joke, Sherlock," says Jack as she pulled the trigger of her Avenger mowing down the incoming enemy when bullets fly her way and her clip ran out of energy.

Vincent pulled her down as Jacob and Zaeed stood up from their cover while Jack reloaded when Zaeed and Jacob ran out of bullet forcing themselves behind cover again when Vincent takes a deep breath before breathing it out again when he stood up.

Time seemed to have slowed down for Vincent as he pulled the triggers making his bullets travel significantly slower in his eyes as well as the bullets of his enemy making it easier for him to maneuver around them.

Fenris was surrounded by Ice Magic as he created a sphere around him which protected him and Ser Jorey while approaching the enemy when Fenris crashed the sphere into an enemy before launching out of it to bite into the neck while Ser Jorey landed on the head of another Collector.

See Jorey used his tiny sword to pierce the eyes of the Collector out distracting it when a bullet comes his way making the little guy use his shield which deflected the bullet downward killing the Collector while sending the little guy flying through the air.

Fenris catches his little friend with his jaws before one of Vincent's bullets took out the enemy that had a clear shot at them.

They retreat back to position while Vincent gets behind cover while asking over his speaker, "Where are you we are holding position on the exit we created for you?"

"We are on our way! It didn't help that you created a new exit which attracts the whole ship to your position!" shouts Titania over her speaker as she was in a firefight against Collectors that are between her and the marked position.

Zaeed spins the head of the grenade before he looks at Vincent who nods making Zaeed throw the grenade which flew towards the Collectors when Vincent and Jack came out of cover.

Jack created a singularity that made the Collectors lose their footing before Vincent shoots the grenade making it explode killing the Collectors trapped in the singularity.

"We need to secure the perimeter," says Vincent to everyone as they began to advance to the corridor the Collectors swarmed through to have a better footing of the position they were holding against the enemy.

They reached the crossroad when Vincent sees a rocket coming their way and he out of instinct began to radiate Void Energy before a shield appears around them.

The rocket hit the shield which didn't even have a scratch before more rockets fly into their direction from both sides and Vincent shouts, "Retreat we can't hold the crossroad."

They retreated back into the corridor which was vastly easier to protect. Vincent let go of the barrier once inside the corridor and behind cover when he uses the remaining Void Energy around him to create a Nova Bomb that was floating over his palm.

He waited for the enemy to flood the corridor what they did because they were outnumbering them at least ten to one when he throws the Nova Bomb at them cutting down their number by a lot making the new odds only three to one which was more comfortable for them.

They began to barrage the enemy down with their bullets while Fenris was only watching with Ser Jorey right now when Titania and her squad finally found their way towards them.

"Finally!" shouts Titania as the Collectors that were behind cover because of the bullet barrage of Vincent and his squad were now helpless because of Titania and her team which came from their rear.

"Joker, prepare for extraction," says Vincent as Titania and her squad joined his squad.

"Since when are you calling the shots," says Titania joking about the situation they were in.

"Since you walked into an obvious trap," says Vincent joking as well as they walk towards the exit seeing the Normandy there.

Vincent pushed Fenris and Jack first through the exit before Kaidan and Grunt followed when Collectors swarmed the corridor again when Vincent turned around while releasing the pressure on his neck before he shouts creating a Fire Breath which blocked the way of the Collectors before he flared the Void Energy up again creating a barrier while everyone slowly left through the hole until it was his turn.

Once it was his turn he rushed through the hole before using Ice Magic to block the exit so no one could follow them or shoot at them any longer.

The Normandy was ready to collect them as Liara and Miranda used her Biotic Powers to pulls the two squads into the ship before they closed the luke and the Normandy escaped the system as fast as possible.

"Please tell us we won't be doing something like this until it comes to the suicide mission we have to undertake," says Joker as it was already dangerous enough with one suicide mission to have to participate in several more on their way to the important one.

"Can't promise you that, Joker," says Titania as Vincent had now time to look at his little companion.

See Jorey had to tank quite the hit from that bullet and sees that he needed some healing since his tiny arm couldn't sustain the force behind the bullet even with the shield.

"You did great, little guy," says Vincent petting the hamster while using Restoration Magic to heal it.

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