Chereads / The Dragonking of Nirn / Chapter 164 - Peace Treaty

Chapter 164 - Peace Treaty

"How do you know her?" asks Geralt nervous on the inside but Vincent as well as the others could see through him.

"Don't worry, she is fine," says Vincent as he summoned a chair for Geralt to sit down.

"What do you mean with she is fine?" asks Geralt worried about Ciri.

"Let us say she appeared under my doorframe with a companion followed by some people that tried to take her by force. I and my family helped her and we taught her how to survive on her own before my father trained her to control and use her power over space and time," says Vincent as Geralt seemed relieved.

"She can control her powers?" asks Geralt as Vincent shakes his hand from side to side.

"It's good enough for her to survive but to control her true power she must awaken her blood and become what her ancestors are. My father didn't awaken her blood since it is her decision," says Vincent as he walked back behind Saskia and sits down.

"Also, she is back. We separated since we wanted to adventure the Northern Kingdoms. But now I'm stuck for a while defending Vergen and its surroundings since they belong to the Empire," says Vincent as Geralt looked at him.

"What about the Black Dragon? Isn't he a danger to the people?" asks Geralt as Vincent shakes his head.

"The Dragon would only attack if people ignore his warnings. As long as they leave him alone nothing will burn," says Vincent as Geralt was skeptical about that.

"What if they sent armies towards the Dragon?" asks Geralt as Vincent smiled.

"Then the last thing they will see is a Dragon that breathes fire at them. Nothing can stop that Dragon except for my father," says Vincent as he knew that nothing could stop him once in his Dragon-form.

"And your father is?" asks Geralt when Saskia looked at him nervously and he caught that glance.

"His father is someone important. He is the father of all Dragons making Vincent the sibling of them and heir to the Dragon throne," says Briin talking vaguely about Akatosh and Vincent while lying about Akatosh's and Vincent's real position in the Empire.

Saskia couldn't believe how good they were at lying as Geralt stood up from the chair and says, "I will excuse myself then. Saskia, I wish you luck with this Empire."

"Safe travel to you, Witcher," says Saskia as she was signing some documents.

Geralt leaves with Briin as they arrived at Geralt's swords when Briin takes a piece of paper out and says, "This will help you find your friend. Vincent gave it to me so you can find Vesemir. Just hold it like this and it will point towards where he is."

"Thanks," says Geralt as he took the piece of paper before putting his swords on his back.

"It is better to draw a sword from the hip instead of the back when it has a sheath," says Briin wanting to give a tip to Geralt who ignored the advice and left the Palace.

He went to the stables and got Rouch before leaving Vergen as he followed the piece of paper he got from Briin to find Vesemir.

A month passes since the Empire stepped into the Northern Kingdom and Nilfgaard was still trying to conquer the Province of Vergen only to meet the Legion that stomped the Army of Nilfgaard into the ground.

Another month passed and Emperor Emhyr var Emreis send a document to talk about a peace treaty which Saskia wasn't trusting when Vincent says, "We will have to meet him."

"We can't trust him. The last time I went for a peace treaty between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms a Witcher tried to kill all the people present," says Saskia angry as Vincent smiles.

"Even better, if he really leads us to a trap we have a justification to kill him," says Vincent when Briin stepped into the room.

"So we jump into his trap," says Briin as Vincent nods.

"You two are crazy," says Saskia as both turn to her.

"I know," say both at the same time while smiling.

They prepare for the meeting as they mounted their Chocobos and left the city towards the south taking only a small number of Legionaries with them when Vincent asks, "Where was the meeting again?"

"It is in Vengenberg, the capital of Aedirn," says Saskia as she was sitting behind Vincent.

"We should prepare for the worst," says Vincent as it took them two days to arrive at Vengerberg.

The guards guarding at the gate thought that an attack was coming as they sounded the bell to warn the people. The gate closed as Vincent could imagine why because even this small part of the Legion was still big enough to be seen as an invading army.

They stopped in front of the gate when one of the guards asks, "Who are you, and why are you attacking us?"

"I'm Vincent Highwind, Ambassador of the Highwind Empire. I'm here with Saskia the Dragonslayer, who is the Regent of the Province of Vergen, and General Briin Camoran. We came to negotiate the treaty with Emperor Emhyr var Emreis," says Vincent as the guard looked at their escort.

"And all those people are your escort?" asks the guard as he wasn't believing it when Vincent smiled.

"I could have asked five Dragons to come to protect us but they would have most likely burned the city down because you disrespected them somehow," says Vincent as the guard turned pale from hearing that.

Suddenly another man appeared on the wall and says, "Only ten of your men might enter with you. The Emperor is waiting."

The gates opened for them and Vincent looked at Briin who called ten of his best men to follow them inside while handing over command to another person until he returned.

They entered Vengenberg and were guided towards the Palace where Emhyr was waiting sitting on a throne. He didn't sit up while looking at them while Vincent and his group didn't bow to him.

"It seems you don't know how to behave in front of an Empe-" says one of the guards when he suddenly felt fear as the Legionaries released their killing intent making everyone in the room understand that they aren't there for pastries.

"Well then, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, we are here to talk about peace. But how about we do that behind closed doors. You, and two of your people with me, Saskia, and Briin," says Vincent as he wanted to get this over him as fast as possible.

"Then let us retreat to my temporary office," says Emhyr not showing emotions in his voice nor face.

He looked at two people and they followed him while guiding Vincent and the other two into his temporary office. Once inside five servants bring chairs so they can sit while talking before leaving again.

They sit down when Emhyr asks, "I want to know from where your Empire comes from?"

"From another World but you shouldn't worry about us expanding into this world. We made an exception for Vergen because they share the same philosophy as our Empire in which everyone is equal," says Vincent not wanting to say more about it.

"Anyway, we won't interfere with Nilfgaard's objectives as long as they don't touch the new Province. You can even match through the Province towards Kaedwen if you like as long as you leave it and its people alone," says Vincent as Saskia looked at Vincent wanting to know what he is doing.

"But in exchange for that, we want to enter the Nilfgaardian territory as well as we please it to make trades. If that can't be arranged I will need to inform my Emperor Naomasa Highwind about it and he will take drastic measures to make sure that this Province won't fall even if it means to summon all the Legion into this world to conquer it," says Vincent as this was an open threat to Emhyr who seemed to not be shaken by it outside.

"Just think what the Black Dragon did to one of your armies. What do you think will four thousand of them do to the Northern Kingdoms? We just want to protect this province from harm but if it isn't possible war is our only solution," says Vincent as he knew that inside Emhyr was fighting his fear to not show it on his face.

"Maybe you can retreat from Aedirn completely and you will gain an ally in us and the new Province of the Empire," says Vincent as he wouldn't stand in Nilfgaard's way if they gifted them Aedirn he would even help them.

"You would help us against the other Kingdoms in exchange for Aedirn?" asks Emhyr as Vincent smiles.

"If you gift us Kaedwen as well we will help you in defeating Redania. Once it has fallen nothing should stand in your way," says Vincent as Emhyr was thinking deeply about it.

He stood up and walked to a map of the Northern Kingdoms and paints on it a line separating Kaedwen and Aedirn from the rest of the map.

"We will gift you Aedirn and Kaedwen once we conquered it for your help against Redania. Also, we will allow your people to enter our territory freely to trade as you will allow our people to enter your territory," says Emhyr as Saskia was surprised that Emhyr would gift them Aedirn and Kaedwen for only taking Redania down.

"You made a wise decision. I hope you keep your word," says Vincent as he stood up and shook Emhyr's hand before they wrote everything down on paper to make it official.

Then they leave Vengenberg and Saskia says surprised, "I didn't believe we would get this much from Emhyr."

"We didn't," says Vincent as Saskia was confused since everything was official while Vincent and Briin smiled at her innocence.

"What we gained was a potential enemy that will attack us once he has Redania and the other Kingdoms under his rule," says Briin as Saskia looked at him seriously.

"You mean he will betray us?" asks Saskia as both nod.

"He can't allow us to exist. He will plant spies into Aedirn and Kaedwen that will sabotage us but what he doesn't know is that his people won't stand a chance since our real force is immeasurable since they are behind a portal," says Vincent as they rode back to Vergen.

In the meantime in Vengerberg, Emhyr was seeing his guests leave Vengerberg when one of his advisors says, "Sir, are you sure it was wise to make said deal."

"Why not they can enjoy the land until we take it back from them. We will plant spy between their midst to sabotage them when we start our invasion against them," says Emhyr as he already had it all calculated like always.