Chereads / The Dragonking of Nirn / Chapter 80 - Highever

Chapter 80 - Highever

The weeks pass as a second Imperial Ship was seen in the east of Denerim. On the ship were scholars as well as soldiers to keep them safe while staying in Thedas.

Loghain saw the soldiers and wasn't quite happy about it but couldn't say anything against it since he also would rather use his own men instead of trusting the men of another person to protect his people.

Duncan was at the Docks when the ship was seen as he wanted to see the Griffons. As Loghain came back with the second ship they docked and Cailan with Vincent awaited them. The Legionaries saluted to Vincent showing respect to him and the King as one of the breeders came out.

"My lord we brought the Gryphons as you commanded," says the Altmer as Vincent smiles.

"It seems they have the Gryphons do you want to take them to the stable," says Vincent as Cailan could explode so excited was he about meeting a Griffon that he didn't say a word and just nod his head in agreement.

They wait when the Altmer enters the ship and comes out of it while leading 10 young Gryphons out of the ship. Cailan was so excited he wanted to rush towards them when Vincent stops him.

"You need to be calm and collected when you have your first touch or they won't accept you," says Vincent wanting the best for the Gryphons and Cailan as he would make them feel nervous if he rushed at them in his excitement.

"Thank you," says Cailan as he really was because he wanted to have one of them for himself and if no one accepted him it would have been difficult to keep them.

"Now lets first go to the stable," says Vincent as Cailan nods guiding the Altmer and the Gryphons to the Royal Stable.

Duncan was seeing everything from the sideline and could see the Gryphons. They were young and small but they resembled the Griffons of old.

He already sent a letter and got an answer from Weisshaupt telling him that Wardens were on their way to Ferelden to talk to the Ambassador about the Griffons.

But Duncan was now worried because he saw the Legionaries that were on the ship. There were some battle-hardened people between some of those that never saw a battle before but the aura of unity they had made them quite a fearful force if they were to become hostile.

Once at the Royal Stable, Cailan had calmed down and Vincent says, "Let's try it now. Pick one and walk toward it calmly. Then you try to pet him. It will try to attack you but you need to show him your stubbornness and continue until it lets you pet it."

Cailan does as Vincent says and walks towards one of the Gryphons. Once near it, he tries to pet it by going onto his knees as the Gryphon attempts to attack Cailan's hand only to be petted in the end because Cailan didn't give up.

Vincent walked towards Cailan and sees some deep wounds on his hand. He heals the hand and says, "You have done well."

"Thanks for the advice but wasn't he a bit too fierce?" asks Cailan as Vincent smiles.

"That's because you choose a female. A male is far more easier to tame," says Vincent as it was true even the Alpha from Lucia was easy to tame while the female was quite a nut to crack.

"But now I will have to take my leave from Denerim again. I will go to Highever and from there I will move towards Orzammar with the scholars to meet the Dwemers. Maybe I will also visit the Circle of Magi since it's near Highever after all," says Vincent as Cailan nods.

They walked to the Palace while the Altmer was talking to the Stable Master informing him what to give the Gryphons to eat and how to let them walk and fly once in a while as they are chained to the ground so they won't be able to escape.

The Altmer hands them the chains they would use around the ankles so they couldn't escape but still had enough space to fly without hurting them

They didn't talk about the Mabaries yet because the ship wouldn't leave until the scholars were done with their jobs.

Vincent was ready as he had a letter that Eleanor sent him with the Teyrn's permission to dock in Highever.

"I hope you have a safe travel to Highever," says Cailan as Vincent was accompanied this time by Kirvena and Karliah. They didn't want to stay in Denerim because it was too boring for Kirvena and Karliah because she already knew everything about it.

"We shouldn't have that much trouble maybe one or two bandit group but they will most likely move away when they see the Legionaries accompanying us and if not we will fend them off," says Vincent as Behemoth and two other Chocobos entered the ship ready to leave Denerim for Highever.

"Just remember to play with your Gryphon from now on and it will trust you more," says Vincent as he boarded the ship with his two wives.

They left the harbor as they entered the Waking Sea passing beside Amaranthine they were quite surprised to see such a big ship sailing through the sea as they arrived at Highever.

Many people were nervous when the Black Emperor stopping in front of the docks of Highever as if waiting for something when a boat came over.

"What do you want in Highever?" asks a fisherman as he was quite nervous seeing that his boat could be overthrown by the Black Emperor.

"We need some help to dock the ship into the haven. Maybe you could help us since you are a local," says the captain of the Black Emperor who was an Imperial.

"Right but how do I get up there and who will secure my ship and safety," says the fisherman as he wasn't dumb enough when suddenly a ladder was thrown down and two big Argonians came down.

They secured the boat as they assured him that he should go up. One of the Argonian jumped into the water as he began to move the boat towards the docks so the fisherman could continue fishing after the Black Emperor docked.

The fisherman now on deck of the Black Emperor was surrounded by many Races he never saw before thinking that demons were running the ship.

He couldn't do much and out of fear he helped them dock at Highever to his surprise people were already waiting there.

Knights of Highever were by the docks as well as the Teyrna and the Teyrn. The fisherman was happy that he wouldn't lose his life to the demon as he screamed, "There are demons on the ship."

The Knights wanted to draw their weapon but the Teyrna stopped them as she already met with most of the Races of Tamriel when she was in Denerim.

Once the ship docked, Vincent was the first to put a foot on land as he jumped from the deck to land in front of the ship surprising the Knights as no normal man would have survived the landing.

Vincent walked towards the Teyrna and Teyrn when a luke on the ship was opened from there a plank was brought out that connected the ship with the dock as Kirvena and Karliah came out of the ship through that way.

They joined Vincent as he says, "Nice to meet you again, Teyrna Cousland. Where is your grandson? I wanted to give him his own Chocobo," says Vincent as Kirvena was holding an egg.

"You will meet him once inside Castle Highever. Let me present to you my husband, Bryce Cousland. Bryce this is Ambassador Highwind," says Eleanor as Vincent stretched his hand towards Bryce to shake it.

Bryce smiles as he takes the hand and shakes it while saying, "My wife told me what you did for us in Denerim. I'm really grateful to you for saving Oren. But how about you present us to your companions."

"Right," says Vincent as he takes the egg from Kirvena and says, "This is Kirvena Highwind and Karliah Indoril. Both are my wives."

Bryce was quite surprised not like Eleanor who already heard that Vincent arrived at Denerim with five wives.

"I have a question," says a young man with dark red hair in armor.

"Ask what do you want to know," says Vincent as he could see at Eleanor and Bryce looked at the man making it obvious that he must be from their family.

"How comes that you have two wives isn't it normal to only have one on your continent?" asks the man as Vincent smiled.

"That's a long story that I have to thank my first wife for and it's not only two but five. Three of them stayed behind in Denerim to accompany the Queen. They are good friends after all," says Vincent as Bryce looked at Eleanor who rams her elbow into his ribcage softly to get that idea out of his head.

"How about we show you around the city before going towards the castle," says Eleanor as Vincent nods in agreement.

"But before that. I need a place where the crew can sleep. They are mostly scholars and Legionaries accompanying them for security," says Vincent as Eleanor nods.

"Aedan how about you show the Legionaries the inn where they can sleep and drink and bring the scholars to the castle. Maybe old Aldous and the scholars can have an exchange of culture," says Bryce as Aedan the young man with dark red hair nods as Vincent turns to the ship and gives the man the command to follow Aedan's instruction.

Eleanor and Bryce showed the way as they guided them through the city and even the Alienage.

The Alienage in Highever was vastly cleaner and more organized than the one in Denerim making Vincent change his opinion a little about Ferelden.

They arrived at the Castle were Oren was waiting with Oriana and another man when Oren straight run towards them looking excited as he jumped at Vincent who caught him and asks, "Everything alright, little one."

"Oren!" says Oriana not mad that he was in Vincent's arms but that he ignored protocol.

"Calm down, woman. He is still a child," says the man with a smile as he was quite calm and collected.

Vincent could see that Oren inherited his hair from his father as he also had red hair. He puts Oren down as he goes down to one knee and asks, "Do you still have the feather?"

Oren nods as he took it out and Vincent smiles and says, "How about a trade. The feather for this egg."

Oren wasn't suspicious as he took the egg when suddenly the egg began to move in his hand.

Oren was about to drop it when Vincent helped him keep a steady hand when suddenly a Chocobo head came looking out. Suddenly the legs break out of the shell making it stand while looking at Oren when it began walking on his hands.

"Now you only have to rear it for half a year and then you can begin to ride on it if you want," says Vincent as Oren was so excited to see his very own Chocobo in his hand.

Oren put it on the ground and the Chocobo began to follow Oren around as Eleanor says, "I thought you were joking about giving him a mount that precious."

"He can't say no to children. Oren is quite lucky I must say since if you didn't appear he would have been adopted most likely by Vincent," says Kirvena as Bryce and Eleanor were quite surprised by that.

"Yes, I really can't say no to children. But still, how about we continue our tour," says Vincent as Eleanor presented to them Oren's father Fergus Cousland to them before continuing the tour through the castle showing them where they will be staying for tonight before eating dinner together.