Chereads / The Dragonking of Nirn / Chapter 71 - Talking with Anora

Chapter 71 - Talking with Anora

Vincent was touring Denerim in incognito as he wanted to find out first hand how things were in the capital since he knew if the capital wasn't good represented the whole kingdom would be following its example.

Vincent walked through the mud as he thought, 'Really no streets to walk on how far back in time are those people even our oldest city had streets the only place I can remember that was worst was Winterhold but even they had fucking streets.'

He walked through the market district as he sees only human merchants while elves were treated as second class people. He sees that elves almost had nothing as he infiltrated the Alienage or how he would call it Elven Prison.

The Alienage was worse then the dirtiest slum Vincent visited. Even Black Marsh would be a pearl compared to what he was seeing right now.

'Change needs to happen soon,' thinks Vincent as he sees how hard the elves, that looked like Bosmers, were fighting to survive in the Alienage.

Vincent returned back to the palace discreetly to meet his wives as he finds them talking with Anora about Tamriel and it's culture.

"My Lady," says Vincent as he gives a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you again, Ambassador Highwind. I was talking with your wives about the culture of the Empire just a second ago," says Anora as she got a mission from her father to find out as much as possible about the Empire as she asks, "Is it true that said Dragonking conquered the Continent with the help of Dragons?"

"It is true. The first Emperor of the Highwind Dynasty was said to be the son of Akatosh and a Warrior of Light he is my Ancestor. Right now my Uncle is sitting on the throne after the First Emperor died to old age. We, Au-Ra only can reach at least 100 years before dying," says Vincent as he was saying what they planned beforehand.

"Is your Uncle also an Au-Ra?" asks Anora curious since she was interested in all the races that lived on the Continent since she talked with Mina and the others.

"No, he is an Altmer, High Elf like Mina. To be honest there aren't many Au-Ra in the Empire. Except for me, there was only the First Emperor. But it's maybe because my parents are Argonian that I was born Au-Ra since they are quite similar," says Vincent convincing Anora who met an Argonian because she wanted to see every race.

Mina brought the different races to the palace so she could meet them and could see some similarities between Vincent and an Argonian.

"But what do you mean by the son of Akatosh and Warrior of Light?" asks Anora as she was confused about that part.

"It was said that the First Emperor came from another World were chosen warriors are blessed by the light making many things possible that shouldn't be possible. We call those that came after him 'Blessed by the Light' some Highwinds are blessed with the said gift," says Vincent explaining it to her.

"The son of Akatosh is far simpler. Akatosh is one of the Nine Divines that almost everyone in the Empire prays to. He is the Divine of Time and Space and father of all Divines," says Vincent as Anora was confused.

"You want to make me believe he was the son of a God," says Anora not believing that because that would be too much.

"But it is true. Many researched found out because of a prophecy that said Akatosh made a deal with a Goddess outside Nirn. She would get 1 Dragon and 7 Dragon Eggs and he would receive a son from said Goddess with the blessing of the Light. That's how my Grandfather arrived at Tamriel. But all in all, he was just a mortal in the end," says Vincent explaining everything clearly.

"Is it normal for your Gods to interfere in mortal matters?" asks Anora as all nod.

"Pretty much before the 3rd Era ended Akatosh himself manifested to defeat and push back Mehrunes Dagon, a Daedric Prince that tried to invade and conquer Tamriel like his siblings before," says Mina as she told her about more times the Divines showed themselves and explained what a Daedric Prince was to Anora too as she became pale hearing that Daedras were something like Demons.

"Don't worry not all the Daedric Princes are evil. Some are just misunderstood trust me. I had to deal with all of them at least once in my life," says Vincent as this made Anora look suspicious at Vincent.

"What do you mean at least once in your life aren't you just in your thirties also it was suspicious that your wives said that they were more but that time took them from you," says Anora puzzling everything together until Mina begins to clap her hands.

"I told you she is more intelligent than her father and husband," says Mina with a smile as Vincent nods.

"She is," says Vincent as Anora was looking now confused.

"What do you mean?" asks Anora as everyone looked at her making her feel nervous until they smile at her.

"Don't worry we aren't going to do anything against you," says Vincent as he sat down and says, "Now who do you think we are?"

"You know much of the First Emperor even when you say that you are his grandson. Then there is that thing Mina said before and I don't think that your uncle would allow you to have that many women. So the only possible conclusion is that you are the Emperor," says Anora making everyone clap their hands in the room.

"You are good. You would have done great as one of my spies. Too bad I'm no longer the Leader of the Spy Network," says Karliah as everyone stopped clapping their hands.

"But he isn't the Emperor any longer. It's my son, Naosane Highwind," says Mina as Anora was confused about it.

"Don't look that confused. All his descendants have a purpose in the Empire. They became either King or Queen of a province or Generals of the Legion," says Serana as Vincent stood up and walked towards Anora who became nervous.

"Don't worry girl. I'm not doing anything to you," says Vincent as he stood in front of her and then says, "I want you to keep this under us. We are on a mission to find everything about Peryite's army of Darkspawn."

"Peryite, you mean the Daedric Prince created the Darkspawn," says Anora as Vincent nods and she says, "That can't be the Maker was who made the Darkspawn. Where we worshipping a Demon the whole time. What about the Fade and the Veil."

"Well, what you call Fade we would call Quagmire it's in Oblivion that's the place the Daedric Princes life. It's the realm of Vaermina, she is neither good nor bad if we look at her closer it just depends if you pissed her off or not," says Vincent as he begins to explain everything to Anora and says, "Now you should know everything that we know about Thedas. Well, actually you should know far more since you live here."

"So you really aren't here to conquer?" asks Anora as Vincent nods his head.

Vincent told her only part of the reason they came to Thedas was to stop the Darkspawn that was a risk that can't go unwatched because it is a threat to big to ignore.

"If we really were to come we wouldn't have come with the Flying Argonian but our Legions and Dragons to take the Continent as fast as possible. Ferelden wouldn't stand a month against the Empire and Thedas would have fallen in a year or two," says Vincent serious as this made Anora realize that Vincent was telling the truth the ship might have soldiers on it but no weapon or armors.

"Then why are your soldiers disguised as sailors?" asks Anora as everyone begins to giggle.

"That's because of a law Vincent passed when he became Emperor. The law was to make every citizen of the Empire to a soldier. They would still do their normal job but they would train in the morning or evening to maintain their form. Everyone even the Emperor has to follow that law and it can never be abolished by another Emperor," says Anra explaining why every sailor looked like a soldier to Anora.

"So everyone in the Empire is a soldier but what would you do against the Tevinter Empire?" asks Anora as she didn't think that soldiers alone couldn't win against Tevinter.

"Tevinter that's were the Mages life free right," says Vincent as Anora nods.

"They shouldn't be much of a trouble to us," says Vincent as he stretches his hand out making Anora look at it when Fire appeared in his hand shocking Anora.

"Magic," says Anora when Vincent nods.

"It's quite weak because of the Veil that is stopping magic to pass towards Thedas through the sky. If not I could have shown you a better party trick. Everyone in the Empire is born with the gift of magic. Not everyone learns it but those that are talented go to Schools or Colleges to learn how to become a great mage. But people mostly can use Novice spells to heal each other or to ignite a fire for the night," says Vincent as Anora now had a picture of an army made of Mages that could fight in close combat and distance battle.

"How do you deal with Blood Mages and don't you have Templar to control those Mages?" asks Anora without thinking about the consequences.

"Blood Magic, I practice it to be honest. But it's like every other Magic. And we have Templars but they aren't what you think they are. Our Templars draw their powers from the light and sun and protect the people from the Daedra. Now they are more like guards since everyone can take care of themselves but being a Templar is an honor only one of my children was taken as a Templar because he was talented in harnessing the light," says Vincent as he explained that Blood Magic has many uses.

He explains that on the battlefield they could stop the blood flow of the wounded and heal the person so they don't lose too much blood and survive the battle or to strengthen your body for some time making your body faster and stronger.

"So you aren't in danger to be taken over by the Demons?" asks Anora as Vincent shakes his head.

"Daedras have their own body they normally don't take over the body of a person," says Vincent as Anora felt exhausted from everything.

"I will promise not to tell my father and husband about what we talked about here but please refrain from showing Magic publicly the Chantry doesn't see Magic as a blessing like you people we can't protect you if they find out," says Anora as Vincent nods.

"My people know about that from the Qunari that converted to the Empire. They will be discreet about it don't worry. Then we will retreat for today, your majesty," says Vincent as Anora tried to stop him when he says, "Don't blow our cover now by making me stand. I'm no longer an Emperor but only an Ambassador so treat me like one."

"Alright," says Anora as she stopped herself.

"Good, how about I give you this here as our promise," says Vincent as he takes a ring out with a ruby on it.

"I can't accept this," says Anora as she saw the ring.

"You should," says Mina as she puts the ring on Anora's finger while saying, "We could see that Cailan doesn't have a descendant and you are married already pretty long to him making people believe that you can't bear children. But in truth, it's just that for you it's only difficult to get pregnant with the ring it will be more smother to get pregnant."

"This can really help?" asks Anora as Anra nods.

"Yes, it helped me and Nuslei to get pregnant we had difficulties until we had such rings," says Anra as she confessed that it works leaving Anora then alone as she was happy that she could have children and wasn't barren like everyone told her.

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