Chereads / His Human Mate / Chapter 5 - Chapter 04: Am I Handsome?

Chapter 5 - Chapter 04: Am I Handsome?

The Maths teacher began his class by welcoming everyone to the new semester. He introduced himself as 'Mr. Mitch Butler' by writing his name on the board. He then handed some papers to the students sitting in front and told them to pass them along to the back. He told them about the syllabus that they will cover for the semester and along for the dates of quizzes and tests, which was written on the paper handed to them. He continued on saying that he expects every student in his class will work hard for this semester.

He drone on and on, still talking about his expectations of his students.

Erick, who was lying down on top of his table, did not seem to realize that he was still staring at Amber. She was clearly tuning off from the talk of the teacher by the blank look on her face. Her mouth was hanging open as she 'listens' to the drone of the teacher's voice. That vacant look in her eyes looked so dead, it's a question of whether she was still alive or not.

Then suddenly, her expression changed. Her eyes became bright and excited in an instant. She gave out a small dreamy smile as she continued to daze off. She was probably thinking about something nice from the way she looked.

Erick chuckled softly as he continued to watch her.

Hamish, who was sitting next to him, nudged him on the arm. "Why are you laughing by yourself?" he asked, curious.

Erick jumped, startled that he did not realize that he was laughing by himself. "Uh, nothing," he quickly answered as he pulled his gaze away from Amber.

Hamish rolled his eyes and turned back to the teacher. "Yeah, whatever."


Amber had a hard time concentrating on what Mr. Butler was talking about. As soon as he began to talk about what he expects out of his students, her mind immediately shuts down. She tried so hard, even blinking her eyes numerous times, to get her brain to work. But her brain still drew a blank. It looked like the power of this teacher's drone is more powerful than she had expected.

As the teacher continued to drone on, Amber narrowed her eyes, willing herself to keep wide awake. She gritted her teeth, determined to stay awake but a yawn escaped from her mouth.

When the teacher finally started on his lesson, he talked about the subject and what he will be teaching. He wrote the question on the board and showed to the class the working and how he got the answer.

Unfortunately, from Amber's hearing, she could only hear the mumble and jumble of the teacher's voice. It seems like her brain could not accept numbers and calculations. Again, her brain went blank.

She gripped her pen tightly as she tried to concentrate. Just then, she suddenly remember the time she went online to learn more about the school. She find it brilliant and convenient that the school even posted their daily lunch menu regularly. There was even an all-you-can-eat salad bar. She finds that so amazing that she inwardly clapped at the school's brilliance of having that as part of their lunch menu. Apparently, the school had wanted to promote a healthy lifestyle and that why the salad bar was introduced. She also find it amazing that there were a grilling station in the cafeteria. It was no wonder that there were also some other people from outside the school who came here to have their lunch. In fact, the cafeteria was so popular that the school had to give priority to the staff and students of the school when it comes to the tables. There were other sections of the dining area where only staff and students can enter.

Amber drooled as she recalled today's menu. They will be serving mac 'n' cheese, grilled lamb and chicken, aglio olio prawn pasta and more. She can't wait for lunch time!

Her Maths teacher, who was talking in front of the class, realized that one of his students were daydreaming. Looking behind him, he saw Amber with her goofy smile, daydreaming.

He immediately grab a scrap paper from his many folders on the desk and crumpled it into a ball. He pulled back his arm and hit Amber directly on the forehead.

Amber was still in her own world when she was suddenly hit by a wad of paper. She blinked her eyes as she looked up, looking confused.

The whole class burst in laughter when they saw Amber looking around, getting confused as to who had hit her.

The teacher put his hands on his hips, looking stern. "It was nice of you to join us, Miss Keene. Did we disturb you?" he asked sarcastically.

Everyone laughed even harder as Amber bit her lip, looking embarrassed and sheepish. "Sorry…" she apologised. Gosh, she felt so embarrassed that she felt like digging a hole right now and hide there until everyone in this class graduate and forget about today's incident. "How embarrassing.." she thought to herself as her cheeks flushed red.


Classes were finally over and Erick was on his way to his locker. He wanted to put his stuff before going to a football practice when he saw Amber at her locker.

She was laughing at something one of his friends were saying. He frowned when he saw them standing close to each other. His wolf, Dane, growled at the sight. Erick admonished him quietly in his mind and pushed Dane to the back of his mind.

Erick was confused with this emotions that he was feeling about the girl. And also why Dane was being weird when it comes to Amber. He tried to ask him before but Dane did not answer him.

Could it be because of Amber herself? Was it because she doesn't fall for him like all the other girls? Was it because she doesn't even approach him and make the first move? Did she expect him to make the first move? She did saw him in Maths class, right?

But he doesn't even know how to make the first move! In fact, it was always the females who made the first move at him. He frowned as he pondered over the thoughts.

He was so deep in thought that he did not notice Hamish walking up to him.

Hamish, who was curious about what brought that confused look on Eric's face, asked him what was wrong.

"Am I handsome?" Erick asked, a genuine look on his face.

Hamish frowned, his face darkened. "What the heck are you talking about? What's with this weird question?" he demanded.

Erick sighed. "I think I'm too handsome. I don't think I have approached a woman before. In fact, I'm like an adonis, aren't I?" he asked shamelessly.

Hamish rubbed his face in resignation and dragged him towards the direction of the football field. "Come on and let's go. Or we will be late for practice."

"Hey, hey! Wait! I haven't even lock my fecking locker! God-demmit you, Hamish!"


Every player on the football team were at the field, doing planks and push-ups. Because Erick was a few minutes late, he had to do double the practice. It was not that difficult for him since his strength and stamina was twice more than a normal human being.

Erick was shirtless, wearing only his short jogging pants. He felt it was more comfortable doing exercise, dressed this way. He liked to take good care of his body, despite eating too much. Probably because he burns energy quite quickly. He loved to hear the girls at school, being awestruck by his well-defined body and his eight-pack abs. He does not like being too muscly so he tends to do cardio, as well, other than power-building.

After planks and push-ups, the coach yelled at them to do 10 laps around the football field. Many of them groaned in pain as they struggled to do his bidding. Only Erick was calmed as he jogged leisurely, much to the annoyance of some of his teammates.

Some of them had always questioned Eric's stamina and see him as a monster. Only those who were in his pack understood where his strength and stamina came from.

Other then Erick, there was also Hamish, who were also regarded as a monster. Not because he was as strong as Erick but also because he was the only one who can keep up with him. Hamish might be slower than Erick but it was good enough for him to be able to finish the laps ten minutes after Erick. It was no wonder that these two were Captain and Vice-Captain respectively.

The two were resting beside the field, drinking their bottles of water. They were waiting for the rest of the team to finish their laps when a group of girls came into the field.

It appears that the cheerleaders were having their cheering practice as well. The two watched as the girls did their warm-ups and stretches. Erick smiled and winked at the girls who were sneakily taking a peek at him.

Dane growled again as if to tell Erick to stop watching. His growl was powerful enough to make Erick unconsciously growled out loud. Hamish's eyes widened in surprise at Eric's growl.

"Dane?" Hamish asked.

Erick rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. "Yeah, I don't know why but he acted weird today. He doesn't usually voiced out his dislike towards humans."

Hamish frowned. "Yeah, that is weird. You should go ask the Alpha if he knows anything about this."

Erick nodded. "Yes, I will if it gets worse."