Jessica steps outside and meets the group.
"Hang on is the waitress coming with us? "
"Ronald, actually we are going with her. She is picking our next stop."
"Michael, so she is basically our tour guide correct?"
"Ronald, Jessica was kind enough to show us around. So basically she is doing us a favor.So play nice."
"As you say Michael"
A short ride later the group come to The Spice and immediately head to the dance floor. The disco lights and the setting make the night more beautiful and young.
"Hey guys it's time to party!!!"
"Max no one is interested in looking at your silly moves."
"Ronald can you ever be nice?"
"Only when you stop acting silly."
"I think that day won't come then." Tim said with a laugh.
"Hey Jessica, thank you for bringing us here. Looks like everyone is already having fun."
"I bet you are used to putting everyone else first."
"And why would you say that?"
"I can tell that... I am good at reading people.Now forget about your friends.Do you like it here?"