Chereads / Married @ sweet 16 / Chapter 64 - Commit a Sin.

Chapter 64 - Commit a Sin.

Their dinner ends without a single words coming from their mouth about what happened that night. No one dare to open the topic regarding that. As for Josh, He's just waiting for her to talk about it. He know it's too fast for her. When Yui stand up and start picking up the dishes he stop her.

"Leave this to me. You can go and take a rest. Go to your bed now." He said snatching the plates on her hand.

"OK.. Thanks for the dinner." Yui said then dashed towards her room.

Josh can't help but sigh. This is all his fault! If he just restrained himself more and forbid his desire to take over his body this won't gonna happen. Now he's surely he scared her. She must be confused by now.

'Ahhhh.. What now!!!.' Josh scream on his head. Irritation is starting to build inside him.

'Don't tell me she took it as part of our acting?!! Yeah maybe. Hell no way!!! She responds my kisses. She even… suck my tongue.' He subconsciously lick his lips. 'Sh*t!! I'm starting to go crazy here!!!'

'How can he approach her now without offending her? Damn it!!!!.. Stop talking to your self idiot!!!!' Finally he gave up. He picked up the remaining plate and put it in the sink. He's about to wash the dishes when his phone buzz.

**Meeting after an hour and a half or so.. I'll notify you**

Josh brows rise when he read this. The meeting they are talking about is a group video call like what they always do. He wonders why they have a sudden meeting. They used to have this *meeting* every mid and end of the month for some company reports and other things. But asking for sudden meeting there must be an emergency.


In her room..

Yui feels restless. 'What now?' she keeps on asking herself. She doesn't know what to think. Is that part of an act? But why did she response to his kisses. And that tongue.. Why oh why!!!! She wants to scream in frustration. She sit up in her bed. She subconsciously touch her lips. Her face heat up when she remembers again the kiss they shared.

She can't take it anymore!. She reaches her laptop on her bedside table. Looking at her contacts and try a video call. Soon enough a handsome face pops up on the screen.

"Hey cupcake what's up?"

"Mako... " She started to whine.

"Ehhhh.. What's wrong? What happened?" Although his face didn't show any emotion. Mako's voice sound so worried.

"Can you keep a secret right big brother?" Yui said seriously.

Mako on the other side stunned. The way her sister said those last words, this must be serious. "Of course. You can count on me cupcake. Promise I won't betray you." He answered her in the same serious manner.

"Mako.. What should I do? I commit a sin. A mortal sin!!" Yui whined again.

When Mako heard this he almost fell down on his chair. Sin? How can his innocent sister can commit sin? In what way? All this years he's with her. The only thing his sister can do is work, work, work and eat, eat, eat. She never even go out if not for work. Mako dismissed all on his thoughts and focus to his sister.

"Sin? What kind of Sin?" When Yui started to tell everything to him. He listened attentively. She tell him about her dilemma on their pretending as husband and wife, to the day that she felt Josh didn't give her the attention she used to have, to the moment she kissed Josh (although they already saw it) up to their passionate kiss under the streetlamp. When her sister telling him this he noticed one thing. Her sister is trembling and he don't understand why.

"Calm down cupcake.. You're trembling!!. Tell me what sin did you commit again?"

"Are you even listening to my story Mako?" She frown on him.

"Of course.. You told me that you and Josh kissed right?" He ask casually. His forehead is now wrinkled in confusion.


"So.. What sin are you talking about?"

He saw her sister made a face-palm. She really looked irritated. Like anytime she will kill him. "Mako??!! Can you get it?!!!"

"Get what?!!!"

"Grrrrr… Mako!!! I'm serious!!!"

"I'm serious too. Can't you see it?" He also wants to get irritated. He can't get the logic.

"Seriously?!!!!.. Oh Mako.." Yui took a sharp breath in frustration. "Mako!!! I'm a married person!! And kissing someone who's not my husband is a great sin!!!"

Mako froze. His mind is trying to digest what his sister said. How come he missed that. Until now for her sister, she's still married on that guy. She don't have any idea what did that guy do six months after he left her. Blame them for not telling her, but how? They already seen enough of her suffering. No one among them had the guts to tell it to her. They just let her find the truth on her own.

"Mako?!!.. Hey Mako!!" Mako snap back to his senses.

"Huh.. I'm sorry. What did you say again?"

"I said… What do you think? Should I talk Josh about this?"


"Yuiren can I asked you something?" Mako's voice is too serious now.

"Huh?.. Sure.." Yui stammer. This is the first time Mako call her, her real name. And it's kinda scary.

"Did you still love that guy?" He sternly ask.

Yui didn't know how to answer his brother. She's trying to find the right word to say.

"Just tell me honestly. I want your answer will come from what you really feel." Mako added in her hesitation.

"I.. I.. I don't know Mako. I'm sorry." She answered weakly

"Then what about Josh? Do you feel something from him?"

"Josh is already part of my life. Like you guys. He's a family to me. That's why I can't drag him to this!! I'm a married person and he also ... his heart already belongs to someone." Yui voice weaken when she said the last part. She felt a sudden pain inside.

"You're saying that if you're not married, there's a possibility that you will fall on Josh?"

Yui didn't answer right away. That was a very crucial question for her. Is there really a possibility that she will fall on him? Josh is one of the important people in her life, no doubt about that. He's always there for her. Anytime, Every time. He already saw her on her worse yet he never leave her. In fact he took care of her more than her brothers do.

Yui never thought about it before until now. Not until that kiss. Do I see him as a man I can fall in love with? All she knew was that she's comfortable and safe with him around. She's confused. Really confused..

"Think it first thoroughly cupcake. Just remember who ever you choose to love and to spend your life with, where always here for you."

"Thanks Mako.."

"Just let me remind you. You need to choose only one to them. When the time you decided to choose make sure you're ready to loose and let go the unchosen one." Mako look at her eyes through the screen. "Both of them are already become part of your life. If you choose Mr. Han because you still love him then you need to be prepared that Josh will vanish to your life completely. And if you choose Josh, you need to figure out first what you really feel for him. Is he like a brother or a lover?"

Yui fell on silence. Digesting what all his brother said. She remembers the kiss. When Noah kissed her under the rain, it brings back the memories they shared before. But when Josh kiss her, she can't explain her emotions. She felt like her heart longing for him for a long time.