I wake up early in the morning. I go get washed up, and changed into some fresh clothes. Then I grab my backpack, swinging it over my shoulders. I grab Taillow's poke ball, and Elekid jumps onto my shoulder.
"Morning buddy." I smile.
He smiles back.
"Shall we go do some training?"
He nods.
We leave the room, heading down to the lobby. We head outside to a open area, still pretty close to the pokémon center so it was easier for Natalie and Alex to find us in case our training took over how long we expected to go for.
I grab Taillow's poke ball from my belt, throwing it. Taillow would appear on the ground, and the poke ball coming back to me. I reattach it to my belt.
"Alright you two. You both ready?"
They both look at each other, looking fired up.
"Elekid, use thunder shock!"
Elekid would obey, doing that.
"Taillow, dodge it, now!"
Taillow would try dodging, but gets hit by the thunder shock.
Taillow would crash onto the ground.
"Taillow, can you get up?"
Taillow does his best, pushing himself up.
"You want to keep going?"
{Taillow} "Taaaiillloww."
"Alright then."
"Elekid, use Quick Attack!"
He obeys.
"Taillow, dodge now!"
Taillow obeys, just barely avoiding the hit.
"Taillow, use Quick Attack to get close! Then use peck!"
He obeys, getting close to Elekid, then delivering the blow.
"Elekid, use thunder shock now!"
Elekid obeys, striking quickly with his thunder shock.
Taillow gets hit, then hits onto the ground.
*Back at the pokémon center*
Natalie and Alex meet up in the lobby.
{Natalie} 'Uh, is Brady still asleep..?'
{Alex} 'No clue..'
Natalie walks up to Nurse Joy.
{Natalie} 'Excuse me, do you know if our friend is up?'
{Nurse Joy} 'Yes, actually. He's outside.'
{Natalie} 'Thank you.'
Natalie and Alex walk outside the pokemon center, hearing the sound of clashing pokemon in the open field. They turn their heads in that direction, seeing us training.
{Alex} 'Of course.' He chuckles.
Natalie chuckles, too.
They walk over to us.
{Natalie} 'Morning Brady.' She chuckles, some more.
I look over. "Oh, hey Natalie, hey Alex."
{Alex} 'Sup.'
"Taillow, Elekid. You two can stop."
They both stop, being exhausted.
I hear something behind me, I turn. I spot a Torchic, walking behind its fellow Torchic friends.
{Alex} 'That Torchic seems like it's in its own world.'
I grab my pokédex.
{Pokédex} 'Torchic, this pokemon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black. Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug it will be glowing with warmth. This pokémon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down.'
I slowly follow them.
{Natalie} 'What's he doing?'
{Alex} 'Don't know, but let's not get left in the dust.'
Natalie nods, they both follow.
Elekid and Taillow follow as well.
We hide behind some bushes once they stopped.
The Torchic would surround a whole area, surrounded with trees. The same one we were following would walk over to what looked like a Combusken.
{Alex} 'That Combusken must be the leader of this pack.'
I grab my handy pokédex once more.
{Pokédex} 'Combusken, the evolved form of Torchic. Combusken battles with the intensely hot flames it spews from its beak and with outstandingly destructive kicks. This Pokémon's cry is very loud and distracting.'
They would be talking to each other.
The Combusken randomly kicks the Torchic back and onto its back.
I jump up from where we were hiding. Running right in front of the Torchic.
"Stop it!"
{Torchic} 'Torchiiicc..?' The Torchic's eyes glow a bit.
{Combusken} 'Combusskeenn!'
The Combusken and the other Torchic leave.
Torchic plops down onto the ground. Looking down.
I sit down, beside the Torchic.
"Hey, don't let that Combusken put you down. You're an amazing pokémon. If they don't want to accept you for who you are, then it sucks to be them."
Alex and Natalie come out from the bushes.
{Alex} 'He's right, if they don't accept you. Then hey, you can always come with us. I'm open to a pokémon like you.' He smiles.
There would be a air balloon above us, going in the direction of the Torchic and Combusken.
We all look up, seeing it. A net would come out from it. As soon as it hit the ground, we would hear the cries from the Torchic and the Combusken.
{Torchic} '!' He'd get up.
{Torchic} 'Torrrchiic!' It would run off towards that direction.
I get up, and run after it.
Natalie and Alex sprint after us.
We find the Combusken and the Torchic all trapped under a net.
Alex stops, being tired.
{Alex} 'I've never run that fast in my entire life.'
"Who's responsible for this?!" I run out to the net.
Two people would be standing there, they look over. They'd have an "S" on their black clothing, they both would have black leggings on as well, one a male, the other a female.
{Both of them} 'Team Solar is responsible for this!'
{Alex} 'Team Solar! They're people that like stealing pokémon!'
{Team Solar male grunt} 'I'm Oren.'
{Team Solar female grunt} 'And I'm Valarie.'
{Oren} 'Look! We missed one!' He points to the Torchic standing near us.
{Oren} 'Bonsly, I choose you!'
{Valarie} 'Abra, I choose you!'
{Pokédex} 'Bonsly, It does not deal well with water, so it lives in dry locales. Since its surroundings tend to lack greenery, it stands out noticeably. From its eyes, it can expel excess moisture from its body. This liquid is similar in composition to human sweat.'
{Pokédex} 'Abra, It sleeps 18 hours a day. Even while sleeping, it will teleport itself to treetops and pick and eat berries there. It can teleport itself to safety while it's asleep, but when it wakes, it doesn't know where it is, so it panics.'
{Oren} 'Oh, look Val, they got their lesson for the day.'
They both laugh.
{Oren} 'Now, Bonsly, use low kick on that Torchic!'
"Oh no you don't!" I dive on top of Torchic, protecting it from the Bonsly. The Bonsly would end up hitting me instead.
{Natalie} 'Brady!'
{Alex} 'Brady!'
{Torchic} 'Torr..chic...' It's eyes would sparkle.
Elekid, jumps up in front of me, shocking Bonsly with its thunder shock.
{Alex} 'Treecko' Use pound on Bonsly!'
His Treecko obeys, delivering the attack, sending Bonsly back to its trainer.
I move off of Torchic.
"Torchic, use ember on that net quick!"
Torchic nods, shooting fire out of its mouth at the net, burning it up.
{Valarie} 'Uh oh..'
{Oren} 'This is b a d, BAD!'
They rush to their balloon, and taking off.
{Natalie} 'That'll show them, hopefully.'
"I doubt that'll be the last we see of them."
Torchic looks at me.
{Torchic} 'Torchic!' It moves further away from us, then turns back to us.
{Alex} 'I think Torchic wants to come with you, but it wants to battle you first.'
"But, you wanted it first.."
{Alex} 'True, but you protected it from Team Solar. That pokémon deserves someone who really cares about it.'
"Then Elekid, Stand by!"
Elekid jumps forward, ready for battle.
Torchic moves first, using its Ember attack.
"Elekid, jump!"
Elekid obeys, jumping above the attack.
"Use Quick Attack!"
Elekid obeys, getting closer to Torchic.
"Now use Thunder Shock!"
Elekid obeys, shocking Torchic.
Torchic takes the hit, and gets up.
Torchic moves towards Elekid, using Ember once more.
Elekid takes the hit, sliding back.
Elekid's arm would get surrounded with electricity. Elekid punches Torchic with electricity surrounded around his arm.
{Alex} 'Woah, that was Thunder Punch!"
I grab a poke ball from my belt, and throw it at Torchic.
It bounces off the top of Torchic's head, then a red beam comes out of it, pulling Torchic inside the ball. It would shake a few times. Then it would stop. I smile and pick up Torchic's poke ball.
I let Torchic out of its poke ball.
"Welcome to the team Torchic!" I smile.