Back in shenal, salem sat in the beach house rocking back and forth on her favorite antique rocking chair. each time she leaned forward, the chair made an annoying click sound but Andrew kept his mouth shut.
at least right now she wasn't spouting hateful lines like she had been for the past week.
salem could be a wicked tongued woman when she wanted to be, something she had learned from her mother but she didnt run away or fight him. she was much crueler. instead of hitting him she spat out words with a face full of hatred or ignored him completely.
his plan to woo her back to him wasn't going over as planned at all.
regretting his decision to force her here andrew just let salem be and tried to be as patient as possible.
thankfully this worked and salem began to slightly soften around him. it also helped that this place hadnt changed since they had last been here together. lost in her fond memories of summer with him Salem began to imagine what life would be like if Andrew had never married Alanna. By now they might have had some cute babies, a cat or two, and maybe even a passionately loving marriage.
was there anything better than that?
suddenly snapping into focus from a familiar smell, salem looked up to see Andrew carrying over a tray full of her favorite foods. grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and even oatmeal cookies!
narrowing her emerald eyes in suspicion she watched him bring over the offering and wondered what this impulsive bastard wanted.
the only time he ever bribed with her with food was when he wanted something in return. scanning him up and down she saw his gaze land on her chest and she felt a flash of resentment. andrew just wanted what all men seemed to crave! how terribly predictable!
Excited to give his captured beauty her favorite food and a new silver necklace Andrew was shocked to find her in a foul mood. she was fine just a minute ago... he was certain that these were her favorite foods. so what was the problem? why was she upset now!?