Sometimes love is enough to forgive the person who hurt you the most
The person whom you also loved the most
Sometimes love is enough to let go of that person
That person whom you once thought was your breath
That person whom you once thought you couldn't ever live without
Sometimes love is enough to endure the pain of being left behind alone
To endure the pain of seeing him smile because of another person rather than see him cry while being with you
When his heart is already elsewhere
To me, you were like this butterfly
Beautiful and fragile, colorful and light to be with
I wanted to watch and touch, to treasure and protect
Though I know it's wrong, I somehow tried locking you up in this world I created
And now you're gone
And I was left behind in this world I created for the both of us
It hurt me, but what should I do?
In the end, you were like a butterfly after all!
You come and go like one!