It had been many years since the Immortal became active and when he first appeared his origins had been shrouded in mystery. He was known as a mysterious mercenary dedicated to destroying any organizations that brought harm to innocent people. His purpose was heroic however his methods were less so as his missions usually ended in many deaths. Regardless, in the grand scheme of things one extremely skilled mercenary with a great hatred towards evil was not considered a big deal in the eyes of the truly powerful and influential. But when this skilled mercenary kept up his performance and continued improving despite the passing of decades, some people began to get suspicious.
The mercenary in question had no problem at all with disclosing his origins so the truth came out during the 43rd year after the mercenary's debut. It was discovered that this mercenary was born due to an illegal research operation to try and genetically enhance humans. General information about the research was already known by the public but the specifics about what happened were yet to be released. The research happened in the year 2046 and it was done by an organization named Evo Works, which was fronted by a fake African oil company. The research was done in a base near the northern coast of Africa and Evo Works was very discrete with their external activities. Egg cells were bought from small towns in developing countries located in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. The researchers changed the DNA in these egg cells to try and create genetically enhanced humans. They spent years splicing and replacing the DNA in these egg cells with DNA copied from some of the most unique humans around the world. People with abnormally sharp senses, abnormally dense muscles, abnormally high processing power, and other abnormal talents had their DNA samples stolen by Evo Works, who then replicated the DNA before splicing it into the eggs.
After the eggs were prepared they were fertilized and raised in an artificial birth chamber. The sperm used to fertilize the eggs also had it's DNA modified. Of the fertilized eggs 80 percent died during the artificial pregnancy. Of the remaining 20 percent of test subjects who were "born", only a quarter made it to adulthood. The researchers split the test subjects into different batches, each of these batches was made with a different purpose in mind. Some batches were enhanced to make them great scientists while others were enhanced to be unstoppable soldiers. regardless of the batch all subjects were given decent genes pertaining to their physical strength and mental capabilities to give them a strong foundation for their more monstrous talents.
The Immortal, whose real name was Dion, was part of a very special batch. The purpose of this batch was to create a human who didn't age. Most cells in the human body will lose a small portion of their DNA whenever they reproduce, meanwhile there are other cells in the body which do not reproduce at all, such as those located in the heart. By preventing a cell's DNA from degrading during its reproduction, and allowing normally unreproductive cells to reproduce, pseudo-immortality could theoretically be achieved. Alas, these were still extremely difficult to achieve and, there were also other problems to take into consideration in regards to creating an unageing human. Thus out of the batch out of 234 test subjects, only 32 survived through the pseudo-pregnancy, and of those survivors, only 6 survived to the age of ten. Of these six only Dion, the Immortal actually became immortal and survived till the 23rd century. The others died due to various complications caused by the advanced reproductive capabilities of the cells in their body.
Evo Works and their laboratories were discovered and destroyed in December of 2065 when Dion was 14 years old. The United Nations took custody of the surviving subjects. Dion left custody pretty soon after. He became a mercenary helped destroy the organization that once imprisoned him. As for the rest of the enhanced humans, they ultimately did not have much of an impact on the world. Although they were talented and exceptionally smart their experience in the laboratory had cast a shadow over their hearts, preventing them from achieving true brilliance before being forgotten by the world. Even Dion eventually faded into obscurity as, after destroying Evo Works he stopped taking contracts and practically disappeared. It was only now after almost 2 centuries that his name once again appeared in the spotlight due to his reappearance in the world governments fight against The Revolutionists.