Kim Soohyun
Soohyun's Past
"No! Please! You can't just separate us from our children!" I shouted still holding Soobin and my new baby, Hana.
"Don't just stand here, do something. my wife said. Sorry, we have to do this. You're popularity is starting to get higher. We can't afford to lose it." My manager said.
"Please Manager, let me and my wife talk." I said. The Manager is outside.
"Soohyun! How can we let him take away our children?!" my wife said. She is raging with anger. "It's the only way. Once the media finds out, our career is doomed." I said.
"I became your wife because I love you. I knew you will pick us over your career. But now you proved me that I was wrong." she packed her things and left us.
"DON'T GO!" I shouted but it's too late.