Xia Feng had to deal with a yandere first.
It was Valaraska getting angrier and angrier and Xia Feng who just spoke about getting more women. He was already doing his things, but it was something she couldn't accept. Her goal was to find women of her dead husband and kill them.
Then, the family of her husband was also her enemy.
But this man was not caring about that and only wished to get them for himself.
"I will kill you too!"
A yandere erupted with her adorable face twisting in a sincere anger. But as Mana could be charmed by her looks no matter what, so Xia Feng could. He was not charmed as much though, but understood that a beauty surely can make things either easier or harder.
Her angry was face was very sweet even though Xia Feng could tell she wants to really kill him.
A fight with her might be too much for now, but Xia Feng had an easy way to calm down Valaraska.