Eleyana was 28 years old girl. she was not very rich ,she was an ordinary girl. she was good looking. she belong to a normal family. she was an assistant professor in university of California.she was very kind. she has long golden hair. she has fair colour. Her family feel very proud on her success.she has one brother ,who was setelled with his family. her parents were live together in small town.
eleyana like love relationship but she never experienced it because she don't want herself to be distracted from her goal.she want to come in relationship but she never find her prince charming. she believe that her destiny will do good for her. she dreams about her prince charming .In her dreams he was a decent person with good looking personality. he also live simple life just like her.
eleyana like to read webcomics. she afraid to be a girlfriend of a rich people .she thought every rich people was just like comic book hero's.so she don't like them. she always want the main character of comic to fall love with whom who love her & belong to normal family so that she don't face any problems in her life..
Now let's watch what happened in eleyana's life ....she find her prince charming or what destiny will do for her?