One Piece World's Aura System

Aura System-

All Pirates are rated on their Bounties, the higher your bounty is the stronger you are perceived by the rest of the world.


Aura: 1,000 berries = Low level criminal

Aura: 10,000 berries = Starting level pirate

Aura: 100,000 berries = Low level pirate

Aura: 1,000,000 berries = Mid level pirate

Aura: 10,000,000 berries = Upper level pirate

Aura: 100,000,000 berries = Top level pirate

Aura: 1,000,000,000 berries = Yonko level pirate

Aura: 10,000,000,000+ berries = God level

Soren will take quite some time to soar through this chart so expect this arc to be longer than arc 1 and 2, probably will make it 80 chapters long before Soren is off to the next world.

All of the Aura has been changed to Ki, it will equate like this.

100,000,000 berries is = to 100,000 bp or Ki

I only switched it to make up for him not getting a new bounty every chapter so I hope this is better, he still will be getting higher bounties later on.