Chereads / Make sure Voldemort wins?! / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Ariana did her best to ignore the guilt welling up inside her as she stared into those massive, bright, green eyes. They were just so big.

Dobby had, without complaint, dutifully obeyed every command given to him by Ariana for the last 5 days. Whether it be fetching something for her from the nearby Muggle Town or conjuring the most delicious meals, he was happy to serve.

This, and much more, had caused Ariana to hesitate in her target practice on the Elf. 'Why couldn't Mr Malfoy just get me a rat?' She complained.

Standing in her warm room, wand in hand, she took a deep breath before speaking. "Dobby, no matter what I say you are not to leave this room or try to contact anybody else for the duration of our conversation, ok?" She said with uncertainty.

Ariana's orders were not even close to absolute, becuase Dobby was not her House Elf.

Lucius's order to listen her only went as far as Dobby not wanting to disobey Ariana on a personal level. He was only magically bound to obey the Malfoy family, and this wasn't something that could be simply passed on by telling a House Elf to listen to another.

Otherwise, the magic ritual that all Wizards go through when acquiring a House Elf would be pointless. The old owner could just tell an Elf to listen to his new owner and not follow him anymore.

However, she didn't need absolute control. This version of Dobby had yet to truly understand and feel any form of independence. Mentally, he was still a slave that only knew how to follow orders.

Because of this, it would take a lot for Dobby to disobey.

Ariana watched as the frail creature's eyes widened in fear at her words.

This young Miss Rose was a friend of Mr Harry Potter, Dobby thought. He knew this from the few letters he'd stolen from Mr Harry Potter this summer.

Dobby was certain she was good Witch, not like his Masters. She never once hurt Dobby or treated him cruelly. Miss Rose even went out of her way to treat Dobby kindly.

Although he still didn't understand why she was with the Malfoy family in the first place.

A part of Dobby thought she needed rescuing.

Believing she certainly wouldn't hurt him, Dobby nodded, "Yes Miss Rose, Dobby will stay right here. Yes right here. Dobby is not going anywhere. Has nowhere to be." He babbled bouncing on the soles of his bare feet.

Having confirmation Ariana took a seat on the edge of her bed.

The two of them stayed in silence for a moment before Ariana spoke, her voice calm, but accusing. "Have you been stealing letters from Harry Potter Dobby?" She said bluntly, gazing unblinkingly into his eyes.

For a second she thought the Elf hadn't heard her, with the way he completely froze like a deer caught in headlights, not making a single sound.

That was until her words apparently began to register for Dobby.

He instantly snatched a plate from her bedside table. It was full of small cupcakes she asked him to fetch for her earlier. A snack for tonight.

Not for long.

Completely disregarding the deliciously baked goods, Dobby violently smashed the silver plate onto his head. Over and over again, continuously slamming the silverware against his skull without pause.

"Stupid Dobby! Stupid Dobby!" He screamed aggressively.

"Dobby has been found out!" He wailed over the loud clanging sound of his cupcake stained head being repeatedly abused.

Having heard enough to confirm that things hadn't changed Ariana rushed to put a stop to Dobby's actions.

By the time she managed to calm the Elf down cupcakes littered every corner of the room. Dobby's clothes were a mess and his forehead had turned red from the abuse.

Sighing tiredly Ariana fell back onto her bed. "Dobby?" She called quietly.

"Yes Miss Rose?" He stuttered nervously, still worried about what would happen next.

Sitting up Ariana shut her eyes. "You stole Harry's letters because of something you heard Mr Malfoy say, didn't you?" She asked, deciding to throw any subtlety out the window.

This time Dobby literally fell onto the floor from his shock. 'How could Miss Rose know!?' He thought in disbelief.

Seeing his reaction and anticipating another freak out Ariana rushed to continue. "But I know you just want to keep him safe! Relax Dobby. You probably know me and Harry are friends from his letters.

"I know you just want to protect him." She said, her voice seeming sincere.

Dobby gazed up at Miss Rose, eyes wet and wide. "Y-Yes!" He stuttered in reply. "Dobby can't say everything. But, Dobby does want to keep Mr Harry Potter safe!"

Unexpectedly, Miss Rose didn't seem too enthusiastic about his answer. frowning at his admission. Ariana slowly fell onto one knee, like a knight would, and analysed Dobby eye to eye.

"Dobby" she started "would you really do all this snooping around and stealing letters just to protect Harry? You don't even know him. Can't you forget about what you heard? Leave it alone and move on with your life?" She challenged.

For the duration of the conversation Dobby had exhibited a variety of emotions. Fear and surprise to name a few. Ariana had thrown him for a loop a couple times to be fair.

He had hardly been given any room to breath

However, for the first time since she had met Dobby Ariana had finally found a hint of the stubborn and loyal Elf she knew he could become.

Stepping away from Miss Rose, Dobby didn't look at all happy, his face scrunched together.

Firmly taking a stand he answered. "Dobby will not ignore it!" His voice cracked. "Mr Harry Potter needs Dobby's help, so Dobby must help him. Mr Harry Potter is a great Wizard, Dobby knows this and so does all Wizards and Witches! Dobby will protect Mr Harry Potter!" He declared, stubborn as a mule.

By this point his body was shaking with adrenaline. This was probably the only time he'd spoken like this in years.

Hearing his words Ariana's heart sunk. Any hope of sparing the Elf had been tossed out the window with that admission. "I guess there's no helping it." She muttered sadly.

Realising his mistake in saying too much Dobby profusely tried to apologise, only to be dismissed.


Lost in her thoughts Ariana fiddled with her wand whilst considering her options.

It was late into the night. She laid in bed dressed in a long silk gown Mrs Malfoy had so generously provided.

Occupying the young Witches mind was how to deal with her latest problem, Dobby. Ariana knew from the start that her mission meant she'd have to hurt a lot of people. She just didn't think that time would come so soon.

At least she had confirmation from Lucius. If anything were to happen, she wouldn't be held responsible.

"I guess the only thing left is the how. The trace isn't a problem whilst I'm here, but the ministry is aware of what spells I cast."

Of course, this only ruled out Dark magic. And everyone knew you didn't need Dark Magic to kill. Deciding to sleep on it, Ariana rolled onto her side and curled.

"No point in delaying the inevitable. Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow." That night she slept with a heavy heart.


"A letter? From the Weasleys?" Ariana said in surprise.

Narcissa placed the envelope on the dining room table, where the family was currently having breakfast. Barring Lucius who had a meeting to attend to. "Yes Ariana, the Weasleys. I wasn't aware you were acquaintances with the family." She said.

The disdain for the family of Blood Traitors was blatant.

"I must warn against associating with their type. The riff raff." Narcissa sniffed pompously.

Even Draco felt the need to add in his two pence. "I've already told her to avoid their sort at Hogwarts mother."

Ariana tried to hide her annoyance. Not like they would understand what she was trying to do anyway.

"Yes Mrs Malfoy." She said hoping to appease the woman. "Whilst I agree completely, I'm also a firm believer of keeping your enemies close. Close enough to stab them in the back."

As expected, Narcissa nodded in approval. Ariana even thought she saw a hint of respect in her eyes.

"Good. And please, call me Narcissa." She said, shocking the young girl.

Grabbing the letter, Ariana skimmed through it's contents. Long story short, it seemed Mrs Weasley was forcing Ron to invite her over for dinner. She couldn't understand why, but this was the perfect opportunity to get close with one of the most light families in Britain.

Noticing the curious gaze on the two Malfoys were sending her way, she sighed. "I've been invited over for dinner." She explained.

Draco's face instantly twisted into a mix of amused and disgusted. "Dinner? Do they even have enough to feed themselves? Haha. Delusional." He laughed.

Despite the tastelessness of the joke, Ariana found herself laughing at the stupidity of it. Even the proud expression Draco wore, made her chuckle.

Narcissa clearly didn't find the humour in it. "I didn't raise you be so crude." she said, before turning her attention to Ariana. "Do you plan on accepting?" She questioned, being completely straightforward.

Pretending to think about it, Ariana paused before answering. "Hmm, it would be a good opportunity to befriend the family. Something I think our mutual acquaintance would appreciate." She hinted.

Narcissa's expression instantly switched, darkening at the obvious mention of the Dark Lord. Right in front of her son no less. Her blue eyes turned icy, glaring at the child in front of her. Ariana, however, did not back down. Holding the cold gaze with her own.

The atmosphere becoming uncomfortable, she decided to leave.

"Please, excuse me." She muttered, standing without waiting to be excused. Swiftly exiting the dining room Ariana let behind an angry Narcissa and a confused Draco.


"Dobby!" Ariana called, sitting on a wooden chair in her room, wand in hand.

Barely a second later the Elf stood before her. "Yes Miss Rose?" He said, the usual enthusiasm nowhere to be found. It appears the Elf was still tense after their previous conversation. They hadn't spoken since.

The tightly gripped wand wasn't helping.

"Yes Miss Rose?" He repeated, seeing her pained expression.

Despite everything that had happened, Dobby still believed Ariana to be a good person. Mr Potter wouldn't think highly of her if she was evil after all.

Although, Dobby couldn't deny that it didn't make sense. Why was she friends with a Dark family like the Malfoys? And why did she want him to leave Mr Potter alone?

Yet, even with these doubts, he still thought she wasn't bad.

Ariana still didn't answer. She just sat back in her seat, eyes shut, frame tense. It was 7pm, and would be getting dark soon. The low sunlight beamed through the massive window, shining onto both of them.

Not disturbing her, Dobby remained silent. Nervous, but silent.

The two of them stayed like for what felt like eternity. One fighting an internal battle, whilst the other watched. Eventually Ariana's eyes opened, and Dobby shivered at the sight of them. A pair of cold, resolute green eyes pierced his soul. Whatever decision she'd come to, he had a feeling he wouldn't like it.

No room for mistakes, Ariana thought.

"Dobby" She said soullessly. "Turn around." Her tone left no room for discussion.

Hesitantly, Dobby followed her orders. Keeping faith that nothing would happen to him. He held onto that trust.

"M-Miss Rose?" He stuttered, voice cracking. The tension peaked. Dobby faced away from her. "Is Dobby in trou-"

Like an unforgiving blade, Dobby's meek voice was mercilessly cut into.


A flash of red, and the voice of the girl he trusted not to hurt him was the last thing Dobby heard. The Severing Charm flew straight through the back of his neck, slicing anything in its way.

It was an execution

Blood splattered across Ariana's face and stained her white gown. As if toppled by a gust a of wind, Dobby's frail body collapsed lifelessly, still chocking on its own blood.

The metallic taste lingered in her mouth, it was all too much. Having taken her first life Ariana broke into tears.