"Simonifirac Crypts. I am looking for my brother, Jazukal Crypts." Simon urgently spoke to the front desk attendant.
"Yes...yes... your brother has reported to a private sparring match with Ornell Valk just a minute ago." The front desk attendant replied after sifting through a mountain of records in a crystal.
"Where may that duel be taking place?" Simon asked again.
"Duel Hall B."
"Thank you very much." Simon smiled as he ran out from the room and headed for the Duelling Hall.
"You are welcome."
Simon quickly ran through the corridors and made his way to the Hall. Within the span of half a minute, he managed to arrive at Hall B and opened the door quickly. In the hall were a group of roughly 10 students watching two other students duel on the main duelling platform. Without a doubt, one of the duellists was Jazukal.