In the depths of the abyss known as Simon's heart, laid a flicker of light. The light had embedded itself in an almost immovable position, radiating a dim yet powerful light in the every expanding darkness. No doubt, Simon had grown to become less of an accomodating person, as well as becoming a much more ruthless one. He had simply lost too much of what made him human. In a world where he knows that he is much more, how can he be human? Humanity may have just been a single race in a multitude of his existences, spanning a Millenia.
With that knowledge, he began to view others with indifference. He kept his friends and family close, but would not so much as frown at the erasing of others. He knew that they bore no importance in the grand fugue known as life. There are louder voices, and those voices will be the musicians. The instruments can play and play, but a broken instrument will be replaced, The musician cannot.