Screams echoed throughout the forest with limbs flying everywhere, Rian had already dismembered four men. Blood coated the greenery, Rian stood like a mountain no matter how many times the bandits hack and slash at him he remains unhurt. The remaining men didn't dare turn their backs to the monster before them if they did they would definitely die! These were desperate people, desperate to survive and return to the towns and villages they came from.
"We can get it if we go all together!"
"Are you crazy, that bastard just killed four of us with ease we ain't even hurting it."
"By all means, you go get it but we ain't coming with ya."
Rian understood that what he just did was shocking, anyone would think that no matter where you came from, nothing should be able to do that and so easily. But what surprised him, even more, was the fact that he feels like this was natural, and he was enjoying it. He wanted them to attack him so he can see their petrified faces as he chomps down on them. His mouth started to drool and this wasn't unnoticed the bandits as the colour began to leave their faces "This bastard is enjoying this!" one yelled but none moved they all lost the will to attack, they couldn't win no matter how hard they tried to fight they would just get destroyed. This was a true monster and they were nothing more than sheep stuck in a pen. Easy pickings. In the end, it came to Rian making the first move to bring this to an end, but he also didn't want this to end too quickly so he decided to hunt the others too, and he would tear them limb from limb. They did start the fight, to begin with.
" This was fun. But let's end this now." Rian's rough toneless voice sends chills through the men's spines, he was able to speak none of them had anticipated this and none were willing to stay any longer.
"We need to get the fuck out of here" the bandits fled the scene as fast as they could trying to get away from the monster behind them as fast as possible.
"Where. Do you. Think you're, Going." He lunged at the closest man wrapping his claws around the man's throat, Rian's mouth was full of saliva and it dripped onto the mans face as he went in to take a bite. All you could hear was a crunch followed by the sound of blood spurting out of a large bite mark, Rian discarded the body and chased after the other men, his bloodied teeth showing. Rian quickly grabbed another by the legs and torso and pulled him apart in two blood spurted everywhere it coated Rians black fur making it appear to be dark red colour, but it didn't last long it seemed to be absorbed by the darkness that was his fur. Rian looked like a true nightmare in front of the bandits who long lost the notion of pride. The corpses that littered the earth mangled and bloodied there was no way to identify who that once belonged to, any sense of humanity was lost in front of the beast that devours light. The eyes of the beast a crimson red so deep your soul was lost. Rian became a monster and his bloodlust lead him to kill, men became vermin in front of him. It was the sense of dread that settled their fates, and a grizzly end they met. Truly, what Rian did was something unexpectedly for him, the first time since this curse had befallen upon him he felt such bloodlust, and joy from terrorising people. The only time he ever felt like this was when he attacked the two guardsmen in his home village, but that was out of vengeance. This was out of pure amusement. If the others saw him now they would not think twice about fighting too. Nobody in their right mind would allow something like this to happen. Unfortunately, Rian continued the brutality as he tore through the bandits, bloody limbs flying about. The last bandit simply fell onto the floor, his legs were trembling and he simply lost all strength in his body. He could only look up at the demon gazing down upon him, eyes gleaming red. The monster's mouth opened up, saliva drooling over him, before a final crunch. Only the darkness remained as the man spirit left his body for good.
Rian stood in the forest with bloodied teeth and claws and corpses littering the ground. An eerie silence spreading through the forest there were no birds tweeting, no men moaning in agony. Nothing. But it did not mean there was no one there, they were just so traumatised by what they saw, even the animals. In the millennia of existence, the forest has never seen such brutality.
Rian smelled the air trying to identify more bandits to slaughter, all he could sense was blood, red flashed through his mind it was all he could see. So he moved on to trying to hear the bandits, to which he was pleasantly surprised. Dozens of bandits ready to attack Amiesia and her guardsman, the fact that they already had the idea of attacking Amiesia infuriated him and increased his blood lust. "DIE!" Rians voice reverberated through the forest sending chills down the backs of all who heard.
"What the fuck was that voice"
"I don't know chief, but I don't like it" panic spread like wildfire in the bandit's encampment "Fuck this id rather not deal with spooky shit like that" without making an appearance Rian had made several bandits flee, dealing with the first was best if rumours spread of a creature in the Great Northern Forest hunters all around would gather to hunt it down. He knew this because he would be one of them, in his attempt to become the best hunter on the continent he became a monster, and he was full of blood lust itching at the chance to attack. The bandits running were as good as dead, nobody would come to save them. Attacking innocents, murdering families stealing, these acts are detestable on their own, but to flee as well, they would be a mockery.
Rian moved like a shadow, picking off each of the cowards one by one, the screams heard by all. The bandits that remained heard this began to tremble, the few that were stronger willed, stood alert, whatever was killing them was not a wild beast and that voice before was definitely a voice and not a noise misheard by them.
"It must be a vengeful spirit. Fuck, you think it's a Cyhyraeth?"
"What are you a moron? They don't kill people they only signal death, this has to be something else."
As they were speaking a corpse came flying at them startling, the body was still warm and twitching with blood spurting outwards. Its head was missing the upper cranium, the body was followed with an ungodly sound.
The sound although hard to describe could be said to resemble a growl of a wolf, although deep and distorted almost as if it wasn't natural. Then again nothing about this situation was natural at all, a creature that could kill this easily was definitely supernatural.
"Whatever the fuck this thing is, do not forget we outnumber it, nothing can beat steal. So basically quite being pathetic and get bloody ready to kill this damn thing."
"The boss is right! Let's rip this thing to pieces!"
The leader was obviously very persuasive, the idea that he was able to get the group of outcasts to grow a pair once more proved this. Reminding them of the fact that there was clearly only one monster was a feat worthy of praise. Although in face of Rian who had already wiped out a group of bandits before, was of little insignificant. He was priming with power to the point he felt like taking on the entire kingdom and winning.
With slow steady steps Rian revealed himself from the shadows towering over the bandits before him, he moved towards the closest bandit. He didn't attack first but waited for them to make the first move, somehow through the few hours he was in the forest he developed a sadistic love to play with these scum before slaughtering them.
"What... The... Fuck... Is... That?"
"B-b-boss h-help me put h-here." the one Rian moved towards was panicking, it doesn't matter that the others would help him he was dead either way. It didn't stop him from pleading first in order to ensure his sacrifice wasn't in vain. "Fuck you!!" he screamed while thrusting his sword towards the monster's abdomen. He had hoped it would severely injure the beast but instead, the thrust ended with only a slight wound appearing on the monster's body.
Rian grunted as they sword cut into his flesh, this was the first time he actually got hurt while being able to fully aware of his surroundings. Luckily even though the bandit the put all of his strength into stabbing Rian his thick fur and skin prevented any serious injuries. And with this Rian grabbed the bandit by the throat, slowly lifting him in the air tightening his grip steadily.
"S-s-stab h-him!"
"This is beyond monstrous."
The unlucky man the gasping for air but too little was allowed to enter, blocked by the hands of death. His face turning purple as the blood vessels burst in his face his death was slow and terrifying to watch, although he had proven the monster could be injured there was nothing they could do to help, they could only watch in disbelief as their friend was slowly suffering.
"What do we do against that?"
"I seriously doubt we could do anything, the man literally stabbed him with all his strength yet allnhe was able to so was cut him slightly, what are we supposed to do. It will cut us down if we do anything."