"A black limo was spotted driving off the highway," Detective Hyunseok said. He had the CCTV footage in front of him in a monitor. "Unfortunately, that's where the footage ends. There was no other cameras along that route."
Sohee's brows furrowed in tension as she listened intently to the detective's words over the phone. The road trailing away from the highway led to several different places. One was towards the village where the appearance of a black limo would be too conspicuous. Second route led towards a forest which was quite deep. It will take them days to find him there. Third route led towards the docks where ships anchor for breaks. If Jiwon was taken there, he could be easily shipped off to any part of the world and they would never find him.
Sohee let out a series of curses. If anything happened to the child, she would never be able to forgive herself. He was not even fully trained to protect himself andβ¦