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Spike Fierce is a well know fighter in the underground arenas of New York City. The G.S.F. is the battleground that most fighters dream of fighting in whether for the money, the glory, or an excuse to hurt people. What starts as a chance to win money becomes a deeply personal affair for Spike, when certain powers at be begin to hurt those around him.

Chapter 1 - Part 1 - A Day In The Life

The scene is complete darkness, with every glance around black is all that shrouds the environment. The air is cold, an eerie cold that creeps through one's body chilling the bones. An uncomfortable fearful pressure would press down on any body daring to tread through it. Walking around in this dark world void of life is a young boy no more than ten years old. His hair, spiked and green like an unkempt grass lawn. Hanging off of his scrawny body was an ugly trashy white shirt and green cargo pants. He looked around and releases a cold sigh of frustration.

Boy: Huh... I... what the hell is this?.. -He continues to wander through the darkness, eventually his tough guy demeanor begins to fade and he begins to grow colder, grow more fearful. - I... Where is everybody!?.. -He sits down and starts to look down onto the cold black floor- ... Was I meant to be this way?.. To sit in regret for all the bull shit I've committed...

At that moment the boy saw something that made him jump back to his feet. Above him, what appeared to be a faceless red haired angel hovered down to him. She knelt down to his level and her mysterious blank face peered right at him. The boy grew slightly scared for a moment, but soon realized this shining angel was the first thing that he had seen other than pure darkness for god knows how long. She reached out to him with open arms, and unable to respond the boy was embraced by the faceless angel and her warmth filled him with a strong sense of security and safety. The boy let his guard down and rests his head upon her chest and wrapped his little arms around her. He closed his eyes, this feeling felt so familiar to him, but what was this all about. The angel then muttered softly,

"I will never leave you"

At that moment Spike Fierce is seen jumping awake out of a nap gasping for air. He inhales a couple of deep breathes and brings himself back to his reality. A faint gleam in his light green eyes shines as he blinks several times trying to fully awaken himself. A gust of wind blows against his wild green hair.

Spike:.... That dream again.. -He presses his hand to his face- Ugh.. It gives me a headache every time.. What the hell is this crap trying to tell me?

Suddenly a bell rings obnoxiously loud, Spike grows more irritated by the sound of it's constant brain splitting dings. Spike slowly sits up from his sleeping position and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket. He sparks his lighter and ignites the cancer stick soaking in it's intoxicating embrace as he feels his stress slowly dropping. Spike begins to wonder what it is he plans on doing on this day. He continues to smoke his cigarette and gaze up at the New York sky. In what felt like half a minute the cigarette burned to it's limit and faded away. Spike stood up atop the roof of his high school, Glory Bound High. He brushed off his pants and shirt and climbed through an attic window connecting to a janitor's storage closet, continuing through the marsh of cleaning equipment and dust Spike reached a door that lead him to a stairway to the school's main hall. Spike Fierce trekked through the hall ways heading to his class but before he could even make it to his first period class he heard the sounds of a ruckus not too far from his current position. He turned two corners and sure enough what he saw pissed him off. A group of seven students surrounded one lone kid seemingly being punked for whatever money he had on him. Seeing as nobody has noticed Spike's presence he decided to sit back for a second and absorb the situation. The leader of the bullies was none other than, "Agro Mortis" and along side him his partner in crime "Magnus Hans". Agro was a big dude with a crew cut and the current second string quarter back for Glory Bound's football team, currently dressed in his jersey and jeans, his friend Magnus looked like a real douche who lost his way in the 80's sporting a shiny bleach blonde mullet. He was the captain of the school's boxing team and a real ass-hole by nature. The two of them lead a mob of five other students that followed their bull shit. Unfortunately for the young student in the middle of it all it was just a case of wrong new kid, army of douche bags. The poor kid in the middle was known as "Jaseus Ardie" a young skater punk who just moved to New York, and is his first day in Glory Bound. Jaseus could be described easily enough, He sported a backwards cap over some long hair going down his neck, dyed all sorts of green and blues. He had piercings on his eye brows, ears, and lip, and was dressed in baggy clothes, though he was surrounded he showed no fear and looked at his opponents with a strong sense of defiance in his eyes. Spike liked the look Jaseus gave to the bullies as he sat back and watched the situation unfold.

Agro: SO!, New kid listen up, to survive the halls around here you need to know who your kings are. I Agro Mortis happen to be "THE" King of kings of this hallway, Hell this whole damn school. We already did our research on you. You got a part time job, very nice. So we know you got cash. Fork it over!

Jay:.. Yeah the money I make goes straight to family matters.. so I ain't got nothin' to give sorry.... Mr. .... "King"..

Agro:.. Family Matters!! C'mon guy, you're gonna have to learn how to pay up round here, or this place.. will eat you alive!!

Magnus: Screw it Agro, Let's just knock his punk ass out!! Then he'll understand why he has to pay.

Jay: Why don't you pieces of shit just get your own damn job and make your own money!! I work for mine!!

Magnus: You watch your mouth scrub!!

Agro: You've done it now punk!!

Jay: You want money!? -he digs in his pocket pulling out loose coins- Take the damn money!! -He then throws a hand full of change straight into Agro's face-

Agro: Argh!! The Hell!? -He flinches and guards himself-

At the very moment when Agro tried to open his eyes again all he saw was a wild right hand connected to Jaseus Ardie. Jay threw a wicked haymaker through the mist of the loose change his fist planted into the face of Agro. It was a sweet victory. For Jay, it was as if time slowed down so that he could absorb the pleasure as his fist ground into Agro's face. Victory was short as Jay was struck by a powerful right hand to the chin by Magnus. Jay's vision was filled with spots, he blinked rapidly trying to tell his body he was still awake, his legs gave way like jelly was in his bones. He stumbled as best he could but turn about was fair play, a sucker punch for a sucker punch was not working in Jay's favor. Jay eventually hit the floor hard and tried to cover up on pure instinct for he knew what was coming next. As expected the next thing he felt was the awful sensation of feet stomping on him from all directions. Agro recovers from his fall and angrily starts to march towards the mob but before he knew it, he felt the strong grip of two hands grabbing his neck and tugging his shirt. Spike violently drove Agro into a locker causing an instant knock out. Spike then began casually walking towards the group. He Pulled one of the students away and punched him right in the face for an OHKO. One of the thugs turned and saw Spike trying to interfere but before he could do anything else his face met with the bottom of Spike's generic brand sneaker. His face printed like he was rundown by a truck he collapsed. The remaining thugs noticed Spike's presence and backed off of the downed student for a moment.

Magnus: Spike Fierce!! What the hell do you want!?

Spike: Eh.. Sorry but I think I overheard you ass-holes talking a lot of shit. Something about these being "Your" hallways.

Magnus: What of it Fierce!? You and I both know Agro's dad pretty much runs this place And-

Spike: THAT'S ANOTHER THING!!, Last I checked you ass-holes come from wealthy families, and you're still trying to pull that lunch money shit!! This Ain't 1995!

Magnus: It's more for the rush of beating down the scrubs who have no place around here. Scrubs like you, Fierce. Why don't you crawl back into your subway tunnel and rot with the rest of the trash in this city!!

Spike:... I'll give you this much Magnus... you like taking your lumps like a man... and I'm happy to dish them out!!

Magnus: HAH!! think again dumbass It's 4 against 1!! you're ass is grass!

Spike: Is that so? Check yourself Mullet Man..

As Magnus turns he notices his three thugs stepping back slowly.

Magnus: What's This!? You little fags!!

Thug#3: Fuck you man!! I'm not fighting Spike Fierce again... he turns and walks away, and the others follow him-

Magnus: YOU!!!

Spike: Hahahaha!!! He knows the Spike Fierce "Just Walk Away" policy. I'd offer it to you Magnus but you've already pissed me off.

Magnus: Screw YOOOOUUU!!!! -He runs at Spike with his right hand clenched for a vicious punch-

Magnus lands a strong punch right into Spike's gut, He smirked for a moment but quickly noticed Spike hasn't flinched and is staring a hole in his face. Magnus quickly starts to punch his mid-section some more, Spike palms his head and shoves Magnus away. "Is that all you've got Magnus!?" Spike yelled

Magnus Then answered with a vicious one two to Spike's face, Spike smiles like a sicko and yells again, "C'MON TRY AGAIN!!! QUIT PUNCHIN LIKE A BITCH, BOXER MAN!!"

Magnus steps back and throws his strongest right hand into Spike's chin, He staggers for a moment and comes back stomping on Magnus' foot. Magnus yelled out for a split second and then Spike Fierce drove a vicious headbutt right into his dome. Magnus paralyzed from shock and impact, he felt his teeth crack in his mouth and all he could hear was a high pitch ring violently splitting his head. Spike then unloaded a ferocious uppercut to Magnus' chin. His feet left the ground and he flew across the hall. He was without a doubt, knocked the f' out.

Spike: -He spits out some blood- Tch.. you punch like money.... I punch like iron.. -He glances over to the downed kid and walks over offering him a hand, he pulls him up to his feet- You alright dude?

Jay:. Ugh.. yeah I'm good, thanks. Man I really wasn't looking forward to my initiation.. It's the same everywhere I go.

Spike: So this isn't your first new kid experience.

Jay: No, not at all.. My name's Jay by the way, Jaseus Ardie!! But I like just bein called Jay Heheh. -He smiles widely- and thanks again for saving my ass back there. You beat those dudes like they were absolutely nothing.

Spike:... It's not a problem. Guys like them need to be kept in line. I like the defiance you showed so I figured I'd help out.

Jay: So what's your name dude?

Spike: Huh? Right my bad.. It's-

Before Spike could finish his sentence a very angry voice shouted through the halls "FIERCE".

The two boys looked over and saw a skinny man with messy hair and big glasses walking down the halls with a sense of purpose. He was the vice principal of Glory Bound High, Mr. Jergins. With a violent scorn in his eyes he met up with the two boys and began to verbally lash out at them.

Jergins: What the hell is this!? Fierce, you piece of garbage! Picking on helpless students again!? You really disgust me!!

Spike:.. The feeling's mutual man...

Jergins calls the school's security team, and the beat up kids are all carried to the nurse, While Spike and Jay are dragged to the VP's Office. He seats them both and leaves for a moment after he slams the door behind him, the boy's attention is grabbed by the sound of a girl simply saying "Hey!"

They both glance over and see it's Spike's twin sister Rayna Fierce. known by a lot of scandalous nick names around the campus and city alike. She was the embodiment of a family's nightmare daughter, wrangling in the reputation of an amorous homosexual. Often caught seducing a whole mess of females on campus both student and teacher. She had long green hair flowing down to her mid-back and the most enticing pair of aqua eyes anyone could peer into, Her sleek, slippery, slender body was maintained by her constant M.M.A., and Parkour training. She sat on her chair with one leg over the other smiling and began to speak.

Rayna: So Lemme' guess Spike... You beat up Agro and Magnus again? Or was it Butch, Kenny, Jon-Jon, Billy-Bob, Gavin? Haha, ahhhh... You're too scrappy little brother...

Spike:.. Whatever...

Jay: Little brother!? Whoa, whoa! This hot chick is your older sister!?

Spike: Twin sister actually...

Jay: Wha!? You guys don't look like twins..

Rayna: We're not those kinda' twins. hahaha. Could you imagine me, as ugly as Spike? Or Spike.. as pretty as meeee. Haha!!

Jay: Wow... Hey I'm Jay Ardie! it's a pleasure. -He holds his hand out-

Rayna: Oh.. -She shakes his hand and smiles- Rayna Fierce. Never seen you around before.

Jay: I'm new, my family and I just moved here from Sacramento.

Rayna: Hmm... west coast boy eh? Well if you're kickin' it with my brother then you don't have to worry about "fitting in" problems, but I'm willing to guess Agro tried to initiate you and Spike came in and beat the living hell out of him, am I right?

Jay: Uhhh... yeah..

Rayna: -She chuckles- Ahh.. Spike.. you never get tired of thrashing Agro do you?

Spike:... What kind of fucking name is Agro to begin with!?... Wait a sec, Rayna What the hell are you in the V.P.'s office for anyway?

Rayna: Oh.... I played porn on the morning bulletin.

Jay: Say what!?

Spike: -He palms his face- Oh no.... don't say anything else..

Rayna: Homemade porn too.

Jay: WHAT!?!??


Rayna: Yeah Courtney was bein' a bitch soooooo.. I fucked her mom and recorded the whole damn thing, then I had G.F. edit it up so that only the parts where she was in control were played! So it totally looked liked I was bein' raped by her, OH MAN! She went to town on me-

Spike: SHUT UP!!!

Rayna: Hahahahahaha!!!! Ahhh.... This will play out well...

Spike: No it won't idiot! How can you keep exploiting yourself this way!? Also, don't you have a girlfriend? Isn't that cheating!?

Rayna: Hey! Milano and I aren't going out yet. We only had two dates, and I haven't banged her yet..

Jay: MAN!!! I missed an awesome video cause of those dumb ass Jockstraps!! I REALLY don't like those guy now...

Rayna: Now Jay, my good sir. I could sell you a copy, Schoolgirl XXX Milf Fantasies volume 1! How does fifty bucks sound?

Jay: SOLD!

Spike: You're not selling anything!!! And your not buying anything!!

Jay and Rayna continued to laugh hysterically at Spike, but the joyous laughter was interrupted by the door knob turning and the door opening violently. Mr. Jergins glared at the students and slammed his door behind him, he began walking to his desk where he sat on his rolling chair. He pressed his hand against his forehead and massaged the bridge of his nose, fixing his glasses he began to speak.

Jergins: SO! Here we are again Fierce.. but no, not just you, but both of you! You two are a real menace to this school, and a greater menace to society. Scum like you needs to be caught in a drive by and shoved in an abandoned ditch where your rotting corpses won't stink up our meaningful lives. I've met a lot of worthless cur in my lifetime but you two, have got be the most useless, worthless, wastes of life I ever laid eyes on.

Jay: Dude.. is that even legal for a teacher to say that kinda-

Jergins: You shut your mouth new kid! I have enough shit to deal with. You ought to be punished for starting trouble with Agro and the boys.

Jay: What!? Dude, I was being harassed by those guys.

Spike: It's no use Jay.. Jergins is pretty much blowing Agro and his Dad...


Spike: D,d,d, Did I friggin sssttstttuter?... Dumb ass...

Jergins: I'd expect this sort behavior out of a menace like you. You're just as bad as that dead in the ground Dad of yours!

Spike: -He quickly stands up out of his chair- Watch what you say, Dickhead...

Rayna: ..Yeah.. I won't stop him from tearing you apart if you talk about our Father like that again... Jergins.

Jergins: Tch.. and you, like Mother like Daughter. How's Reanne doing anyway? Is she still making money on her back!? Just like her whore daughter?

Rayna: -She also stands out of her chair- You piece a-

Spike: -He jumps up over the desk grabbing the Vice Principal by his collar, pushing him up against his second story window- You wanna' run that by me again!?

Jergins: Heh! What if I do? Are you going to hit me? HAHAHAHA!! I'll have you expelled!!

Spike: -He slams his head against the window-

Jergins: Ahh Ow!!

Spike: Do you honestly think I give two shits and a fuck about being expelled, Dumb ass!? You insulted my family for the last time you piece of shit! I oughta' punch you right through this window of yours and watch your ugly little frame shatter as it hits the pavement!!

Suddenly Jergin's cocky grin turned to a look of fear, he realized he had finally reached Spike's breaking point, and even though he looked forward to this moment for such a long time, he started to regret it. The look in Spike Fierce's eyes was that of a burning hatred he had never thought possible. It was as though he could feel his own spine starting to curl up in pure horror. Jergins began to shout at the top of lungs for help. He screamed, "Security, help, help me anybody! Please don't!"

Spike clenched his fist so tight that you could hear his knuckles crack as they anticipated smashing in another human's face. He pulled his arm back looking as though he was going to throw the most furious right hand that he has thrown thus far, in his entire life. When his fist began to thrust forward, he felt a pair of hands grab his arm. His punch was barely halted about halfway through. When Spike looked back he saw it was Jay holding his arm back, and that he had dragged him over onto Jergin's desk.

Jay: Holy shit, you're strong! Dude don't do it, shit stains like this guy aren't worth it! Besides I think you already won.. I can smell it.

Spike: -He looked down and discovered that the school's V.P. had actually pissed himself- ...Heh forget your diaper? Heheheh! -He drops him-

At that moment the door opens quickly and the school's Principal, Dr. Jones walks on in. A rather tall man with a strange hair style where there was kind of spiked antenna in the middle of his hair line that made the kids laugh. Usually seen in his trademark suit that he liked to wear to school. Unlike Jergins, Jones had a better reputation of always trying his best to reach out to his students. He looked around the room and without even asking anyone he had figured out exactly what was going on.

Jergins: JONES! Oh God! You gotta' help me!! This kid! These Kids! They're fuckin' crazy man!! -He runs towards Jones- Please, please, Call the cops! Call anybody!! Arrest this, this, this criminal!

Jones: Jergins... Don't come any closer. Before you do anything else... change your pants.. My God, man!

Jergins: I... Uh.. yes sir... -He exits the room with his head down and sniffle as if he is trying his best to hold in tears-

Jones:.... There's pee in here.... let's go to my office.

Doctor Jones then escorts the three students to his office. He then goes over a brief apology to Jay and gives him the talk about being bullied and what to do about it. Though it was something he had heard over a dozen times before, something about the way Jones talks to him makes this lecture feel just a little more meaningful to him. He eventually dismisses him. He then looks at the Fierce twins and by the look alone, Spike and Rayna already knew Jones had a lot to say. He told Rayna about how angry he was with the whole morning bulletin crisis, and that she was better than that. He would enlighten the twins about how he used to be in high school with their parents and it's because of the close friendships he had with both Reanne and Sean that he vowed to help watch out for them when their father passed. Rayna like usual felt a bit guilty for being bad, but not really. After about twenty minutes of a lecture and being charged with a suspension, he dismissed Rayna and turned his attention to Spike. He then began to give him his famous one on one talk about how his street fighting career was like a game of death. Though it was like talking to his own ass, Jones would never give up on trying to persuade Spike to cut down on all the violence. Spike knew that Jones was genuinely concerned for his well being, but street fighting is what brought home the bread for his starving family and quite frankly it was in his blood. For the most part Jone's lecture just kind of flew in and out of his ears, Spike began to ponder in his own world. He started to think about that dream earlier. With the help of spacing out what was at least a thirty minute lecture felt like a few moments. Spike eventually got to leave the office.

It was already the first morning break and the halls filled with people again. Students switching text books and heading off to their next class, others loitering in the halls and talking to friends. Groups of kids going to the bathrooms chuckling like they had already smoked the joint they were planning on lighting. Spike trekked through the school halls. He shook hands and said what's up to random friends and acquaintances that he happened to pass by. He made his way towards the exit of the school and began to ponder on how spend the rest of his day. As he sits by the exit he feels someone's finger poking him in the back. He turns around to see Gina Timbers. She's the sophomore class president and Glory Bound's biggest soccer star, but to Spike, Gina was his ex-girlfriend who he had been on a rocky relationship with since their three month separation. She was a somewhat short girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She always had two little tails tied on the top of her head and one of the most gentle smiles you could ever be struck by. She stood before Spike holding her text books and shuffling her feet.

Gina: Umm.. Hi.

Spike:.. Can I help you?

Gina: -She sighs- I heard you beat up Agro and the boys again..

Spike: What else is new Gina? What do you really want?

Gina: Uh.. I don't know.. I saw you around the corner.. and I don't know, I guess I just wanted to say hi..

Spike:.. Charming.. you better run along or you might be late.

Gina:.. Are you skipping again?

Spike: Thinkin' about it...

Gina: Well you shouldn't! I mean.. Ever since we broke up.. you've been letting your grades drop and everything.. and I guess I'm just a little bit worried.

Spike: Course you are... Look Gina, I appreciate the concern and all... but today has just blown ass so far... I'm going home to eat lunch.. then I'm going to work.

Gina: You're still?

Spike: Yep! Alright Gina, you take care. -He then opens the exit door and walks out quickly- (My god.. It's always so awkward these days..) -He sighs, as he continues to leave the school grounds-.

Gina:.... -She sighs- (Please be careful stupid.)

As Spike walked down the streets of New York, he passed by the usual crowds of pedestrians, the foul mouthed hot dog salesmen, the hobos sleeping in random shady places, suits on cell phones and all the hustle of the big city. As Spike turned a corner, before he even knew what was happening he collided with a red haired woman that was running at full sprint.

He fell to the ground, the back of his head hitting the concrete. He groaned in pain, but when he opened his eyes he saw the woman open her eyes as well, they were a bright violet hue that caught Spike's attention instantly. The two peered into each other's eyes for what felt like a whole minute. Spike began to space out and begin thinking about his strange dream again, but this moment was actually a second long. The woman shouted "Sorry bout' that!" and quickly pushed herself up off of him. Her luscious bosom smacked Spike right in the face as she pounced off the ground and he was dumbfounded even more. She began sprinting down the sidewalk again and right into the virtually still traffic jammed roads, jumping over cars and dodging other people.

Spike quickly hopped to his feet, and shouted "Wait!" but it was no use she continued to jet down the streets.

At that moment he heard a gruff voice from behind him shouting, "Get back here you bitch!".

Before spike could even turn he got shoved by a man in a suit that continued down the streets after the woman. He was then hit again by two more men that pushed him right out of their way, and anyone else in the path was quickly shoved right to ground as well, not a woman, child, or senior citizen was safe from their ruthless pursuit. They also continued down the street over cars and people alike.

Spike grew angry for obvious reason. He shouted at the men, but much like the woman who ran into him, they ignored him and continued down their path. He started to sprint down the streets as well, chasing down the guys who rudely shoved him as well as the random city goers. "Hey Stop!" he shouted again as he chased them down. Much like a lion chasing a gazelle he grew closer to the suits.

Spike: You Sunnava!! Ignore me will you!! -As he caught up with the first suited man, he grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him backwards-

Suit C: Gyahk!!! -He gets choked out by his own suit and tie and hits the ground-

Spike: -He then delivers a strong right punch straight to his face and knocks him out.- One ass hole down!

The other two men stop and turn to see what happened to their buddy. They glare at Spike and start to approach him as it seems that he now has their attention.

Suit A: You little punk! Who do you think you are!?

Spike: -He interrupts the man by driving his foot right into his face-

Suit A: Bla!! -He falls into the ground, rolling over twice-

Spike: The chick apologized when she ran into me. You motherfuckers didn't.

Suit B: You stupid little! -He goes for a wild right-

Spike: -He easily avoids the attack by grabbing his arm, he then drives his foe's elbow over his knee, snapping his arm like a struck out baseball player's bat-

Suit B: -He screams out like it's bloody murder, and before he knew it, Spike drives his face straight into a street light where he looses consciousness-

Spike: Ooohh.. Maybe I went a little overboard.. -He then looks over to the only conscious man left- So.. what were you chasing that girl for?

Suit A: She's a thief! You idiot!

Spike: Really?.. No you can't be the good guys here..

Suit A: I never said we were... Heheh!

Spike: Well thanks for clarifying that dumb ass... -He walks up to him- So, who do you work for?

Suit A: -He spits in his face- Suck it bitch!

Spike:... Eheh.. Heheh.. I'll give you props for balls... -He headbutts him, knocking him out, just the same as his two comrades- Eehh.... hmm.. (Hmm... damn that girl was.. hot... Shiney red hair stretching down her back, caramel complexion.. like a perfect copper tone. Dat ass.. was round as hell and looked like a firm butt.. Those slacks could not hide that at all, and the friggin' rack on her.. They smacked me in the face and almost knocked my ass out... Talk about pillows that don't go flat.. But her eyes.. they were the most entrancing eyes I've ever looked into since.. Marie Valentine... ) Ugh.. -he shakes his head- ehh.. (Forget it... Not like I'll ever see that chick again, she's long gone.)