Everyone looked at Kat till she calm down. Once she finally looked up and saw everyone she smiled and said sorry to Emily. Steven was he first to break the silence...Kat are you ok you look scared? Everyone looked to Kat waiting for a answer... Kat - I..saw what I think were my parents.
Hannah - But your parents are just a hour away.
Kat - No I mean my real parents I think I'm adopted. Everyone looked at her and put some clues together she didn't look like her parents at all.
Zaria - So why were you asleep for so long we were getting worried.
Kat - I don't know...How long was I out I hope it wasn't long? Emily - 4days. Are you kidding me 4 days!
The day went by as Kat got back to normal she practice and practiced till she fell to her knees. Weeks went by things got back to normal but Kat couldn't stop thinking about her dream and her parents. Her old home she couldn't figure out why shes just now remembering. And one night she got all of her friends to come over for dinner and to talk.
Kat - Hey guys I need to tall you something and I hope you all understand.
Hannah - Whats up? Something wrong?
Kat - I'm going to start looking for my parents my real parents. And I didn't tell yall this but I will also be looking for my brother.
The End...... Till next time on Elements Quest