I was a normal man I suppose. I played my video games, went out with friends, studied random crud in school I'll never actually use in my life. On my way to my job at Starbucks I saw an elderly lady standing in the middle of the road. I immediately walked towards her as I could never let some poor elder be in traffic by themselves especially in these busy streets. in happened so fast. One minute I was talking to her next I push her toward the side walk as a semi barrels right at me. I didn't feel a thing. I could hear everyone talking around me. Sir stay with us don't close your eyes Sir? I quickly embraced the cool and can darkness. It's warm. Am I in the afterlife? No it's still painful. I see weird lights. open your eyes. With a gasp I shoot up. only to find out that I'm on a weird planet shaped thing with thousand others swirling around me. Welcome New Zodiac. A voice but where? Welcome to the Realm of the Stars. I looked down at myself. I couldn't help but scream at the sight of me wearing a bra and a short skirt that I would sometimes see surfer girls wear. I noticed a symbol on top of my breasts..... Wait what.... I'm a girl. Welcome Zodiac. Your name is Aquarius you'll be known as the water bearer. My thought process slowly left me as I fainted right then and there.