So this time again I start as a baby
Oh boy, this feeling never go old,
Few seconds ago you were chilling in a warm pool of unknown origin, then out of nowhere you get a notice of eviction, bewildered you give a kick at the wall to manifest your unhappiness but then you get your head pulled into a flesh toboggan and pop, shove into a world of blinding light by a giant force.
Barely registering your surroundings you get to meet what you deduce to be your mother whose facial features are distorted with a mix of happiness and relief.
Wait!!! She isn't moving!!! Hey everyone around i am born I am fine take care of her quick!!!!
"Ouin!!! Ouinnnnn !!!!"
"ק¶°¥©®®€$%&€#*" said a religious looking old lady to a younger one.
"#€&%/*@ @&€#&" said the younger one while bringing her hand together creating a green glow which seep into my mother.
Half written will finish later.