My name is Markus Maverick, and today is November 21, 2064. I turned 17 yesterday, and this is my first time writing a diary.
I've never tried keeping a diary before because I always thought it was pointless, especially since my life kind of sucks and nothing interesting ever happens. I also used to fear that someone might find it and read it. However, things have changed recently, and I don't care as much about privacy as I used to.
The reason I'm writing this journal is that I want to share it with my friend Inna later so she can learn more about my life. She can't read yet, even though she's only two months younger than me, but she'll learn eventually. Until then, I'll keep it to myself. Maybe one day, if I have kids, they might find it too.
Inna is my only friend. Like I mentioned, she's two months younger than me. Unfortunately, she hasn't done much with her life—and honestly, neither have I. I spend most of my time alone, playing VR games because I never liked going outside or hanging out with other kids. I preferred staying in my room. I was afraid of stepping outside and trying new things because my social skills were terrible, and kids found the way I talked boring. Some even said mean things to me.
Because of my poor social skills, I didn't have any friends at school. My life was uneventful in every way, especially compared to others. Even though I was one of the richest kids and had the coolest gadgets and the fanciest clothes, nobody wanted to be friends with me. They just didn't like me as a person. At least I had the option to change and improve my social skills—if I tried harder.
When it comes to Inna, her life has been even more uneventful than mine. She's been forced to live in an incredibly small world—a space no bigger than a prison cell that she has never been allowed to leave.
Inna has lived her entire life like a prisoner.
She is my dad's genetic experiment.
My dad never let her out of her cell. He didn't want anyone to know about her existence, except for me, because he would get arrested for conducting illegal genetic experiments in the laboratory he owns.
According to him, Inna is a human-wolf hybrid. She has wolf ears and a tail, but the rest of her body is completely human.
He told me he created her because my mom only wanted one child, but he longed for two. So, in his own way, he made Inna to fulfill that desire and bring himself happiness.