Jaekel had wandered outside. It was a very nice day, but he was not really paying much attention to his surroundings. His thoughts were entirely on his best friend. He wondered how her talk with the older sorceress was going. What they were talking about.
He sank down onto the grass and stared out at the horizon – which eventually did get blocked by trees. After a while of him just sitting there, he heard footsteps. Ones he recognized very well. There were few footsteps he could identify so well, but he had often listened for her steps.
He turned and smiled at his best friend, faltering a bit when he saw the troubled look on her face. "Something the matter, Rune?"
She sat beside of him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "She's my grandmother."
"Ah." He was not really surprised.
"Did you know?"
"I wasn't sure. But I had an inkling it might be the case. I had a few visions that make more sense now."
"…I think Talon might have known. I don't know how though."
"Maybe those spirits he claims to talk to."
"Why did she have to send mother away though? I get that she got an oracle telling her to… but what was the reason?"
"I can't claim to have the answer. Maybe someday it will be revealed to me. But I am glad for it."
He spoke haltingly, and with a thudding heart. "Cause… if she hadn't….if your mother had never came to Carendlus…your parents would never have met… and you and your siblings would never have been born." He paused, then muttered. "And maybe its selfish of me, but I would never trade this present with you as my best friend– no matter how much suffering brought it about – for any other reality in which there was no great suffering if that meant you and I would not be together."
"Everything happens for a reason." She sighed. "Thank you. I don't think that's a selfish sentiment." She glanced up at his face and his heart felt like it shook. This was not the time to admire her beauty! There was a hint of confusion in her eyes and he wondered what it was that put that look there.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, settling himself a bit before looking back at her. She suddenly sat up, a frown on her face. "Rune?"
"I'm glad too. To have been your best friend." She was not looking at him. Which was unusual. "We'll be together forever right?"
"Best friends till the end." He grinned. Leaning towards her, he affirmed, "And yes, that I can back up with my visions."
She laughed, tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear. "That's…good."
"…Is something else bothering you?" He asked, concerned.
"Nothing." She stood up. "I….that is, knowing this… some things make a bit more sense. Like why Zilanius was so interested in my family."
"Yes. I suppose it does." He had a feeling there was something else on her mind, but decided not to push. She obviously did not want to talk about it.
"I should go find him. There are some stuff I should ask about…" She leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Again. Thanks for listening. You're the best friend I could have ever asked for. See you in a bit."
He sighed, watching her leave, but feeling a warm glow in his chest. He touched where her lips had touched and sighed to himself. Sometimes waiting was harder than at others. He'd found himself wanting to tell her how he felt.
But this was hardly the time. Right now, she just needed his friendship. That was fine with him. It really was. But that didn't mean he never got stirred up. After all, he was still a young man with a very deep crush.
No. Crush was not the right word for this feeling. He adored Rune. He was in love, had been for so many years he could not remember a time when he had not loved her. So far, he'd managed to push it down enough to just be her friend – but only by continually telling himself that it wasn't time yet. She was not ready, and he wanted to avoid awkwardness.
He just needed to be patient. Someday, they would marry. They would have a cute daughter and son. He could wait. He needed to wait.
He leaned back on his arms. She'd realize eventually…
He hoped though it would be sooner rather than later. He yearned to be a couple with her.
How would her parents react at the initial news? He knew they had no clue. Would they accept it readily? Would it take them a while? They would not really have anything against him, he was sure on that. They loved him like a son already after all. He looked forward to being more like a son to them, though. He chuckled a bit at the thought. He would never call Zylvia "Aunty" like she had so wanted, but one day he would call her "Mother". He hoped that would satisfy her.