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From the Dark

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pain, darkness, cold this was her world now she was a prisoner of war. Hermione Granger had fought with Harry only to fail him and get herself CAPTURED.

Chapter 1 - Abuse

A flash of light permeated the dark room high pitched whistling followed the light, It did not take long for the noise to rouse and old man his long hair and beard mussed from sleep. He blinked at the instruments before waving his wand conjuring two silvery Phoenix shapes and address them both.

"Severus I need you to return to Hogwarts right now something has happend you will meet me at the gates as soon as possible." One phoenix flew off he addressed the remaining one. " Remus I need you to get to Hogwarts as soon as you can something has happened to Harry It's imperative you meet me at the gates we need to investigate ." The other silvery bird flew off Albus Dumbledore sighed it was going to be a long day. He returned to his room to dress He just prayed that whatever was going on at the Dursley's could wait until he had back up. He quickly walked down the path that led to the village the gates were already open his Potion's Master glared at a sheepish man.

"AHH My Dear Boys you have arrived exactly when I hoped you would. As much as I would like to explain what has happened I do not know my self come take my arms we will find out everything together." Albus beamed at the two men who didn't hesitate and latched on to his arms He whisked them far away from the pristine castle and all its secrets.

When the three men landed they did not expect what greeted them Dumbledore had taken them right into A man screaming and hitting a woman who was trying to protect two small boys the larger of the two held the smaller one. Blood was splattered on what was left of the smaller boys clothing the boy was unconscious and unaware of what happened around him. Remus was the first to regain his senses but it didn't last the smell of blood filled his nose and Mooney flew into a rage Cub was hurt large man had hurt. Remus charged prying the fat man off the small woman and slamming him into the wall choking the man he was not aware of anything but the man.

"You Bastard How dare you hurt cub! How dare you touch woman who protects cub. You will pay for what you have done." The werewolf yelled and snarled until a small voice entered his head.

"Mooey Mooey is you?" The voice snapped Remus back to himself dropping the fat man he had been dangling by the throat he turned to the voice Green eyes looked into amber 6 years had passed and his cub remembered him. The woman had retrieved the boy and was fussing over him as Albus waved his wand over the three that had huddled together for safety.

"Yes cub I'm here, Mooney is here." Remus spoke softly including the wolf with him claiming him as part of him for the first time ever.

" I knew you'd save us Mooey toll Auntie Tunia you'd come and protect us from him ." Green eyes peered up at the werewolf as if everything was right with his world Remus knelt next to the boy who's small fingers reached out and touched the large scar that ran down his cheek to his shoulder one he had gotten from Greyback. Mooney preened under his cubs fingers His cub was safe thanks to him would heal now that he was safe the boy let himself fall asleep.

"Are you hurt or your boy hurt?" Remus addressed the woman who held his cub tears ran down her pale cheeks light blue eyes were dull and lifeless, A large hand print marred her face Remus looked her over still angry .

"Compared to what that filth did to my Nephew we are unharmed, Thanks to you three Mr? " The poor woman looked as underfed as Harry the other boy looked as if he had been overfed he hovered by his mother and cousin.

"Lupin. Remus Lupin at your service, I'm an old friend of Lily and James's I was at their wedding I remember seeing you Petunia right. We need to take you three somewhere safe will you allow me to take Harry? " Remus gave the woman a small smile hoping she would trust the boy to him.

"Yes I remember now forgive me its been a rough few years." She nodded and shifted Harry to him he hoisted the boy lightly in one arm and stood he offered her his other hand she blinked and accepted it gratefully He pulled her up.

"Petunia my dear why did you not contact me about this?" Dumbledore asked

"I told you he wasn't welcome here when you dropped him on my doorstep in November as a baby ! I told you he wasn't welcome here YOU DID NOTHING!" The woman glared at the headmaster. "He controlled my every moment once Dudley was born it became worse I had no one to turn to no Family no way to get out . Vernon was always possessive and hateful I was young and stupid but he paid attention to me said I was beautiful and worth it despite my poor upbringing. I'm a mere Muggle I have no magic no way to protect even myself let alone my own son how could I possible protect Harry! Thank god It seems my boy has magic too it was him that blasted Vernon off of Harry, He was attempting to rape the boy!" She yelled at the headmaster who looked forlorn and hurt over the idea.

" You are indeed correct I should have come here to speak with you properly, I am a old fool of a man I never thought he would do that to the boy." Albus said in a small strained Voice. Snape glared at the headmaster waving his wand over the prone form of the muggle in question.

"Before I finish getting revenge tell me exactly what he has done to you and the boy's Petunia." Severus addressed the blond woman who gave the dark man a wicked smile.

" Worse then your Father ever was Severus Make him hurt Please for at least thirteen years that's how long he has been manipulating me." She told the man primly who smiled just as wickedly at her. He turned and waved his wand over the prone man laughing madly Remus raised a eyebrow and smiled Severus would make the man suffer.

" Modify his memory too I am annulling your marriage myself It will be as if you were never married And Dudley will have Evans as a last name. Also I am sure we could find a man to blood adopt Dudley should he chose to you would no longer carry your father's blood. But for now let us return to Hogwarts Petunia You will side long with me Severus please take Dudley and Remus you have Harry of course ." Albus nodded at the men Severus approached the boy and explained what was going to happen the boy nodded and grabbed the dark haired man's hand. They left the horrid house behind and landed in the exact spot they had left they spoke very little as they hiked up to the castle .

"I have always wanted to come here its breathtaking ." Petunia said at seeing the famous castle in all her glory.

"Here Mr. Lupin he must be getting heavy I'll carry him a bit." Petunia again piped up about halfway to the hospital wing all three men chuckled at her.

"Don't bother Tuni you best let Remus to the task trust me he's a beast doesn't even register that he is carrying anything. " Snape said vaguely with a laugh that even made the other two men laugh.

"That was a good one Severus, And indeed correct it'll take more then a under weight 6 year old to wind me." Remus commented and they continued on the way to place the care of the boy to Madam Pomfrey. She flew into a tizzy waving her wand over the boy once he was place on the bed, Remus leveled a look at Dumbledore who nodded and left the room.

"Come here Petunia lets get some bruise slave on your cheek while Severus checks over Dudley. It will take Madam Pomfrey a while to go over Harry and then once she has she will give him what he needs to heal and put him in a magical sleep." Remus said softly magicking the bruise remover from the store room he gently applied it to her cheek and arms that were dotted with finger shaped bruises. Mooney snarled in his head raging over the woman's mistreatment Mooney had always loved women and hated any person who hurt women and kids.

"Thank you but what will happen to us now? We have nowhere to go I don't have any credentials to get a job How will I feed the boy's?" Petunia let go and cried tears rolling down her cheeks.

" Hush don't fret over the details Dumbledore is looking into a new home for you and the boys, you and the boy's will not do without we understand that you have been under the control of a Monster we will find some way for you to support the boy's if that's what you want. Dumbledore will arrange everything as his apology for not taking you seriously you all will live a comfortable life." Remus said lightly wiping her tears with his long fingers she blushed and gave him a small smile that tore his heart . Mooney howled in pain at her smile he smashed the wolf down with almost no effort he almost stumbled at how effortless he controlled the wolf.

"Why don't you lay down both of you and rest for a while Me and Severus will go help the Headmaster." Remus shot his old school rival a look the dark haired man raised a eyebrow and nodded . The boy joined his mother they laid down on the beds right next to Harry and drifted off, The men walked into the hall and started the trek to the headmasters office.

"Well what's got your wand in a knot?" Severus finally asked Remus stopped walking and looked at the other man he hesitated a moment.

"You have studied my condition more thoroughly then any person I know. Have you run across anything about sudden change in ability to control the inner wolf? Just now Mooney was raging over the thought of Petunia and the boys being hurt but when I shoved him down it took no effort on my part." Remus finally ground out.

"You bloody moron that's the first thing most Werewolf's gain you have always denied that part of yourself to everyone when Harry recognized you you finally admitted the wolf is you and you are the wolf. You will find it easier to tame Mooney you might be able to even partially transform if you work at it you can live in harmony with your other half if you just let yourself. Hell the transformations may not be as painful and when taking wolfsbane you will probably have full control of your actions. In fact that would make an interesting paper if you would allow me to view your memories most connected wolf's wont submit their memory's for it." Snape smiled at the Werewolf.

"You brew Wolfsbane for me so I can be around the boys and Petunia safety I will give you as many memory's as you want. But I want the past in the past no more animosity between us we both want the same thing after all." Remus leveled a look at Severus worthy of any Slytherin .

"I think we can come to an agreement ." Severus held out his hand the men shook on it then continued on their path to double team the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"You idiot you told us he was safe and what do we find an extremely abused Family! You will fix this they need to be placed in a safe wizarding home with a wizard escort. Someone who can guide the boys properly! You owe them a better life!" Remus yelled.

"I know for a fact Potter Had several property's in fact the manor has the best wards money can buy I can add more and so can Remus we can make it so no one remembers it even exist if we do it properly. It will take us two day's to do we just need the Portkey you have . You will give either Petunia or Remus Stewardship as you are the overseer of the Potter will . In Fact Remus has a NEWT in Arithmacy so who better to oversee the Potter accounts ." Severus countered Dumbledore blinked between them and smiled.

"Of course dear Boys that is brilliant who better to raise Harry and teach him Remus you will protect the family even on the full moon we can ensure your alter ego cannot enter when transformed so wonderful. I will go to Gringotts at once and make all the arrangements they will be able to take up residents once Harry is better . Of course Remus will be paid for his trouble after all traditionally stewards earn a salary." Albus grinned and flooed away leaving the two men blinking at one another.

"Is that what he does all the time to you?" Remus asked Severus who nodded glaring at the fireplace. "No wonder you are labeled as the dungeon bat taking you anger out on the students must be relaxing after dealing with him."

"You have no idea, how about some fierwhiskey from the Headmaster's personal stores?" Severus asked walking around the desk pulling the bottle out of the drawer smirking at Remus who nodded. They settled in to the plush arm chairs and between the two of them polished off the almost full bottle Severus was a bit worse for wear while Remus just laughed at his new companion.

"Bloody wolf." Was all the dour Potion's master said .

"Hey you were the one who wanted to drink with a werewolf you forgot the constitution I have I can out drink Hagrid." Remus laughed the fireplace roared and out walked the old man.

"It's done boy's once Harry is well you can take him home here is the documentation proving you are steward and the portkey ring ." Dumbledore handed Remus a scroll and a ring then added. " Activation for the ring is To the keep!" Remus nodded pocketing the ring and unrolling the scroll to read.

Title of Stewardship for

Remus John Lupin

Remus Shall preform all duty's of steward to the house of Potter until the current heir reaches

His majority. As per standard fee of 1000 galleons a week stewards are also given the generous stipend of 2000 galleons a

week for the care of the heir and any relations he may have left. Any transactions to invest or change

the current trajectory will need to be discussed with the bank when the Steward has had a chance

to do a over view of the current accounts. It is our understanding that at the moment the Heir is

unwell and will need extra care therefore we await the stewards owl at his convinced.

Lord Ragnook

Ruler of the goblins

and overseer of

The Bank of Gringotts

'This letter should be good enough for even the Minister of magic should you be questioned both me and Severus would also go to trail if need be." Albus smiled at the Men who said nothing but stood and left the old man chuckling.

The men parted ways Remus turned back towards the infirmary he had to tell Petunia everything He knew once he told her about his affliction she would demand he stay away from the boys. He would provide for the three with his sweat blood and tears even if it was the last thing he did, first talk to Petunia, He'd go to the shack and sleep some, he'd rouse Severus get the Manor ready possibly there were still a few Potter elves to help with that, Hope Petunia would allow him to take her to Diagon Alley to get the boys new clothing. He turned into the infirmary and found only Dudley sitting wide awake starring at the wall, Remus walked over and sat on the boy's bed and waited.

"I always felt so helpless Dad always hated Harry, He always hid the things he did to Harry from mom he hid a lot of stuff . Once I manage to catch him on the phone with some lady he was sleeping with her behind Mum's back . Not that he ever treated Mum properly either, can't prove it though I Hated that man once I began to understand what kind of man he really is. I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking like him I want a new Dad , you said I could do that right?" Dudley jumbled out poor kid was traumatized.

"If that is what you and your mother want then yes certainly Severus can brew the potion in his sleep. What I suggest you do is wait until we can get your weight down to where you should be, the change wont be as hard on your body then, then you figure out who you would want to be your father there are many men we could arrange to be your father. Just relax you all are safe now we have a new home for you all a safe place where you can just be a kid again learn some magic and help your cousin heal, That is all you need to worry about Dudley. Now I want you to lay down and I'll have Madam Pomfrey give you a kids dreamless sleep potion you need some rest you have had a horrible experience for a kid your age." Remus gently pushed the boy down and pulled the covers over him. Madam Pomfrey came bustling out without Remus having to say a word the boy looked up at the scar faced wizard mouth hanging open Remus couldn't resit giving the boy a wink as the healer gave the boy the potion.

"Thank you Madam, What is Harry's status ?" Remus asked once Dudley fell into the deep healing sleep he so needed.

"I would like to know that as well." Petunia sat up and looked at the healer and the man speaking with her the healer heaved a large sigh.

"It's not good, Malnourished, underweight, no preventative shots of any kind, beaten, bones broken not set healed wrong, and worse of all there are scars of sexual abuse, It looks as if Dudley only managed to save Harry from the most recent attack I'd say he's been suffering this for a year maybe more if he was forced to do things to his uncle. He will need mind healing I would also see if Severus could help him learn Occlumency, He will need someone like you Remus with your warmth and calming kindness. He is gonna need you to heal to Petunia he needs to see you get past what Vernon has done to both of you I assume he is not the only one to suffer at that monsters hands. " Madam Pomfrey leveled the blond woman a glance Petunia ducked her head in shame. "My dear you have no reason to be ashamed but you need healing to only then will your Boys heal they need to see you happy and whole if you wont do it for you do it for them."

"Alright Madam that is good enough for today I believe Petunia will seek out help when she needs it and no sooner you will do your job and watch the boys we have to have a long discussion in private. Come Petunia I wish to show you the Lake." Remus offered his hand to the blond, gave the Matron a look and accepted his hand which he tucked into his elbow and led her away from the Hospital wing. A brief pause to the kitchens to nick a few snacks and a couple Butterbeers in a basket , He led her through the halls and down the lawn to the very edge of the lake . The giant squid was lazing about in the sun on the opposite shore Petunia stared at the beast as Remus laid out the blanket sat down the basket, Petunia happily removed her flat house shoes and sat on the blanket. Taking her lead Remus removed his outer robes and unbuttoned his shirt a couple buttons glad he left off his tie today, he kicked off his shoes before joining her on the blanket. He stretched his long legs out got a satisfying pop from his back and settled his arms behind his head.

"Are most Witches like her ?" Petunia finally asked eyeing the long lean form of the man stretched out beside her.

"No not all most her age are its her way of showing she cares and is concerned she's very good at her job and she loves to dote on her patients its why she chose Hogwarts instead of St Mungos. She loves kids to be honest this place wouldn't be the same without her, or maybe that's just me." Remus said opening one amber eye and winking at Petunia. She bust out laughing at him Mooney was thrilled with her laugh , Remus was pleased he had gotten the sound from her meant she was a fighter a true Griffyndor.

" It's good to know she cares for her patients makes leaving the boy's with her much easier Thank you for the laugh its been a long time since I've done that." Petunia smiled and pulled her hair out of its tight confining up do she let it fly in the light wind letting her lovely sent wash over the already sensitive Werewolf who sat inhaling the smell , Sweet floral notes that tingled with fresh rainfall it was the most addicting smell ever.

"Don't worry for all his dotting ways Albus is one of the most powerful wizards in the world and He would die for those boys. But we have much more to discuss then Albus , He has made a trip to Gringotts while you rested and has made arrangements for the Potter accounts to be opened for Harry's use. He has hired me to oversee the accounts as Steward, As steward it is my job to take care of your needs as well as the boys we have been given a generous stipend roughly more then you ex husband could make in three months. You will have every comfort at Potter Manor it is a large lovely building that has some of the best warding money can buy Severus and I will go and check on everything tomorrow and see if anything needs updating. Now after we complete the wards it will be safe to move you and the boy's once Harry is cleared to go home, Before that you and I will make a trip to Diagon Alley to get the basic clothing for you and the boy's perhaps a toy or two. Now there is one thing I need to reveal to you that may change your opinion of me." Remus finally looked into both of Petunia's light blue eyes She tilted her head slightly and nodded at him to continue He sighed . " What do you know of Werewolf's did Lily ever tell you of them?" He finally asked.

"She told me that they were not at all like how they are in Muggle literature and movies that most of them have no choice but to change I'm not sure she always made it a point to tell me not all Werewolf's would hurt me some yes, Dang what was that name." She trailed off tapping her chin in thought.

"Fenrir Greyback." Remus said softly she smiled until she saw the look on his face. "He is the most infamous and dangerous Werewolf in the know world, He loves being a werewolf thinks its natural lives as if he's a wild animal. He also love turning them young 4 to 8 is his favorite prey he say turn em young and they'll listen better." He paused turning to fully face Petunia before reaching up and undid another button to bear his shoulder at her. " My father was a famous activist wanting to segregate and control the Werewolf population have every victim register as a animal with the Ministry. Pissed off Greyback so in retribution found and bit me on my 5th birthday . Now he bit me with the sole thought of turning me as we are only infectious on the full moon. Now during the day and other then the three nights of the full moon I am a normal person but to most witches and wizards I'm an infection that is better off dead. As you can imagine its no way to live." He laughed bitterly letting his grip on his shirt fall it settled back on his frame still bearing the scar to the woman let the few tears he had held in drop tipping his head up waiting.

For her part Petunia did not know what to say but moved unconsciously reaching out a slender hand and very lightly touched the horrific wound on his shoulder it had been deep into the muscle He had been a boy not much younger then her two boys . What kind of thing could do this to a little innocent boy who to spite it all grew up to be the tender man who soothed her son's fears and tuck him into a hospital bed. She had seen what a werewolf was capable of first hand and she had gotten enormous joy out of watching Remus dangle Vernon by the throat one handed she traced the large bite and slid herself closer to the man she softly touched the horrid scar with both her hands and stared him in the eye. Warm Amber tear filled eyes blinked at her stunned, She reached her arms around his neck pressing her own throat to his warm lips and held him.

"You poor thing you must have been so scared you have been alone for so long. My sister didn't fear you and I for one know Lily is never wrong, She always spoke of you fondly she would sneak over when Vernon was at work and we would talk . She always said you were the smartest of James' friends you have done nothing but put me at ease since we have come to this castle you rushed to my rescue when Vernon was hitting me. You never wanted your affliction you never asked to be what you are just like people don't ask for cancer it just happens." She said into his hair it was soft and wispy against her cheek he pulled her from him to look up into her eyes as she knelt over him .

"We are not good enough to be with you and the cubs but we will defend you all until we bleed out and death takes us." Remus' eyes flashed gold and amber vowing with his dual soul.

"We?" Petunia giggled.

"Yes Us Petunia Remus Lupin the man and Mooney the Wolf, We share this body we are cursed to exist together Werewolf's as men call us can work together It is now because of you that we are finally doing so for the first time. You have our vow we exist for the pack and you and the cubs are pack, the man will work and make you comfortable, but the wolf will defend and kill for you as needed. " His voice was harsher eyes still flashing but the promises was something that was meant from the heart of both creatures.

" Wow it sounds almost as if you are promising to be my husband. " She smiled lightly the voice coming from the man was not the soft one she had been hearing sent a little shiver up her spine.

"No not Husband Mate, we will not claim you as mate you are to hurt to pursue. As tempting a morsel as you are you do not want to be our mate." The voice said and then as suddenly as it came Remus's eye's flashed back to amber and looked at her with surprise.

"I am so sorry I didn't even know he could do that he has never spoken to any one before. He dose not understand social nuances and jokes he's a literal being. " Remus stuttered pulling farther away from Petunia she sat and looked at the man really looked at him. He was a handsome one despite the scar's they only enhanced his over all bad boy look. He had a long lean muscular form large wide hands, his hair a dark golden blond with small streaks of grey, beautiful unnatural eyes of Amber, his lips parted to show brilliant teeth . And with a intelligent and soft nature he had the best of both worlds air about him, she couldn't wait to dress him a little better ooh now to convince him to got to muggle London as well as the alley Petunia had always loved to dress her sister and father. Now that Vernon no longer had her under his thumb she could be herself again she could breath again. She strangely believed every word both man and beast had said to her they spoke of truth and safety, Lily had always trusted this man she would trust her sister's judgement and let this man protect her boy's.

"Thank you for telling me something so difficult for you Remus but it changes nothing for me you will reside with us I presume." She sat back primly and accepted the bottle he handed her she sipped from it the frothy cool drink cooled some of her worse thoughts on the man's looks. It was hard to resist him even if she didn't feel herself pretty enough to catch him his wolf had said some lovely things.

"You are being really understanding I'm lucky to be here now sharing a butterbeer with someone so lovely." Remus blushed and looked back at the lake Petunia smiled at his lovely remark she vowed to herself she would heal and become worthy of such praise.

"I think Diagon Alley is a bit pricey for clothing and for one I probably would never be comfortable in the robes like Lily use to wear, Do you think we can go to muggle London it would be much cheaper then Madam Milkins her prices were heinous for a single gown. The boy's can get when they are older but for now as they are liable to get dirty and tare clothing it just makes more sense especially as Dudley will be losing weight." She tossed to the lean man devouring a sandwich.

"I hadn't thought of that to be truthful I have never bought new clothing James lent me his robes for his and Lily's wedding. You'll have to show me were is best places are I have never been to a muggle clothing store." Remus said Petunia nodded and they continued their lovely afternoon snack sipping the frothy sweet drink. Little else was said as the sun traveled the sky the duo ate the snacks just relaxing in the summer sun . They made their way back to the school and to the boys Remus left Petunia to the Matron and made the trek down to the Shack throwing himself on the bed he finally relaxed and fell into a fitful sleep.