Chereads / 静的ボイドInsticWalker V: The Unknown Striker / Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Back To Normal

静的ボイドInsticWalker V: The Unknown Striker

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Back To Normal

Unknown steadied his movement

against Neely, trying to figure out an

opening to land a blow; as Neely leap

dashes with his fist, unknown looked

in a slow motion like and felt the wind

directly towards his face as if the

wind was a time to act fast then to

feel the brease. Unknown bobed, then

jabs for Neely's chest with his right as

he defends his head with his left arm,

Neely then jumped back and lunches

at Unknown. Zero and the others

watching, while Netro studies there

speed and ability. An hour later had

gone past a full blown hour "How Long is it,

I'm tired" Zero yawns deeply tired "Okay, you two the

results are done. That was amazing, Unknown I've

never seen anything like this before" Netro said

in a fascinated sense, Natural hears

the others in the training room while writing in his

journal "wether if it's evil or cute, you can

never get away from something that is

so adorable especially when it's something

short that's sleeping on

top of your back while writing on your desk"

Natural wrote down then sigh, while calabaza is on top of him sleeping as Natural quietly

closes his journal. Static pokes Natural in

a scared way, he turns around trying to speak but stops while calabaza puts his furry paws on Naturals

forehead, He then picks up Calabaza and

puts him on a couch for him to sleep on, Natural

and Static Quietly walked outside and began to look

up at the night sky. "Well wouldn't you Look at that, the night is so beautiful" Natural said smiling, Static looks at Natural

disgusted by the confidence. "I forgot that your half evil and half good" Natural laughed, "well at least I try to

be good" Static said in a drastic tone, "let's

go back inside cause winter hasn't quite ended

yet" Natural turns around about to go inside,

static then tackled Natural as they both fall to

the ground "Static, what's wrong with you-" Natural

said as static hushed Natural "Akuama's Shadow was

by the front door you almost walked into it" Static

whispered, As Natural looked. A shadow was by the

front of the house, static wasn't lying about the

shadow that Natural almost walked into "Akuama, Its

like I've heard that name before...Akuama? Who is

Akuama" Natural stops to think but couldn't figure

out who is this Akuama, and where had he heard that

name before, "Akuama must not know you're here if he

does he'll try to kill you" Static said as the shadow

disappeared, and Both of them got up from the ground

and went inside quickly. As they got in, everything

was silent and cold in the living room. Roxy looked at

Natural, petting his cat "I love your cat, Simba is

very charming" Roxy smiles as the cat purrs on her as

she gets excited "he's so, cute" Roxy said smiling as

she hugs the cat as Natural nervously laughs "yeah he's

very friendly to other people" Natural said scratching

the back of his head while nervous even more "Sorry,

I'm not feeling so good" Natural falls down as roxy

gets up and yells "Unknown, Neely...Guys Get over here

quick" Roxy yells loud, worried. As the others come,

unknown runs quickly and sees Natural on the floor as

his eyes widened, he then picks up natural and puts him

on the couch as Calabaza goes to the training room "Come on,

Natural you where always strong" Unknown said confident

"how long was he past out" Unknown turned to Roxy "Just right

now, right when he walked inside" she said worried as

Static Nodded his head. An hour later, Natural slowly

opens his eyes and looks around, then takes a deep

breath "how long was I out for" Natural said softly as

they all looked him "Natural...your awake, glad your

feeling better" they all said excited as the morning

rose, Natural got up "me to, sorry if I scared all of

you" Natural laughed a little bet, Neely cross his arms

and looked at Unknown "I bet someone was scared all the

way" Neely winked at Unknown, being Sarcastic "don't get

any bright ideas" Unknown said jokingly, as Calabaza in

the training room meditating and opens his eyes and began

to worry "Natural didn't fate for no reason" Calabaza said

worried as his vision began to see two red eyes and nothing more, "He's Here And He Wants Scrotris for eternity" Calabaza's eyes Widened, the candle blew out and he freaked. "You're The First On This List" It said, and took him.