Chereads / 静的ボイドInsticWalker III The Revenge Of Leixfeda / Chapter 3 - Chapter Three: A Call For Help

Chapter 3 - Chapter Three: A Call For Help

Natural slams his fist to the ground "that can't be it, Static Tried to damage our parllel Universes Parllel Fang told me that Static was evil the minute he wanted control, that's how I know Static Wasn't control by LiexFeda and Firestyle I don't know about him" Netro unplugs the overhead screen and turns it off "Hey I needed that" Netro breaks the box and throws it "It's not safe having those, if LiexFeda wanted to he could've came through there, it's weird how they don't summon there friends to fight us, why is that" Netro tries to think as Calabaza flashes his head and sees nothing but darkness "I still can't predict, Natural i-" Calabaza stops himself and just backs away as sliver looks at Calabaza "don't worry we'll figure out away to fix you" Silver steps in to the conversation "Natural what ever happened to my world called RUN where you stopped me and Unknown from doing something, why did you pulled me out of that world" Everyone stays Silents as Unknown whispers to silver "Silver now's not a good time-" Silver turns her head to Unknown furiously then turns back to Natural "I didn't pull you from that world for no reason, me and you met just like how Unknown met you in a cloak and a mask as he still wears and never takes it off up to this day, I was already looking for Powerful people to help me defeat Static, but you weren't really in another world you were in the same world just on the other side of it, when I new Unknown was Neelys Brother I needed Unknowns help to defeat Static which I never thought it would be complicated. After all of this you can return to your home town or place if you want no pressure" She stops and thinks "it's fine I rather stay here then my home town or at least it was a town before all the flames burned it down" Unknown looked at Silver "Can we not talk about our past This is StaticVoidInsticWalker not Run that's in another book" Unknown looks At Silver as she smacks Unknown on the head softly "Talk about my book again and I'm gonna make you RUN" Silver looked at Unknown Furiously as he backed up "Yes ma'am" as he nodds his head nervous "are you two done....thank you" Natural clears his throat and speaks "We all need to take down LiexFeda and stop him before he destorys this world Let's move quickly Netro you got the map to the weapon "yeah it's north side of milestone lake not far from here" Natural Sparks and moves his hands and creates a Dragon as it appears out of bright light as They all Froze "YOU CAN SUMMON THIS MYSTERIOUS DRAGON THE HOLE TIME" They all yelled at Natural "Sorry i never told you guys but hey a creator never reveals his secrets now hurry we must get to the weapon" Natural rubs his Dragon And hopps on his back sit "Get on he won't bite, Isnt that right Dragon" The dragon smiles, they all got on the Dragon "okay boy let it reap, He-Ah" Unknown covers his mouth "don't look down, don't look down" Unknown repeatly said in his mind as Sliver smiles "this is awesome" she yelled as she seen Unknown looking sick "not use to a heights huh, me neither just ignore it" the dragon traveled through an instant as they entered through a parllel universes as they all looked fascinated and see stars and galaxies and entered in another world as it's known as a Kepler planet as they get off the dragon Unknown felt a hard inhale as he tried to breath like if someone was putting pressure on his chest and stoping him from breathing "I can't breathe, what is this place why are we here-" Unknown feels his air coming back as Natural Uses his narration to be able to breathe in this world "where are we I've never seen anything like this before" Silver says as she looks around, Natural walks pass them all and yells "Parllel Dragon I NEED YOUR HELP" Natural yelled as it echoes the entire world as the ground moves and shakes "Why do you insist to come back to my world NaturalSfmStudios, I seize my own mind as I don't have a word of my way" Unknown yells "We need your help to save our world, who ever you are-" Natural smacks Unknowns shoulder as it came out, "I suppose we've never met before" as Unknown froze to see that it is a dragon and Unknown looks above him Unafraid "Natural you've brought guests, if I would've known I wouldn't have been so rude, let me introduce myself, my name is Parllel Fang others call me by many names so feel free to call me by whatever you like" Unknown looks at Parllel confused "you don't remember me do you, you where the one who gave me this sword" Unknown draws his sword and as Parllel Fang noticed the sword and remembered "it's you, You where the one who helped Natural, I thank you and all of you for taking this trip with NaturalSfmStudios" Scortris looks at the Dragon as he's ashame to show himself as The Dragon noticed him "Natural you've brought one of Statics Demons here, Why?!" NaturalSfmStudios forgot about Scortris "Wait! You've got it all wrong, Scortris is on our side and will fight beside us" Scortris goes behind Natural as the dragon looks at him Confused "I can't believe you made one of Statics Demons good, that's very clever of you anyways, now that I'm in a good mood what do you want to tell me" Naturalsfmstudios talks to the dragon loud "Theres this evil guy who calls himself killer of All Creators, and is coming after us as well as you, we need to find a way to stop him" Neely cuts in "When we defeated Static Void Walker, Static left a megnetic Shockwave fielder around our world and LiexFeda wants to destory our world, how do we find the weapon before he does" Netro, Roxy, Silver and Zero relaxed and enjoy there rest as silver made mat to rest on "it's boring hearing Natural and Unknown talk to a huge dragon, if it where me I'd probably have a headache from looking up to much" Silver inhales deeply and exhales as Roxy looks a silver "You know most of the time I find it hard to relax and trying to beat evil, even though me and my brother were on the evil side controlled by static, it's very boring your not wrong, but I like where are friendship is going" Roxy Smiles