Chereads / Green Wastelands / Chapter 30 - Chapter 27

Chapter 30 - Chapter 27

Usually, when Lilia played the piano, even when playing for an audience, she poured her entire being into the music, nothing else exists except for that. That night, though, was different, she wanted the voices to stop, so Lilia played to drowned them out, but they only have gotten louder. Before long, the music became something that wasn't hers anymore, like Lilia was walking through the fog, where she heard a sound in the distance. All Lilia could do was follow.

In the end, Lilia found herself being able to control everyone around her. But she was also being controlled by her music, something that used to bring her joy. It scared her, it intoxicated her, and after she came to an understanding of what she had done that night, she had vowed never to do it again.

That night, everything was swept under the rug. No one was hurt. Everyone merely woke up thinking that Lilia, at such a young age, burdened with her genius, just went crazy and was never seen in public again.

"It was horrible," she breathed out.

Shadow just grinned, his eyes unfocused as he thought of that night. "No, it was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I ever saw."


Towa City, Seven Years Ago.

Sean was thrown in a cell, landed in a heap in the corner. "Here you go, you little brat, hope you enjoy your stay." The guard laughed before moving in the next room.

'The guy's breath smelled like sour milk.' Sean twitched his nose in distaste, but that was the only thing he could move. Sean was beaten; if he even budged a little, Sean felt his bones grating against each other in pain.

"Danny, damn, did you have to beat up the kid. Come on, he's getting shipped out to the compounds anyways. Give the little guy a break." A second man spoke up.

'This man's smelled like peppermints with a hint of bitterness. Coffee?' Sean thought, distantly.

"Ha, I never touched the kid, he was like that when I picked him up. If you asked me, he got what he deserves. He was the one who almost killed one of the Shadowhawk heirs." The guard laughed. "They even gave me a big payout as an incentive to make sure that he would get the worst assignment."

"That group of assassins? He's lucky they didn't kill him."

Sean sighed. The Shadowhawk family adopted him. They wanted a training companion for one of their sons, but it soon became apparent that Sean had far surpassed their heir.

Sean wasn't really surprised to find the other boy, Jace, trying to kill him in his sleep. Though it certainly surprised Jace that Sean was able to overpower him.

His lips turned up. Jace smelled so good bleeding and shaking before Sean, like the sweet smell of baked goods... He needed more, but the adults stopped him. While beating Sean, they called him a monster.

'Why.' Sean still didn't understand. 'Didn't Jace attack first?' Though deep down inside, he knew that they were right; he was a monster. He couldn't stop himself; all he wanted was more of that sweet smell.

Another voice spoke up. The man's voice was cheerful. "Ha, you guys, what are you talking about."

Sean was confused. 'This man doesn't smell like anything.'

"Danny took another bribe. This time with the Shadowhawk family."

"Oh, because of that boy? Brave man, dealing with the Shadowhawks, it's a tricky business. You might find yourself in back ally with your neck cut."

There was a pause, and the sweet baked smell came, like with that time with the boy. But it was quickly replaced by the sour milk smell. "Naw, money is money. No matter where it came from."

"If you say so," The second guard replied hesitantly.

"Now, Now. Cheer up. Let's drink and put some music on." There was a rustling sound, and the piano was playing in the backyard.

Sean tensed. This music there was such power behind every note. It felt like… "Huh, like me."

"Ha quiet down, you…" Suddenly there was the thudding sound than another.

Footsteps were coming closer. "Let me see your eyes, boy." It was the cheerful guard, but his voice sounded different. Sean looked up to find himself staring up at a black mask.

"No-face," Sean whispered.

"Good, we still have some time. Now lets get you out of here."


A Few Months Later.

That man, with the no face, was back. After No-face treated Sean's wounds, he only came around to make sure he was fed and leave soon after. He never talked to him. Not once since he picked Sean from that jail. It didn't matter to Sean if he got fed and a clean place to sleep. Sean didn't know what the man wanted, but Sean didn't really care either.

Sean felt empty, but then again, he always felt empty. He had no inspiration, no ambitions. Sean didn't care; nothing really mattered with his stomach empty, anyway.

But now he stood before Sean, after having left him alone, and Sean realized that this visit wasn't about food.

He was wearing a suit.

"Clean up and wear this," No-face ordered, dropping a suit on his bed. "You know where the bathroom is."

"Where are we going?" the boy asked.

"Piano concert. I want to conduct a little experiment," No-face answered before leaving.


A Couple of Hours Later.

He felt something that he thought he'd lost long ago. Excitement.

This girl. This girl on the stage with just the power of her voice had stopped hundreds, maybe even thousands of people. And it was awe-inspiring. Hell, even he and No-face felt it bearing down on them before shaking it off.

'This girl,' Sean thought, this girl will be the one. 'The one that I heard from before.'

"That look." The man chuckled lightly. "That is the look I was going for, I could work with that look."

"Listen, son," the man continued, "That girl." He nodded towards the girl breaking down on the stage, "She will need you soon, but you're not ready yet. You need training."

"Will she give me what I need?" whispered the boy, his eyes never leaving the girl, not daring to hope.

"Of course, son. Of course. More than you know," the man answered gruffly.



"I was waiting patiently for that day, but you never grew strong enough. No matter I can't wait any longer," Shadow spoke, sliding his dagger down her face. "If you can't give me what I need. Then I make you into what I need," continued Shadow with conviction. "As soon as you're tucked away…. I'll kill that little friend of yours, and maybe your sister for good measures. I won't let anyone take you away from me."

'Rachel and Stella. He's going to kill Rachel and Stella. No.' Lilia struggled fruitlessly against the Phantom, still holding her in place. 'But nothing worked; it was like fighting jelly, very cold jelly, so frustrating.'

Shadow's amusement grew. "Stop moving, will you." Then he pricked her, Lilia's limps gone numb.

Then, as if in slow motion, Shadow snapped her flute.


Shadow moved towards the wall, while his phantoms dragged Lilia away. He couldn't help but feel hollow inside. Something was missing. He'd got what he wanted, but something wasn't right.

Being an empath, it was a feeling he felt from others; it tasted like sour berries, but it was also something he'd never experienced himself. Shadow had asked Lilia what the feeling was, a long time ago. What had she said it was?

'Disappointment.' Shadow brushed the feeling away. 'No matter.'

He moved towards the abandoned gate. He had one little thing to take care of.