Chereads / Green Wastelands / Chapter 10 - Chapter 7

Chapter 10 - Chapter 7

The Headmistress's Office.

A plump, sturdy woman with greying dark hair, sharp, but tired, hazel eyes leaned into her chair, sipping a mug of coffee. Maria Weatherly, Headmistress Weatherly, had spent all night going through the day-to-day paperwork, and it was starting to get to her.

She glanced at the window. She could see the afternoon sun peeked through and sighed. Last time she checked, it was pitch-black.

Maria softly placed her cup of coffee on her desk, rubbing her eyes behind her glasses. She ignored her assistant, Tina Andres, while she was silently pouring her seventh, no, was it her eighth, cup of coffee.

Another night, looking through trade agreements. Mission reports, discipline documents, obituaries, recruitment lists, accounts, and the like. The paperwork was endless. Not to mention having to deal with other Compound Leaders and Cities' government to keep her compound open. Plus, her little side business as an information broker.

It was a real headache and frustrating to the point of exhaustion.

'I wouldn't have it any other way.'

But something else was on her mind. In the act of vexation, she pushed away from her desk to stare out the window.

"Major Hetton bragging that he's going to take over my compound like it was a done deal. He even had the nerve to pump my kids for information." She gritted her teeth.

There were not many registered compounds due to strict conditions. First, it needs to be self-sustaining. Second, it needs to house a large number of people. And third, the area only shows a minimal amount of damage from the surrounding Wastelands.

Compound 8 was only established a few years ago, so it was still vulnerable to outside takeover. Plus, the city Towa was close by, and so were a lot of ruined towns, she didn't need to say that the compound was prime real estate. It was a trail just trying to keep the vultures away.

"Isn't that what you want him to do?" Andres' voice was suddenly beside her. Marie glanced sideways before turning back to the window. She was a little startled by her assistant's silent movements but appearing weak, unless it benefits her, was something that she doesn't do.

Marie had to smile at that. "Oh, yes. Drucilla can sweet-talk anyone for information, and Byson has his ability." She smiled turned into a frown. "I am more concerned about something else."

"Are you that worried about Major Hetton?" Andres asked.

"About Major Hetton? No," she denied. "He can eat his pompous ass for all I care, but his backers are another story." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "He is way too confident."

Men like Major Hetton were predictable. They overvalued their importance and think they were above the law… especially if a woman was involved. Marie liked to be underestimated, it was more satisfying bringing them down.

If only I were dealing with just Major Hetton.

"What I need is more information." Wait, there was something. She moved back to her computer opening her email. There, a party invitation from Major Hetton.

"Outpost 23, huh? I believe that's close by," Marie whispered. Outposts were not much different compared to compounds, except they didn't meet one or more of the criteria. Even so, they had their uses. "Doesn't he use that Outpost a lot?"

"Yes, especially of late, but I thought you going to decline?"

"The timing was too suspicious," she answered thoughtfully. "But we may not have a choice."

"Do you want me to contact Mr. Chesterfield?" acquired Andres.

She hated the man. His cover was to be Bryson's and Druid's chaperone, but he was a government spy. His objective was to monitor her Lumeye teens. It couldn't be helped if she wanted the Cities' support, she had to abide by their rules. At least for now.

"Yes, but I don't think they are going to be enough."

"You mean Shadow, I didn't think it would be that kind of mission."

"I want to cover all angles. That's why I am sending the younger ones as well." Marie watched the surprise crossed on Andres's face.

"They only have gone on in and out jobs. They are not ready," Andres denied.

"Maybe so, but my instincts are screaming that they are all needed. If not…" Marie shrugged her shoulders. "Let's pass the mission off as a team learning experience."

"Why risk it then?"

"Major Hetton threatened my kids, no one threatens what's mine and gets away with it." She clenched her teeth. "Plus, his faceless backers are worrisome. I rather cut their heads off before they have a chance to cut off mine." Marie headed towards the door with Andres not far behind. "Now lets the kids the good news."


Headmistress Maria and her assistant Andres walked into the training area. The six Lumeye instantly stood at attention.

"We have a mission to plan."

"Yes, Ma'am."


The Day of the Mission.

Lilia and the others stood beside the back gate, with the Headmistress and Stella. She wondered, for only a minute, where Miss Andres might be, but she must be at Headmistress' office, diverting any unexpected visitors.

Druid and Bryson looked very spiffy in their evening wear. They, with their escort, Mr. Chesterfield, were going by car, whereas Lilia, Terran, Heather, and Shadow will be trekking through the Wastelands.

Driving by car was going to take a couple of hours at most. So, it was going to take quite a bit longer to walk. Lilia didn't mind; she'd rather trek through the Wastelands with all its dangers than being trapped in the car any day. She shuddered at the thought.

Plus, she was distracted by a squirrel's thoughts, just beyond the gate. She couldn't help but smile at the little guy's antics, scurrying from one tree to the next. Animals' thoughts were more comfortable to handle. Maybe because of how straightforward they were. Another reason she likes the Wastelands.

But not everyone was as overjoyed as she was. Whereas Terran and Shadow were indifferent, Heather, on the other hand, was pouting. "I want to drive."

Druid answered soothingly. "Having a fourteen-year-old driving a jeep stands out too much."

"I could drive, way better than any of you," Heather huffed. "And I'm a mechanic I can fix anything."

"Heather." Terran groaned, shaking his head.

"I do not deny that your skills are top-notch, but…"

"Would you rather be stuck in a car, when you have a chance to be out there?" Lilia added, waving her hand in the direction of the Wastelands.

Heather's mouth gaped open. "But…" She looked conflicted. "Fine, I'm faster without the jeep, anyways," Heather reluctantly agreed, but she was still pouting a little.

Headmistress Weatherly looked bored. "Can we get a move on, Lilia." Her eyes glare burned a hole in Lilia.

"I hate this." She sighed. What the headmistress was asking was something too similar to what happened before.

"I don't care if you hate it, do it anyway," Headmistress Weatherly ordered. "This could save your life."

Terran hesitantly asked, "What's going on?"

Druid stepped in. "Lilia is trying something, just watch."

Lilia breathed in and out and closed her eyes. Her mind reaches out to something that was always there, the link, and she started to play. Lilia was the conductor trying to find the right resonance for her musicians to respond to, and they to each other. She touched a note. 'No, that's not right.' Then another. 'Closer.' Let's try this again. 'There!'

Lilia opened her eyes. *If you can hear me, raise your hand.*

The other five Lumeye raised their hands.

"What so special about it?" Bryson asked. "We all now that she is a telepath."

Don't like explaining it was so tiring. Fortunately, Stella spoke up. "It's like a closed-circuit communication device. Since communication devices are spotty in the Wastelands, the headmistress…um…" Stella's eyes turned to the headmistress.

"I 'persuaded' Lilia to work on it." 'Persuaded? More like hounded.' "You can have contact not only with Lilia but with each other as well. I figured that this mission would be an appropriate time to test it."

The twins looked at each other with wide-eyed, before conversing telepathically.

'The volume!' She winced.

Lilia kneaded at her head. She slipped her headband around her eyes and covered her ears with her earphones, trying to keep the pressure tolerable. She was prone to sensory overload and have five other minds crowding on her own doesn't help.

Lilia felt a hand brush against her arm, and the information overload slowly ebbed away. She uncovered her eyes slightly to see the concerned face of her little sister. Lilia smiled faintly. Stella always made her feel better with just a touch.

"I'm fine." Lilia gave her sister a strained smile. "The connection just needs to stabilize." She closed her eyes again.

It only took a few minutes for the connection to settle down, and Lilia could finally think.

"It is good to have your attention, Lilia." Lilia glanced up and saw Headmistress Weatherly staring back. Her words seemed harsh, but she slowly nodded her head, like she knew it was hard for Lilia and understood. In her own way, Headmistress Weatherly cared…even if it was just a little bit.

Lilia glanced at the other five. Druid and Terran's worried look; Bryson, indifference; and Heather, a little confused. She didn't look at Shadow. She didn't want to know what his expression was.

Lilia patted Stella's hand, indicating that it was okay to let go, before turning towards Headmistress Weatherly and nodding in confirmation.

Headmistress Weatherly stared at Lilia for a few seconds before addressing everyone. "Okay, let's get this over with. I have better things to do with my time than being here. You all know the plan, so let's just go over the basics. Bryson and Drucilla are to attend the party. This time you're the distraction. Stay close to Major Hetton as much as possible."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Headmistress Weatherly addressed Druid alone. "Drucilla, please make sure that you don't do anything unnecessary. The last time was a real mess to clean up."

Druid smiled sweetly. "Yes, Headmistress."

Headmistress Weatherly looked like she didn't believe her, but before she could let it slide, she turned to Bryson. "Bryson…"

Bryson bowed with his hand to his heart and said with arrogance, "I will take care of it."

'Suck up!' Lilia thought.

"Good." Headmistress Weatherly continued, after a pause, "While you two are distracting Mr. Hetten, I want Lilia and Sean to sneak in, to look for anything useful."

"Anything that can be used against that asshole..." Headmistress Weatherly couldn't help but show her seething expression, before reverting to her usual blank face. "Terran and Heather will stay at the rendezvous point. I want you two to stay there unless any trouble arises. Heather, make sure your sniper rifle is at the ready." She glared at them, warningly. "Be on your guard at all times. Your attentiveness and prompt response may save lives."

Heather, bored with all the talking, was poking Terran. In response, He was attempting to stop her. They looked up when they felt everyone's eyes on them. "Yes, Ma'am!" The twins said together, straightened up, trying and failing to look serious.

Lilia couldn't blame them. She had a tough time staying awake herself. She was itching to get out into the Wastelands… and quickly get back to bed.

Headmistress Weatherly sighed while she rubbed her forehead.

"Moving on… I gather that you memorized the outpost floor plan, guard rotations, and exit points, but just in case…" Headmistress Weatherly gave Stella a 'move it along' look.

Looking flustered, Stella stepped up and handed a folder to each Lumeye. "This the dossier in any information we could find on Major Hatten. Plus, schematics of the compound, and guard rotations. Please have a look," She gave a pointed look at Lilia.

In response, Lilia widened her eyes. How dare she just assume that Lilia couldn't do the simplest of task…she glanced inside the folder. Okay, maybe it was a good thing to have…for reference's sake. Looking at the others, Lilia was relieved to see that she wasn't the only one who decided to keep it.

Her relief quickly turned into anger when she saw Bryson, who scoffed at the folder and crumbled it into a ball, tossing it to the ground. Before Lilia could make a move, Stella was there, gathering up the papers. "Bryson," she said, tsking her tongue. "I know, you more than anyone else, didn't need it, but it's not good to throw it away like that. Resources are scarce." For them, living in the middle of the Wastelands, recycling, and reusable resources was a matter of life and death.

Bryson straightened and, with his chin in the air, he turned his back on Stella. "I don't have to listen to someone as insignificant as you."

"Bryson!" scowled Druid, and she lightly tapped his shoulder. He just scoffed but didn't move away from her touch.

Angrily, Lilia balled her hands. She wanted to hit Bryson. But Stella just shook her head and rolled her eyes. Yeah, Bryson was always going to be Bryson. Nothing was going to change that.

Headmistress Weatherly was tapping her heels on the ground with impatience. "The WMPs will be there." The WMP stands for Wastelands Marshall Patrol, and they were despatched by the Cities to keep the Compounds in line. Their presence was expected at any Compound function to represent the Cities, "Be careful not to get caught. WMPs are trained to be very observant…Well, the good ones, in any case."

In the corner of Lilia's eye, Druid looked up from a startled look. What was that about? Lilia was curious, but right now, the Headmistress gave them a look that said, 'pay attention to me, or else.'

Headmistress Weatherly clapped her hands together. "Remember the rules: Stay within eyesight of your partner. Don't use your abilities unless necessary. And be careful, you're no use to me dead, or even less so, captured," Headmistress Weatherly stated, give them a long glower to make sure they understood.

"Yes, Ma'am!"
