Zhēng Yù stepped outside and held out a hand. There had been a subtle change in the atmosphere as he was indoors, and what had seemed like a really clear day had turned in a matter of hours into a thick haze heralding an approaching rain shower. The first droplets fell like whispers, a prelude to the impending downpour. He was about to step out into it when Ēn Chén stepped beside him.
"Huh, rain… I think someone said something about that earlier."
He looked over at him, Ēn Chén was looking up, his hand outstretched as he caught the first slew of raindrops on his outstretched palm. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he looked back down and met Zhēng Yù's gaze.
"Looks like we're in for a shower," Ēn Chén remarked, the cockiness adding a playful glint to his eyes.
Zhēng Yù chuckled, the corners of his lips curving into a smile. "I guess we are."