The hanger bustled with energy. Many soldiers prepare themselves for the boarding mission, Ducarius begins to prepare himself for the operation as well. Two troop transport ships were prepared in the hanger, both outfitted with maximum shielding capabilities. The battle outside has come to a stalemate, this will allow us to tip the scales in our favor.
"Listen up." Ducarius speaks out to the many soldiers in the hanger. "This mission will be divided into two groups. The Black Stripes will separate from the main group and attempt to infiltrate their Communication center. There they will make sure they can't track the main group upon our arrival. The Green Stripes will advance with me and my two Gold Stripes. We will be our vanguard as we push to their Bridge. Understood?" After his speech, the men salute up towards Ducarius and as one yell, "Sir, yes sir!".
They begin to board the transport ships and strap into their seats. After a minute the lights turn from green to red, signaling that takeoff has begun. The ships begin to move, the engines start to fire up causing the ship to shake a bit. The pilot over the intercom speaks, "Exiting the C.N.F. Odin in 3...2...1." The ship thrusts forwards into to vast expanse of space. Almost immediately, they are targeted by the enemy capital ship.
Many rounds are fired at the two transport ships, most miss, but as they get closer more and more begin to hit their mark. Thankfully, these ships were not made for combat, but rather defense and transport. After two minutes they reach the halfway mark. "Commander, we've almost arrived." The pilot reports to Ducarius. He nods in response, but his attention shifts to the other ship.
A round from the enemy capital ship breaches the other transport ship and breaks through, damaging the systems. "We've been hit! Engine two is down, I repeat, engine two is down!" The ship begins flying slower, and starts to lag behind. The capital ship begins to focus more on the damaged ship and fires more rounds at it.
Ducarius quickly orders the pilot of his ship to steer in front of the other ship to provide it cover. The pilot nods and begins to use his ship as a sheild for the other to survive. More fire is being focused on Ducarius' ship, causing the sheilds to drop steadily.
Before the sheilds break however, they reach the enemy hanger in time. Once in the hanger they notice that enemy soldiers await them. While landing, they almost immediately begin firing upon the two transport ships. The ships in response fire off smoke to act as cover to land. Once landed the Black Stripes run off the ship and use their infrared helmets to locate multiple enemies. Through the smoke many screams are heard being cut short. By the time the smoke clears and Ducarius and the remaining soldiers get off the ship, the hanger is cleared of all the enemy soldiers.
Ducarius signals for the Black Stripes to continue onwards and infiltrate the Comms Center. They nod, and begin their advance. Meanwhile, Ducarius then signals for the Green Stripes and the two Gold Stripes, Baker and Fives, to move up with him. They begin by entering the corridor of the capital ship, and moving forwards toward the nearest elevator. Fives signals to stop, and rushes forwards with a knife towards two guards.
Without the guards having a chance to react, Fives forces the knife into the first guards neck and twists it. The other guard begins to lift his weapon and try to fire, but Fives kicks it away and removes the knife from the first guard and drives it across the other guards throat. They both fall over limp. Fives then signals to resume the advance. Ducarius nods, and moves upwards. They soon make it to an elevator.
Ducarius hears the voice of one of the Black Stripes, "Comms Center secure, all cameras, and alarms are off sir." Ducarius signals for the men to enter the elevator and it begins to ascend. Once it reaches the top, it opens revealing a hallway leading to door labeled "Bridge". They walk up to the door, and Bakers begins to plant two machines on the door, one seems to be an explosive, while the other seems to be something else entirely. Once he's finished, Ducarius signals one finger in the air. Baker then fires the second machine.
The machine burns a hold through the door, and shoots many tiny round spheres into the bridge. After a three second delay, they explode in flashes of white, blinding the enemy inside. Ducarius then signals two fingers in the air. Baker then fires the explosive, bursting the door open. The men rush inwards and begin to eliminate the enemy within.
Ducarius pushes forwards and fires two rounds from his D-17 Assault Rifle into a soldier to his left, then swings over to look forwards and fires two more into an additional soldier. He then moves up and scans the area. It's clear, the only survivors in the bridge are the crew that pilot and manage the ship. The Green Stripes begin the take them as prisoners and secure the bridge, bringing this battle to a close.
Ducarius radios to the Black Stripes and his Capital Ship, "Bridge secure, battle is won. Clean up the rest on the inside." He begins to move back to the Transport Ship to return, when the Black Stripe Captain radios him, "Commander, the ships Leader and his Elite Guard has reached an escape ship and fled to the planet below us." Ducarius begins to rush to the hanger, along with Fives and Baker. That's a civilian planet, many casualties are a possibility if they don't intercept. They rush planetside trailing the enemy in hopes to stop them before something terrible happens.