Chereads / villian deku / Chapter 16 - The War Begins

Chapter 16 - The War Begins

Nemuri Kayama POV

After Deku announced war he became the most wanted and the security been strengthened but he's been keeping a low profile we just had a meeting trying to figure out what he's planning we decided to wait and see when I got a call from Hizashi he said "We need you to go to the bank at ****83******7453" I could only say "okay." he didn't ask me it was like a command but I went and saw a person that claimed to be 'Big Sis Magne' I used my gas the villain just laughed and said "That won't work on me." I was shocked he ran towards me and punched me I couldn't dodge it felt like getting my stomach rammed in with a truck not shocking to say but I flew to a tree my spine broke it then looked at its watch and said "Boss is going to do his part soon." I then get a call but it all started to go quiet then it went black.

Hizashi Yamada POV

I finished my call with Nemuri I was fighting and screamed but he didn't flinch something tells me this was all set up by Deku after that I had to make a new plan since my quirk didn't work on it so I was relying on my strength and martial arts skill as I fighting I got a call from Nezu he said ' there has been trouble that involve heroes all over the country can you go to *********54***' I screamed "OOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKK!" he hung up after that 'I hope this works' it was like the heavens are against me because he just kept on attacking soon I was tired I began to start seeing black spots before I passed out I looked down and saw a hole in my stomach and mumbled "you will not get awa-" I got stepped on and passed out.

Nezu's POV, a

Once I finished calling every hero it turned out that every hero was fighting villain's I just finished talking to Hizashi he seemed tired I hope he doesn't die I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard screams it was the class of U.A what can I do I don't have any weapons and I don't know how to fight. I ran and went to the class 1-B the only heroes left are Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Ibara Shiozaki, and Itsuka Kendo they looked at me out of breath saying " What are you doing here why are you here run!" I said "I'm here to help you escape come on." they followed me we then came to see a green haired person I look and identified him as Izuku Midoriya the U.A traitor he turned around saw us and smiled we tried running away but he smiled and grabbed us with tentacles laughed and said "now you can't run away from me silly." and used his extra two tentacles and stabbed them into Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki I was frozen with terror and screamed " Why them Why didn't you kill me?!" he smile got larger reaching his ears and said "Why not?" I passed out .

Izuku POV

Ever since I announced war the security was stronger than before I saw that the heroes was going to go to Shiga's base so I decided to speed up my plan I announced everybody to go to the banks, gas station, and hospitals to cause a stir and have almost every hero occupied so that the stronger ones will help me into the U.A I started to take all the heroes out and went to class 1-A when I heard a "DEEKUU I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO BE A HERO SO WHY ARE YOU A VILLIAN?" I almost laughed him of all people should know why but I decided too respond with " You always knew me more then I knew myself you were right when you said I couldn't be a hero." the look made me laugh afterwards we heard class 1-B they asked "What's going on here?" they looked in horror and all said at the same time "RUN!" they looked up saw me and ran as they ran I killed all of class 1-A all of them begged for their life Bakugo broke down and started to repeatedly mutter "sorry." he was so shocked he couldn't scream afterwards got rid of his tongue and hands lastly burnt him slowly from the inside.

I went to the secret escape route close by principle nezu's office and got rid of class 1-b but when I was going to kill Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Ibara Shiozaki, and Itsuka Kendo I saw a white mouse bbear looking thing it was the principle as I saw them I decided to act like I left but teleported to escape route exit they ran I could hear their foot steps with their sharp breaths they ran and saw me their breath hitches I smiled it made me quite pleased to see their horrified faces they tried to run their efforts were laughable so I said "Now now you cant run from me." then I grabbed Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki with my tentacles then stabbed them with my extra ones and heard nezu scream "Why did you kill them why not me?" I stabbed and flung Ibara Shiozaki and said "Why not?" after that I killed Nezu I finally completed part of my mission.

I left to the base and Shigaraki saw me he had a smile on and said "You did this right?" I just smiled and nodded my head and asked "why?" he smiled this was the happiest I ever seen him so I unconsciously rubbed his head he looked shocked but didn't stop me I gave myself a quirk called slave contract used it on Shigaraki after that he passed out I Mumbled "sweet dreams." and went to All for one my father I seen him in the prison and before I could speak he said "I see you came to kill me." I wasn't shocked and said "Yes father I have." he looked somewhat shocked and said "it cant be you is it you Izuku?" I smiled and said "The one and only." he sighed and said "Its my time to go anyway... I'm ready." I smiled and shot him with a special bullet that destroyed the whole body and left.