Have you ever felt like every part of your body is screaming in pain and your bones feel like they are going to break. Well , thats how I feel right now.
I suddenly feel something grabbing my head and pulling and suddenly I can breath. which is funny because I didn't realize I wasn't breathing before.
I suddenly have an uncontrollable urge to scream ,I try to fight it and hold it in but I couldn't so I let out the loudest scream ever. I hear people shouting around me.
Suddenly everything overwhelmes me and as I was about to go out I think, what kind of sick bastard is responsible for all this shit.
I wake up almost immediately because of the cold ,I mean come on can't a guy faint in peace. The fact that i couldn't faint was quickly thrown in some corner of my mind because I had found the cause of my pain.
It was this giant guy talking giberrish ,I tried to move but I found that I was unbelievably weak and constrained. This is really turning into a bad day.
First am in pain, then I find out I have been kidnapped and- judging by my weakness- drugged by a gaint. I mean a gaint, how do they even exist.
As I stuggle I feel the constrained are gone and the giant picks me up gently ,which is weird considering my circumstances and that's when I finally see the whole room.
I look around and see the whole room and that's when I see the room. It was a giant shack and there were people all around a bed.
On the bed was a woman who looked like she just gave birth, and then it suddenly hit me, I was reborn and this time I fainted for real.