An echo of the past, "-whispers of the living, screams of the dying, within the cycle of life and death – the tree of life falls. You have taken the life of what gives life to this land. Will you take responsibility for its death, how will you repay the debt of power, those who've taken from the tree must repay their due nigh."
"The Celtic Guardian," Staxius waited outside the Imperial Castle, "-it has been a while, my friend."
"Friend, foe, we are who we assume. Three in one, your awakening was due. You have taken the path of Asura, and thus, with the duty I have been given, I will bestow thee the power of Absolution. Free the world for its sin, and mayhap, this sins of the heavenly shall be forgiven."
"Celtic Guardian, do thee not wish to partake in warfare with yours truly?"