"Whatever, filthy demis," the arms waved to another holding an open flame, "-burn the heretic." Hatred, solitude, hopelessness, they piled as would a farmer preparing for the winter, resentment kept at a hearty distance from one's life. What now, what then, will the fight ever end? Flammable liquid dowsed the dried hay, the end of a person's life, the worst possible way to die, burning to death.
*Bang,* soldiers fell like flies, headshots.
"Get down," the crowd gasps.
"Our pain…" said the lady, "-IT'S BEEN MANIFESTED!" a heart-breaking howl flashed a shadow atop the stakes, unidentified beings circled.
"Everyone," a portal split, Alta, and Ulia manifested, "-get back," the latter conjured a high barrier. Gunfire raged on from above, the stray Kreston uniform-wearing men scurried under the cover of unoccupied buildings. A single volley separated the town from the enemy.