A mind tethering on the verge of collapse, a lady who was but an innocent child led astray by the hard-truth of what it meant to be someone of renown, Aceline, the Pride of Hidros, had returned to her prior senses. The fakeness of wanting to prove herself – a good sentiment when said and done, was nothing short of a convenient excuse. The way peace turned to its antonym, hurting others to attain what was wanted. A feeling of superiority which grew addicting, the influence of being surrounded by people who said 'yes' and complimented every little thing, and in case of mistake would often default to 'it's fine tis not thy fault', one starts to see how said environment changed an individual to what she hated. The conversation served to open her eyes, the underlying emotion of wanting to be criticized came true; being held responsible made it so much easier to atone and be a better person.