"Was that really necessary?" Undrar asked Staxius continued to examine the building. "Whatever do you mean?" he acted coy, the question referred to his habit of testing and toying with the people closest. The only response was but a smirk, to which she sighed.
The newly acquired store wasn't half bad. Given the outside looked more like a haunted house, with the apparent window cracks revealing itself – a serious remodeling was due. The shop held only two rooms, one upfront and one directly behind. In it's prime, the backroom must have served as storage and rest area. A pretty standard layout for something commercial.
"What's the verdict," Undrar asked, countless mice ran across, they screeched. However, each time one came before her sight, it would instantly turn to dust, dragons weren't real fans of those rodents. "For the price I paid, I guess it's a bargain. The structure isn't half bad, a few touches here and there should bring it up to date.