July, location, Rosespire's private airfield. Aircraft's harsh landing squealed. A darkened jet taxied to a similarly somber hangar. Stairs lowered and from the cockpit rose a familiar face, '-back home,' inhaled Igna, '-what a great surprise.' Unbeknownst to the king, after the very liberal selfie landed upon the group chat, an explosion of messages and voice called ensued.
"This is Hidros?"
"Yes," he replied.
No time was wasted on ceremony, for it would seem, the king had more pressing matters to attend to. The castle was yet notified of the arrival. At the crack of 09:00, as the town revived from the prior night – two bikes passed the castle gates, "-was that?" narrowed Eira, a whiff of air from the steeds tussled her hair. She immediately stopped and turned, "-I'll be right back," she said, scurrying at a jogger's pace.
Colorful helmets lifted to familiar faces, "-brother."