"Who else can it be?" the godlike silhouette gave a helping hand. 'He just took out the gang without support,' the breathing disrupted.
"No time for anxiety," chastised Igna, "-wake up, Odgar, you're the leader. I've only halted the premature slaughter."
"The hospital," cried he, "-we need a doctor, Aki's badly wounded."
"So be it," the palms pressed, *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* they stood atop the drug store. He watched silently; any unnecessary movement could rupture the savior's concentration.
"Are they the only one's present?" inquired Igna who waited atop the edge.
"Yes," nodded Odgar with a faint inhale, '-is that a child on his back?'
"Then so be it," he playfully tapped the dark-green hair, "-Vanesa, if you'd please take them out."