The start of a relationship would mark whether it be a long-term commitment or a short-term exchange of loneliness. For Igna and Alicia, they had already lived as if a couple, and shared most things the couple had. A relation without a name until now. Firstly, they stopped at the hotel for the lady was less than presentable. Between the putrid breath and the marred hair, a phone came from lady Courtney. Éclair reported her involvement as a spy under Igna's orders. At 17:00, they left for the skyscraper. Guards diligently watched and studied. Traffic was denser than the past few days.
"Igna," said Lady Elvira overlooking her large ebony desk. Lady Courtney was in the corner with a book in hand and tea to the side.
"Lady Elvira, Lady Mother, it's a pleasure to meet you again."
"Good," said Elvira sharply, "-that must be Alicia?" she inched closer with elbows on the table.